Monday, October 24, 2011

Be still people!

Last night I went to a community worship service, and during that time I took a note, yes on my cell phone so it looked like I was texting, of the verse Psalm 46:10. I had forgotten about that verse! How ironic is it that Psalm 46:10 was one of the first bible verses I ever memorized? Ironic not because it’s a very short verse, give me some credit here, but because of what it says and how I am. Psalm 46:10 says –
Be still. What in the world does that mean? I can hardly sit still long enough to think about it! I don’t know how to be still. Ask anyone. The only thing I can sit through is a movie and sometimes church, but I normally have to get up and go to the bathroom at least once! But does being still mean being physically immobile? What about the cell phone ringing? The dog barking? The radio blaring? What about a broken heart? What about sadness? What about all the other distractions and thoughts one has in a day? What about the awesome Texas Ranger’s game?!
Being still is not just about being motionless, stationary. Being still is quieting our hearts and our minds, stopping whatever it is that makes us all so daggum busy, forcing ourselves to slow down, to escape from this thing we are doing day in and day out (living life). Being still is turning over our heartaches and racing thoughts over to God. That’s where the second part of the verse comes in handy.
“…And know that I am God”
Can we, the human race, conceive of how big He is? I can’t. Half the time I think I am God, that I can do it all, that when I fail it’s just the Devil trying to stop me, not God, or some other outlandish excuse to get around doing His will.
I had to stop writing for a moment believe it or not! I can’t describe God’s greatness. I can’t describe how to know God. There isn’t a book or verse that can encompass all that He is, was, and will be. We have faith in Him. We know He is there. We feel his presence….when we are still.  Readers, a few things from the past year have taught me these things and these things are all I have to offer you:
When life comes at you fast – be still and know He is God.
When you feel like letting go – be still, let Him take your hand
When it seems all is lost – be still, and know that He is everything and he will never leave you
When you’re faced with a difficult decision and know you instantly made the wrong choice – be still, He is there, comforting you
When you find yourself on your knees and have no idea what else to do but cry – be still, He is wiping your tears and healing your heart
When it seems like no one understands – be still, and know that He gets it and it was all part of His plan no matter how messed up it seems to be
When you’re blessed beyond belief, filled with happiness, surrounded by loved ones, financially stable, and living the dream – be still…understand, be thankful, and know that He is God.
In everything, at every stage of life, in all situations take ten minutes to be still…even if it means taking a bubble bath! Close your eyes, let go of all the good, bad, and ugly inside your heart and your mind, and know that He is God.  Yes, I need to take my own advice!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said :) I definitely need to take your advice! It was very easy to do this during the summer but at the moment I feel like I dont have time breath! Love you!