Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Plus One!

So again with the Proverbs 31 devotionals - Thanks Mom!

This one was PERFECT. I mean, kinda sad, but so glad to know I'm not the only one. And when I read it, I realized it could apply to several people - maybe everyone at some point.

It talks about loneliness and feeling like we need a "plus one" - esspecially this time of year with all the holiday parties and events. I am fine - don't get any ideas people - this isn't a sob story. But of course it's nice to have the "plus one". But what I loved so much about this devotional is that God can be our "plus one", our go to person for when we feel all actuality, He is always there. Whether or not we realize it. He is with us through all our holiday parties, family gatherings, work days, fun days, and not so fun days. He is on the couch watching a movie with you at 11pm, handing you tissues when the sad parts come. He is the person you see through when you try to make eye contact with someone from the opposite sex. He is the person helping you manage your kid or kids when you feel like you can't do it anymore. He is the one helping you crunch the numbers in your office late at night.

Loneliness happens to all of us. Even when we are in a room full of people. During the next few weeks, through the holidays, remember you're not alone. If you feel alone, know that He is right there with you. It's so hard to do sometimes. It's so hard to see beyond our own feelings of sadness and depression.  And also remember, there are people in your life for a reason. To talk to, to experience life with, to cry on their shoulder, to laugh with, to reach out to.

How are you today? Do you feel the tinge of loneliness? Please rest assured in this verse....

“My eyes are ever on the LORD, for only he will release my feet from the snare. Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted.” Psalm 25:15-16 (NIV)

Monday, December 19, 2011

In Loving Memory...

When my Grandma passed away in 2005 my dad framed the poem shown below. Christmas was her favorite holiday. She passed away 6 years ago today. I was a senior in high school when I got the message that my Grandma had been called home. I walked in to tell my last period teacher that I wasn't going to make it to class that day. I will always remember seeing one of my best friends in that class at the time, saw me crying and he made sure that I was ok. During the Christmas season, take time out for people you don't get to see very often, send a note (a text) to those you miss, and make sure your loved ones KNOW you love them. Our time here is short, it's precious, and we need to live it to the fullest. He has an incredible life in store for us if we just let Him light the way. I constantly have to remind myself that all my hopes and dreams are so small compared to the reality of His will.

Hope you enjoy this little poem. My heart goes out to you and your family - we all miss someone that we might have been extremely close with or that we might not have known very well. Just remember they are looking down and watching over you!

My First Christmas in Heaven

I see the countless
Christmas trees
around the world below
With tiny lights, like Heaven's stars,
reflecting on the snow

The sight is so spectacular,
please wipe away the tear
For I am spending Christmas with
Jesus Christ this year.

I hear the many Christmas songs
that people hold so dear
But the sounds of music can't compare
with the Christmas choir up here.

I have no words to tell you,
the joy their voices bring,
For it is beyond description,
to hear the angels sing.

I know how much you miss me,
I see the pain inside your heart.
But I am not so far away,
We really aren't apart.

So be happy for me, dear ones,
You know I hold you dear.
And be glad I'm spending Christmas
with Jesus Christ this year.

I sent you each a special gift,
from my heavenly home above.
I sent you each a memory
of my undying love.

After all, love is a gift more precious
than pure gold.
was always most important
the stories Jesus told.

Please love and keep each other,
my Father said to do.
I can't count the blessing or love
has for each of you.

So have a Merry Christmas and
Wipe away that tear
Remember, I am spending Christmas with
Jesus Christ this year

Merry Christmas :)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Society annoys me sometimes

This is ridiculous. No, not the prevalence of this topic in the news (we all know how reporters can be, beating a dead horse), but rather the fact it’s in the news at all. It’s disheartening for those of us who are still single or not yet married.  Very disheartening.

Are people so afraid to have truthful, completely bare, authentic relationships that they would rather just live in a fantasy world, playing house and cohabitating like it’s no big deal?  In fear that they might get hurt or actually have to committ to something? What happened to Biblical truth? What happened to the institution that is marriage? The perfect union it once was viewed as has been tarnished and down trodden.  I can’t even say specifically who is to blame. We are. Society. We let this happen. We allowed and encouraged people to take up for what is “right” and what is theirs (sounds like another case of Occupy Wall Street). People, becoming so obsessed about “making it on their own” and doing things for their benefit only, are the number one contributing factor to the decline in marriages today. No one is perfect – if you’re waiting on the perfect person, you’re going to be waiting a long, long time. In my opinion.

It’s not my place to judge you. If you want to live your life and truly feel that living your life means doing everything on your own, that’s your prerogative. It’s just really sad that people are so disconnected these days – from each other, from the world, from families and friends.

On top of all of that – the priority from keeping your marriage in tact above all else has shifted to being all about the children. A very very VERY good friend of mine once told me that whenever I get married that my priority must always remain my husband. She said, and her point is 100% legit, that children will grow up and leave and you will always have the person you started with – your husband or wife. Losing sight of the meaning of marriage, procreating on purpose outside of marriage, living together before marriage or without any regard to marriage – breaks my heart and only leads to the broken hearts of others.

A marriage should be fun. It should be hard work. It’s not meant to be scary or disabling. It’s an emotional struggle. It’s not meant to be a chore. Marriage is so much more than just “living together”.  It should be you and your best friend. The person who loves you for you. Who can make you laugh or push the right button to make you cry. The person who knows your heart, the real you. The person you can do anything with or nothing at all.  Your spouse shouldn’t be the person it is because they make a good living, have a nice fancy job, drive an expensive car, can provide for you in a financial way only, and have good genes to make beautiful babies. Yes, those things are nice and it would be awesome if that’s the way it was but waiting and hoping for something to happen does not mean it’s going to.

God has a plan. He designed marriage for a reason. Marriage is good. It is right. It cannot become obsolete. It should be cherished. We are given all the tools we need to make marriage work.  And if it doesn’t work or hasn’t worked for you, does not mean it’s an all together bad thing.

Still pretty mad. Might write about this again. It just irks me. People can be really selfish sometimes. It’s amazing. I get it if “marriage” isn’t what you want. I know it’s not for everyone. But for the reasons that people are avoiding it, that’s the part I’m upset about. What are people trying to prove or accomplish?

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

This is awesome

Read that. Please. It's not long - don't be lazy! Then read what I am going to say :) Please!

I have been part of two adult women bible/book studies. The first one was way over my head. I was 20/21 and the study talked about being married, being a mom, and growing old(er). The group of girls was great; all very nice and inviting. The hardest part was building an authentic relationship with them. It was a relatively large group so that made it a bit more difficult. And two - they were all much older, more mature in their faith, and were either married, engaged or seriously dating someone.

I am really big on authentic, genuine relationships these days. With each year I get older - believe it or not - I get wiser. I cannot put a price tag on the value of a real friendship or relationship. Knowing someone - their heart, their dreams, their struggles, their past, present, and future are all crucial, in my opinion, to showing the love of Christ. Love is greater than all things.

The second small group I was part of met on Saturday mornings. I was invited by a girl I had met at a dog park in Dallas. She lived close and assured me there would only be a few other girls. The book she wanted to study seemed intriguing - so I went. The first meeting we had was awesome. We all shed several tears, walls came down, hearts were exposed - and that is when I realized what a small group should be. I haven't been the best at keeping up with those girls since moving, but they are amazing. It was truly a safe place - no one dressed up, put on make up (it was 8 or 9 on a saturday morning),  or felt the need to impress anyone. It was real. It was authentic.

I challenge you to focus on the people in your life. Evaluate your relationships. Build them up. Show people the love of Christ.

Monday, December 5, 2011

"Sure you want to work here?"

Yes please!

What a great day!

Got to decorate my nice big office, pick out some new furniture, getting a new computer, and am so excited about starting to get involved.

Now to just be patient and let God's plan unfold! The sermon yesterday was about waiting on God's time and how His time is divine and perfect. In the mean time, I will not become lazy and I will try to not make my trust in Him contingent on what happens in my life. I know that through thick and thin He will be there for me and one way or the other His will... will be done.

I am also finally getting into the Christmas spirit. This time last year was really hard for me. Lots going on and it wasn't all fun and games. At church my pastor made a good point. How can we continue to remember the birth and love of Christ in the off season? We are so busy rushing around, getting ready, decorating, baking and gift buying that we probably all lose sight of what Christmas is all about!

What is Christmas about to you?

Yay for being blessed with a new job and God's redeeming love!

I'm Back!!!!!!

Let the posting commence!

New job - day 1 - off to a FANTASTIC start! I am so excited and blessed beyond belief to have gotten this opportunity!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Evils of Social Media

I googled that exact phrase. Some articles I found defended social media and some ripped any type of credibility to shreds. All I can say is what I feel. You might thoroughly disagree.
Blogging is a type of social media. It is a way to interact indirectly or sometimes directly, with others. There are controls which allow us to limit who can view posts, add their comments, or share a link. Facebook is another, as well as Twitter and LinkedIn and Pinterest and Myspace and goodness knows what else is out there (that I am A-okay with not knowing about).  It can be overwhelming. That’s what I’ve found I’ve been feeling lately, toward social media and networking specifically, overwhelmed.  It is like an emotional rollercoaster – sometimes you are so excited to read about something or hear good news and other times you might find yourself jealous, envious, and cynical. That’s arduous.
So for November, I’ve taken a break from Facebook. I have to admit … I slipped up while in Denver and “checked-in” at the H&M store. But! I am very proud to say I have not browsed around, stalked, or had a single rollercoaster emotion for several days – at least in regard to Facebook. I’m a girl. Rollercoasters, unfortunately, are natural phenomena in everyday life. Hence the reason I am trying to lessen the amount of up’s and down’s in my day!
I am sad to report that I have turned to Pinterest to fulfill my sad addiction that is perusing the endless depths of a social media sight…However, I will now be giving that up as well. Pinterest is just as addicting and overwhelming as Facebook. At first I didn’t think it was. At first I thought it was just people being carefree and posting pictures of things they like or enjoy. At first I viewed it as an outlet for self expression. Then it happened. I started seeing people post pictures of how they hoped to look one day, recipes for all foods “skinny”, pin boards titled “one of these days…” for the girls longing to find Mr. Right, DIY trends that only few people can really pull off, family and baby photographs, etc.
It hit me today. I need to stop looking at these things. They make me long for things, contribute to my fears, and leave me feeling hopeless and empty. The only ones I like to see are the inspirational quotes that help me get through the day or someecards ( that make me laugh even when I don’t want to.
Here is to not succumbing to social media pressures to be a certain way, want a certain thing, and envy others. Here is to counting my blessing. Here is to taking it one day at a time. Letting go and letting God. Social media shadows my life too much and inhibits my ability to bear the fruit of the spirit.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Fear of the Unknown - Dun, Dun, Dun!

I am a scaredy cat.

I'm afraid of everything. It is super annoying. Even things I don't want to be afraid of and try not be afraid of, plague me. I'm afraid of dying. I'm afraid of close family and friends dying. I'm afraid of having my heart broken. I'm afraid of pillows over my face. I'm afraid of getting hurt. I'm afraid of judgment day. I'm afraid of quitting. I'm afraid of flying. I'm afraid I won't get the opportunity to experience certain things in life. I am a wimp. That's all there is to it.

Why do we constantly live in fear? All of us. We are all afraid of one thing or another. I might be a total weirdo because I am afraid of so many things.

Lately I've been thinking about all the reasons why I fear these things and ways to overcome them. I really think that, for me at least, I am afraid of the unknown.  I'm not sure how Heaven will be if I die; I don't know how I would cope with someone close to me passing away; I know what a broken heart feels like and I am so afraid of it happening again because, quite frankly, it sucks - not just in the romantical sense of the phrase...I don't know how I will feel when I can't breath because of the pillow; I don't know how I will feel if I break a bone; I don't know what will happen to me on judgment day; I don't know how my employer will take it if I quit; I'm not sure what will happen if I fall out of the sky in an airplane; I don't know the "what if" of an opportunity if I don't take it or miss out on it for one reason or another. 

We facebook, twitter, and blog stalk people just to be "in the know". We thrive to know what's going to happen next. God didn't put us on this earth to be comfortable. Things will always change. We will always have to face a fear of some sort. We will never know what is going to happen in the next 5 minutes, 5 months, or 5 years.

I found a great website that listed some amazing Bible verses that address fear, specifically, and they gave me a lot of hope and new found peace in the unknown.  Faith is one of a few options to overcome fear. I'm not a "get over it" type of person - so - I find ways AROUND reading Bible verses that give me warm fuzzies and allow me to feel safe, even if just for a moment. I hope you find comfort in the unknown. It's a struggle. Imagine how boring life would be if we knew what was going to happen next. Try taking a leap of FAITH - literally - see what happens....I guarantee you won't fall on your face.

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. (Psalm 23:4)

For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. (Isaiah 41:13)

Moses answered the people, "Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today.  The Egyptians you see today you will never see again." (Exodus 14:13)

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. (Deuteronomy 31:6)

For God gave us not a spirit of fearfulness; but of power and love and discipline. (2 Timothy 1:7)

The Lord is my light and my salvation--whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life--of whom shall I be afraid? (Psalm 27:1)

But the angel said to her, "Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God." (Luke 1:30)

But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people." (Luke 2:10)

So we say with confidence, "The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can Man do to me?" (Hebrews 13:6)

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. (John 14:27)

Do not be afraid - Me

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Deductibles, Donations, and Deductions

Money sucks. Doesn’t it? It does. It can be your best friend or your worst enemy, a catch-22 type thing. Sometimes you feel like you will never get out of a hole you might be in but aren’t saying you’re in because you’re ashamed that you might possibly even be in that situation. Working in the field I work in, I’ve learned that even wealthy people make poor financial decisions – the bad part is, the repercussions  they face are greater than us poor or middle-class folk’s might face. Mo’ money, mo’ problems – as the philosophers of the rap world say.  So, today it’s about money.
Money and the holidays, two things that go hand in hand, creating the perfect storm of stress and worry. This year I am doing what I should have done as soon as I was out of my parents’ house. This year financial contributions will be made in the name of my loved ones to charities in lieu of gifts.  Each member of my immediate family will admit that if they want something, they can get in their car, go to the store, and buy it. We are fortunate. We are blessed. No, we aren’t buying Ferrari’s or multiple pairs of Louboutin shoes, or even Tiffany’s jewelry for ourselves. Our needs have been met, that’s all.  
I am actually really proud of myself. I have never been good at saving money or budgeting. But, when forced to do the inevitable, I had to get good at those things – and fast. Ever heard of an insurance deductible? Well, I met mine this year after a lovely appendectomy. I never knew what ‘deductible’ really meant because it was usually always in the thousands-of-dollars range so it was of no concern that I would ever ‘meet it’. Now I am an insurance knowledgebase.  I was forced, around June, to begin budgeting my spending and to create a pay-down plan for my astronomical (to me at least) deductible that I had, unfortunately, met. I am proud to announce that I will actually be able to use the medical deduction on my taxes this year! It’s been tough but well worth it. I haven’t splurged at a mall in months and I am actually going to survive! Through the months of budgeting and making ends meet, I was able to go on several trips and haven’t felt burdened at all.
I think that’s what has inspired my new approach to gift giving this year. Knowing that I am ok without material items has shown me how insignificant ‘stuff’ is at times.
This year is going to be different (except for my niece, she’s a baby, she gets tangible gifts!) This year my priorities will be better organized. This year is going to be a struggle, but finally not financially. This year I am going to try to focus on why we gather for Thanksgiving and the true meaning of Christmas. Instead of joining the mad dashers, and die hard sale finders for “Black Friday” shopping, I will be relaxing at my parents’ house after a fabulous meal the day before, without a stress or worry in the world (maybe, I can dream, can’t I???). This year it’s not about the ‘stuff’ I might be given or receive. This year I will be filled with the fruit of the Spirit.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Cook by Picture - Shrimp Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms

Think paint by number - kitchen style - and you got...
"cook by picture"

Use your judgment on the amounts, hopefully you can tell from the pictures! There are three parts
1. Portobello Mushroom Caps
2. Shrimp Mixture for "Stuffing"
3. Bread Crumb Topping

Have fun with it and ENJOY! 


Peeled, cooked, chopped, cooled baby shrimp

Two Mushroom Caps - gutted and rinsed off

All ingredients shown above mixed together

Bread crumb topping ingredients

This is a small bowl

Before cooking

Cook at 400 degrees for 18-20 minutes

Surround the 'shroom with steamed broccoli (I added a little parmesan cheese to the broccoli)


Measurements - for those who MUST measure everything out - in order of the first picture:

-1 tablespoon of Dijon Mustard (If you don't like Dijon, just buy it, there are other recipes - tuna melts and baked chicken - that you can use it in for some awesome flavor!)
-2 tablespoons of parmesan cheese (I did 4 pinches; I like cheese!)
-2 cloves garlic, minced
-Couple shakes of the parsley (2 teaspoons)
-Squirt of Lemon Juice (2 teaspoons)
-3 scoops (tablespoons) of Onion and Chive Cream Cheese Spread
-Enough cooked shrimp to feed 2 people (about 3-4 ounces; I cooked mine with a little EVO Oil and minced garlic)

Bread Crumb Mix - seriously, eye ball it. If you melt the butter (and 2 cloves of minced garlic) and bread crumbs and it's too dry, add a LITTLE more butter. On the other hand, if it's too moist, add another shake of bread crumbs.

Note - The "stuffing" tastes awesome. I am not a mushroom fan so I only ate half of it (and all my VEGGIES!).

Monday, November 7, 2011

#3 Online Shopping Inspiration {Series} - Final

Preface (from the 1st post and 2nd post in the series)- Do you ever see things hung up in someone’s home and you wonder if they even know what it says? If it has any meaning to them or not? Maybe you don’t, but I do. As I was shopping online the other day I ran across these little poster, hanging, canvas print decoration things and began to think about what each one said and meant to me, not that I would readily hang them up all over my apartment or anything.  I will post one a day until I run out of things to say about them. I have to limit it to one [or two!]  a day so I don’t bore you with my chatter:

Do you catch yourself being cynical? Defensive? Contemptuous? How about slightly jaded from past experiences? Do you hold grudges? Is forgiveness hard? When people tell you to “let it go” do you want to punch them? Maybe not that dramatic, I know, but we all feel this way sometimes. If you don’t, just close your browser window and walk away, go see a counselor, because you’re in denial. (kidding)
“Change your thoughts and you’ll change the world”
YOUR thoughts, not someone else’s. You WILL change the world. I am guilty of assuming the person on the street corner is an alcoholic or druggie. I read a friend’s blog that talked about how her and her husband befriended a homeless couple (read about it here) and it really convicted me. Not all things are as they appear. Not all governmental figures are bad. Not all evangelists are in it for the money. Not all house wives are spoiled rotten. Not all clearance items at the mall are great deals. Changing the way we think, changes the way we interact with others, encourages and inspires positivity, and thus, can possibly change the world at a miniscule level or gargantuan level. The next poster, wall hanging, décor item is an excellent embellishment and compliment to this one; in other words, it completes my thought.

The other morning I performed a random act of kindness.
I was really early to work. Hungry, I decided to make a drive-thru run (VERY out of the ordinary for me) but I couldn’t help but think how good an egg and cheese taco sounded! I think I felt bad going through the drive through, first of all, and then realized I should probably bring some for my office. I would like to consider myself the taco fairy.
Yes, it was only tacos – but do you know how many “thank you’s” I received? Sometimes a taco goes a long way. I’m not a saint, just a taco fairy!
I remember in elementary school they were always talking about random acts of kindness. I couldn’t agree more, with the importance and effect said acts can have on a person, a family, a life, a city, a country, our world. Just like big gifts come in small packages, small acts can have a far-reaching, profound, and contagious effect on our lives. Movies like Babel and Crash always make me realize how we are all connected in some way. Surely you’ve received an act of kindness within the past week, pay it forward today. Set a goal – perform one act a week, then bump it up to twice a week, then maybe small acts every day.
See how you feel. Keep the cycle going. Change the world.

Friday, November 4, 2011

"Don't buy children for sex"


12 Million children are kidnapped or sold into slavery each year.  200,000 children are smuggled into the United States of America each year.  Human trafficking of children is the 2nd largest growing crime in the world according to the United Nations.  In 2008, the Department of Justice released an alarming discovery: An estimated 300,000 children  between the ages of 11 and 18 are lured into trafficking are American Citizens. (Embassy of Hope Center website)

A few months ago I had the privilege of attending an event hosted by three beautiful (inside and out) girls C, C, & C (seriously). The event's purpose was to open the eyes and hearts of fellow friends to sex trafficking, promote knowledge of local sex trafficking, what all trafficking entails, and ways to help. There were snacks and items for sale from Eternal Threads, guest speakers, and incredible testimony by two sex trafficked, abused victims. Embassy of Hope Center's Elizabeth Crooks was one of the speakers who divuldged TONS of good-to-know information (along with a few other guest speakers).

To make a long story short, the title of this post is the ad campaign that Embassy of Hope Center and Shared Hope International have come up with to bring a provocative message to our city. In a message they write, "A cry for help. Reports are made. Investigation begins. The result? A child is rescued from the crime of human trafficking in San Antonio. A trafficker is prosecuted. Justice advances...San Antonio children are lured into a pimp culture that wants ownership of their spirit, soul, and bodies.  Manipulation is the game = capital gain. While drugs are sold once, a child is a precious commodity that is sold again and again."

The cost of the billboard is $4,000 per month per billboard. If 80 people donated $50, the board could get put up.

I encourage you, with everything in me, to host a gathering to sell eternal threads merchandise and get the word out about human trafficking in the USA and your community. It's just like hosting a Pampered Chef, Stella & Dot, or Scentsy party. It will be near-effortless, life changing, educational, eye-opening, and a huge blessing to so many victims.

If you would like to learn more about hosting a human trafficking awareness and Eternal Threads event, please contact me and I can help get it going! You don't have to sell anything, buy anything, give away anything, just open your home and invite your friends. If one person tells ten people, and each of those ten tell another ten, think of how quickly we can help promote, prevent, and eventually end trafficking in our local communities.

To donate to the ad campaign click here. To learn more about trafficking and what you can do, visit Embassy of Hope Center.  To purchase items from Eternal Threads, shop online. To contact me, click here.

[Eternal Threads establishes sustainable methods of helping women and their families, who live in poverty to increase their income enabling them to educate their children, buy nutritious food and medicine and other basic necessities. Increased livelihood will also help mitigate the risk of trafficking and exploitation that women and children in extreme poverty face.]

[Embassy of Hope Center is a 501(c)3, faith based, non-profit organization that specializes in professional training on issues of human trafficking, prevention education for at risk youth, and survivor care. Their services include advocacy for survivors and family reintegration assistance for exploited men, women, and children who are victims of crime such as forced prostitution, pronography, stripping, and other types of human trafficking.]

Thursday, November 3, 2011

#2 Online Shopping Inspiration {Series}

Preface (from the 1st post in the series)- Do you ever see things hung up in someone’s home and you wonder if they even know what it says? If it has any meaning to them or not? Maybe you don’t, but I do. As I was shopping online the other day I ran across these little poster, hanging, canvas print decoration things and began to think about what each one said and meant to me, not that I would readily hang them up all over my apartment or anything.  I will post one a day until I run out of things to say about them. I have to limit it to one [or two!]  a day so I don’t bore you with my chatter:

“You are here, be present” - This speaks volumes to modern day society. I can’t even say “this generation” or “American society” because it is addressing everyone. To the students trying to do homework at Starbucks, distracted by Facebook and iTunes downloading, to the stay at home moms, grandparents, etc.  who can’t get off their iPhone apps (words with friends, for example), to the twenty-something striving to be a professional by today’s standards, we are all somewhere else most of the time. Yes, I’ve been in situations where someone, older than I am, told a coworker and friend that having an iPhone or smart phone was necessary to the advancement of their career; this ‘boss’ also said  having emails sent to it was a way to measure professionalism and one’s  drive to move up in a firm. Seriously???? This friend of mine, at the time, hardly even knew how to answer a cell phone!
Yes, I know, I’m one to talk. Counting down the days to when I will get my new iPhone 4S in the mail, I have no right to speak. However, how many times do you think about walking away from the person you’re trying to have a conversation with, you know, the one who hardly looks up from their ‘smart’ device to truly understand you or hear you?  Have you ever thought about telling someone, “you’re here, be present”?  Sounds harsh but maybe we need to do that sometimes.
Note to friends/family - I am really digging a hole here, aren’t I?
Turn off the world around you, or at least let it go for a few hours a day. Don’t tell the world what you’re doing via Facebook. Don't pull a Kardashian move and make your entire life public - you don't HAVE to. Don’t answer every call because each one is not SO IMPORTANT that your life depends on it. Answer your text messages after dinner. Let your work emails rack up – the hours of 8-5 are there for a reason. Everything in moderation – that doesn’t just go for food. Generate, foster, cultivate real, authentic relationships…and just be still.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

#1 Online Shopping Inspiration {Series}

Preface - Do you ever see things hung up in someone’s home and you wonder if they even know what it says? If it has any meaning to them or not? Maybe you don’t, but I do. As I was shopping online the other day I ran across these little poster, hanging, canvas print decoration things and began to think about what each one said and meant to me, not that I would readily hang them up all over my apartment or anything.  I will post one or two a day until I run out of things to say about them!


Oh Steve Jobs – how you have inspired so many. I don’t know of his religious preference but in my book, the Good Book, we are told that nothing we stockpile up here on earth is ever going anywhere after this life. Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish. I wouldn’t say endorsing foolishness is the wisest advice, but have fun with life. Don’t torment yourself with stress and anxiety (yes, I need to take my own advice). Do something fun and for yourself at least once a day. Do something you ENJOY with people you LOVE once a week. Never pass a moment you have of free time to call someone you miss or have been meaning to catch up with. Please, dear friends, don’t EVER take a job for the security or money – even if it means you’re a bit hungrier. It’s a good weight loss tactic!
Live the life you were meant to live. Find joy in everything – even the way your dog might lick you all over after a sweaty workout. It’s the little things in life that count. Try not to take things for granted. If there is a shoulda, coulda, woulda statement coming out of your mouth daily, make it happen, get over it, or find a way around it. My PALS teacher in high school always said “don’t b***h about things, do something about them”. No, not the most appropriate sentiment to leave 16, 17 and 18 year olds with but, the woman got things done! If you’re out of place, pray about it. Ask and you shall receive. God answers prayers on His time so show patience. We are all on a journey. At the end of our journey no one is going to ask how your stock portfolio looks, what you retired with, how many cars you have, what licenses and certifications you retained – people will comment on your heart, your soul, your being, your faith in God, your friendship, your love. Just keep on keepin’ on.

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sale away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover" - Mark Twain

The Steve Jobs' quote inspired my thoughts further on this piece. This poster caught my attention initially because of the reference to a flower. I’m a girl. I’m girly. I like flowers. Not too difficult. However, after I realized what it said, did I become intrigued. It’s a simple thought. Not too overly complex, complicated, or convoluted. Straight and simple and to the point. What is a miracle? Most wouldn’t consider a single flower a miracle but just THINK about it. How awesome is the process of a plant - a budding flower morphing into a beautiful and picturesque object that is on the earth for our enjoyment? How intricate our world has become even though it is full of tiny miracles. Our whole life would change if we understood, enjoyed, comprehended, loved, confided in the miracles around us. How? Personally, maybe I would be less over dramatic, more go with the flow. Maybe I wouldn’t stress quite as much or worry about things I cannot change or control. Maybe I would laugh more, stay up later, take things for granted less.  How would your life be changed if you could see and know the miracle of a single flower clearly?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Jack-o-Lanterns for dinner!

PS - check this out too!
Is it too late to post this???? Halloween was JUST yesterday! I don’t think it’s too late. Jack-o’s should be for all of Fall. They are fall colors, aren’t they? I am posting it. So here you go! (PS - sounds like a lot of work but it's not!!!!)
I had some WONDERFUL company last night, good friend from middle school (even though we knew of each other before but didn’t like each other!), high school, college, and beyond…oh and she is now my neighbor…came over for a glass of wine and girl talk.

We talked about our weekend, our joys, and our struggles; laughed and related to one another all while we drank some “Steak and Potatoes”. It’s this really awesome wine I tried at the Alon Market HEB (had to specify because this HEB is the best HEB in all of SA). The sample guy didn’t even card me! So I felt obligated. Anyways, it’s the closest thing I will ever get to eating steak and potatoes so there you go.
While we talked I mixed together the following in a large bowl:
1lb of ground turkey, raw  – 93/7 (had to use 85/15 because there wasn’t any 93/7 at the time)
1 long squeeze of Dijon mustard (should have been about ¼ cup)
1 heaping dollop of Enchilada Sauce (mild, medium, whatever – it should be about ½ cup or so)
1 small onion, chopped (I don’t care if you use white, yellow, green, purple, or brown – I used yellow)
1 small tomato or half a large tomato, chopped – or more, play with it!
2-4 cloves fresh pressed garlic – I used 4, we love garlic
4 slices of whole wheat bread, cubed – this makes the mixture thick – weird I know but good!

After I mixed everything thoroughly, CW (neighbor friend) and I got to work on our bell peppers. You will need about 4-8 bell peppers (whatever color, flavor you like). I found the kind with relatively flat bottoms so they would stand up. I had 4 but there was about half the meat mix left over – will probably cook it up tonight for tacos or something or make turkey burgers out of it.
Anyways – take a tiny paring knife and carve out your Jack-o. Be careful not to get too intricate or the poor pepper will fall apart. After you carve out a face, cut off the top of the pepper. All the seeds, or most, will stick to the top. Cut them all off and carefully scrap out and rinse your Jack-o-Lantern. See our cuties below:

Then you will stuff them lightly, don’t pack the meat mixture down (I don't know why, just don’t do it). We filled ours up and put their little caps, seed-free, back on top, arranged them on my new pampered chef mini bar pan (so cute), and baked them at 350 for 1 hour.
With about ten minutes left we took off the lids and put some Mexican blend cheese on top and let them finish baking.
CW's Pumpkin - looks like he is drooling!
His face got a little distored - they shrivle up and look 'scary' - so fun!
As a side I steamed some asparagus. Most people don’t like it but that’s because it’s not cooked right. Put your asparagus, with 1 inch of the ends cut off, in a large sauce pan with water and a pinch of salt. The water should cover them. As the water heats up and begins to boil, your asparagus (that’s like ‘deer’ – no plural alternative) will start to turn bright green. You know they are done when a fork slides through them easily but they aren’t soggy (about 5-10 minutes). Serve immediately with another pinch of salt for flavor.
And VIOLA – Jack-o’s in the pumpkin (bell pepper) patch!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Straight vs. Snaggletooth

If you need to justify your own or other peoples’ crooked teeth by creating a trend out of it, then you are in serious need of help. Yes, I just saw an article on MSN’s homepage (my go-to source for all the latest happenings in the world, and my homepage that I, apparently, am not allowed to change – company idiosyncrasy) that read “Are Crooked Teeth the Next Big Beauty Trend?”.  Really? So because Kate Moss has slightly crooked teeth, we all should? No. I mean, don’t get me wrong, my teeth aren’t perfect by any means. Shoot, this isn’t even about TEETH or how straight or snaggletooth you may be. It’s the principle of the matter, people.
Why do we have trends? What is a trend? Is trending the hot, new thing? Aren’t we all individuals, equally and uniquely made? Why does an imperfection need to be a trend? Are we that shallow? Are we that insecure that we have to expose our slight “flaws” (better referred to as “differences” or “character traits”) in order to make ourselves feel better?
Toddlers and Tiara’s – perfect example (ok, maybe not perfect) – those poor, little, sweet, overly shiny tots are a conformity waiting to happen. Yes, they are cute and they might have fun, but those moms are NUTS.  And yes, we might dress our kids up (for the record, no kids here!) and snap a picture or two but this show is extreme and they are exploiting these little girls to an immoral level.  They even give the girls fake teeth to put in since they are losing them left and right! Getting off my soap box now.
Where is the love? I am not perfect. My family isn’t perfect, but I love them and they love me. Don’t succumb to trends. Don’t drink coffee at Starbucks because everyone else does, do it if you like it. Don’t dress a certain way to fit in, unless that’s truly your style. Don’t eat a certain thing, like sushi, because it’s a hot topic, especially if you really hate raw fish! Don’t change yourself to fall into a trend (example – frizz out your hair just because that’s “in”). Being different and unique is what makes you, you. Those are the things, the crooked teeth, frizzy hair, curves, funny looking toes (will explain), that make you stand out above the rest. The less conforming you do, the more true to yourself you are.  I guarantee you will be ten million times happier in life, too!
Side note – yes, I have funny toes. One is shorter than the other, the “middle” toe on both feet, to be exact. Of course I get made fun of, but I don’t mind, because, to be totally honest, I love my little toe.  You should love your distinctive qualities, too!


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

For the Normal People

I saw this and laughed.

Do you ever feel like the old saying, "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger," just doesn't quite fit the bill? I am really trying to love it. Well, I am really trying to at least LIKE it. It being my job. The past week and the few days of this week have been fine. We have been pretty busy. That helps.

I'm normally the one who opens my mouth in meetings and can't seem to "shut up and listen" but shutting up and listening has come very easily these past few months. I usually have a lot of suggestions and honestly, I have some good ideas! However, I just haven't felt like saying much. This place will never change and if it's going to, it will be because of a few people who aren't open to suggestions and who will do it their way. I really hope I am in a holding cell. I really hope and pray for some type of answer as to why I am at this place.

Do you ever feel like that? Like you're in a holding cell? Just waiting around for 'the next big thing'? I feel like that unusually often. Too often. Patience is so incredibly cumbersome to endure. Would you agree? It's not that I want "things", I just want to have a purpose. To know what the heck is going on in my life more than 50% of the time. To know the general direction my life is going in. There are so many unknowns. Too many!

Wasn't someone supposed to warn us of this feeling? I went from wearing 100 different hats and balancing 50 different plates in high school and college, to NOTHING - diddly squat, if you will. Well, the year after college was exciting but in a very bad way, unfortunately. And sure, I can better myself by going BACK to school or studying for an exam that is 100% against me or joining a convent (extreme, I know). I just don't FEEL like those are the things I should be doing right now. However, I don't feel like I should be doing ANYTHING right now which is a really crummy feeling. I just need to go to work and be here. Here. Day in and day out. Here. That's it. Nothing exciting. You can all stop reading now.


But in all seriousness - doesn't reality suck??? No jokes, people. I know my parents and siblings are laughing right now because I tend to be a bit on the dramatic side, but FOR REAL! I want to juggle a plate and wear a few hats. I want to DO something. I don't want to be in this holding cell anymore. Oh dearest patience - how I loathe you - but I know somewhere, in the midst of all this that is boring, I am here for a reason, a season, a purpose, a - who knows what.

I know I am not the only one. I know I am probably going to feel like this at several moments in my life. Or, God could just hop me around from good thing to good thing and then I would never, ever be bored again. In my prayers (dreams).

Monday, October 24, 2011

Be still people!

Last night I went to a community worship service, and during that time I took a note, yes on my cell phone so it looked like I was texting, of the verse Psalm 46:10. I had forgotten about that verse! How ironic is it that Psalm 46:10 was one of the first bible verses I ever memorized? Ironic not because it’s a very short verse, give me some credit here, but because of what it says and how I am. Psalm 46:10 says –
Be still. What in the world does that mean? I can hardly sit still long enough to think about it! I don’t know how to be still. Ask anyone. The only thing I can sit through is a movie and sometimes church, but I normally have to get up and go to the bathroom at least once! But does being still mean being physically immobile? What about the cell phone ringing? The dog barking? The radio blaring? What about a broken heart? What about sadness? What about all the other distractions and thoughts one has in a day? What about the awesome Texas Ranger’s game?!
Being still is not just about being motionless, stationary. Being still is quieting our hearts and our minds, stopping whatever it is that makes us all so daggum busy, forcing ourselves to slow down, to escape from this thing we are doing day in and day out (living life). Being still is turning over our heartaches and racing thoughts over to God. That’s where the second part of the verse comes in handy.
“…And know that I am God”
Can we, the human race, conceive of how big He is? I can’t. Half the time I think I am God, that I can do it all, that when I fail it’s just the Devil trying to stop me, not God, or some other outlandish excuse to get around doing His will.
I had to stop writing for a moment believe it or not! I can’t describe God’s greatness. I can’t describe how to know God. There isn’t a book or verse that can encompass all that He is, was, and will be. We have faith in Him. We know He is there. We feel his presence….when we are still.  Readers, a few things from the past year have taught me these things and these things are all I have to offer you:
When life comes at you fast – be still and know He is God.
When you feel like letting go – be still, let Him take your hand
When it seems all is lost – be still, and know that He is everything and he will never leave you
When you’re faced with a difficult decision and know you instantly made the wrong choice – be still, He is there, comforting you
When you find yourself on your knees and have no idea what else to do but cry – be still, He is wiping your tears and healing your heart
When it seems like no one understands – be still, and know that He gets it and it was all part of His plan no matter how messed up it seems to be
When you’re blessed beyond belief, filled with happiness, surrounded by loved ones, financially stable, and living the dream – be still…understand, be thankful, and know that He is God.
In everything, at every stage of life, in all situations take ten minutes to be still…even if it means taking a bubble bath! Close your eyes, let go of all the good, bad, and ugly inside your heart and your mind, and know that He is God.  Yes, I need to take my own advice!

Friday, October 21, 2011

'Occupy' what? and Taco Salad...

Sometimes I wish I was more in tune with political party positions and the protests they seem to be hosting. This new wave of "Occupy Wall Street' protests has actually gone nationwide! I asked a coworker about them, thinking we (they) were all relatively the same, and they aren't. Tea party people want one thing and left wing people want another and all I want is for our country to go back to some sort of normalcy - whatever that is.

Union workers, teachers, CEO's, banks, Wall Street, Fortune 500 companies, etc - all want a piece of the pie. Is it not obvious that if we all gave up a little for the greater good, there would be less protesting and more partying (maybe)? It seems that the solutions to root issues our country is facing shouldn't require the entire government, full of economic geniuses and rocket scientists, to figure it out. Shoot - Dave Ramsey worked for me! I know that's an ignorant comment for all of you political guru's, BUT REALLY - the country is in debt, people are in debt, companies are going under, some are getting bailed out, and yes, it's not fair, but we have to have hope that our leaders know what they are doing. Or we all just have to hold on until the next election. But really - one man cannot change our situation. It has to be a collective effort. I'm not taking sides, just stating the obvious.

I thought this was an interesting letter - I read it on a friend's facebook wall. It's an "Official Statement from Occupy Wall Street" voted on and approved by the general assembly of protesters at Liberty Square. I cut some of it out but left the main points. It was pretty lengthy.

"Declaration of the Occupation of New York City"

"As we gather together in solidarity to express a feeling of mass injustice, we must not lose sight of what brought us together. We write so that all people who feel wronged by the corporate forces of the world can know that we are your allies.

As one people, united, we acknowledge the reality: that the future of the human race requires the cooperation of its members; that our system must protect our rights, and upon corruption of that system, it is up to the individuals to protect their own rights, and those of their neighbors; that a democratic government derives its just power from the people, but corporations do not seek consent to extract wealth from the people and the Earth; and that no true democracy is attainable when the process is determined by economic power. We come to you at a time when corporations, which place profit over people, self-interest over justice and oppression over equality, run our governments. We have peacably assembled here, as is our right, to let these facts be known.

They have taken our houses through an illegal foreclosure process, despite not having the original mortgage.

They have taken bailouts from taxpayers with impunity, and continue to give Executives exorbitant bonuses.

They have perpetuated inequality and discrimination in the workplace based on age, the color of one's skin, sex, gender identity and sexual orientation.

....undermined the farming system through monopolization....have profited off of the torture, confinement, and cruel treatment of countless nonhuman animals....have continuously sought to strip employees of the right to negotiate for better pay and safer working conditions.

....have held students hostage with tens of thousands of dollars of debt on education...used outsourcing as leverage to cut workers' healthcare and pay.... have influenced the courts to achieve the same rights as people, with none of the culpability or responsibility.

They have spent millions....have used the military and police force to prevent freedom of the press....have declined to recall faulty products....determine economic policy....have donated large sums of money to politicians....block alternate forms of energy to keep us dependent on oil....block generic forms of medicine that could save lives in order to protect investments... covered up oil spills, accidents, faulty bookkeeping...

They purposefully keep people misinformed and fearful through their control of the media... 

We, the New York City General Assembly occupying Wall Street in Liberty Square, urge you to assert your power." THE END

What do you think? Are you going to occupy a public space now? Change your bank accounts from a Chase, Wells Fargo, BofA, or another and go to a credit union or local bank? Are you going to stand with a sign to fight injustice?

In other news - last night I made the tastiest, fanciest taco salad ever. It was a tid-bit spicy, being the weenie I am on the spice spectrum - but DELICIOUS other than that! Oh, and my Rangers won. Sad I missed the game but glad we pulled out a W (dub-ya). That's as exciting as my life gets!

Have a great weekend!!!!