Wednesday, November 2, 2011

#1 Online Shopping Inspiration {Series}

Preface - Do you ever see things hung up in someone’s home and you wonder if they even know what it says? If it has any meaning to them or not? Maybe you don’t, but I do. As I was shopping online the other day I ran across these little poster, hanging, canvas print decoration things and began to think about what each one said and meant to me, not that I would readily hang them up all over my apartment or anything.  I will post one or two a day until I run out of things to say about them!


Oh Steve Jobs – how you have inspired so many. I don’t know of his religious preference but in my book, the Good Book, we are told that nothing we stockpile up here on earth is ever going anywhere after this life. Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish. I wouldn’t say endorsing foolishness is the wisest advice, but have fun with life. Don’t torment yourself with stress and anxiety (yes, I need to take my own advice). Do something fun and for yourself at least once a day. Do something you ENJOY with people you LOVE once a week. Never pass a moment you have of free time to call someone you miss or have been meaning to catch up with. Please, dear friends, don’t EVER take a job for the security or money – even if it means you’re a bit hungrier. It’s a good weight loss tactic!
Live the life you were meant to live. Find joy in everything – even the way your dog might lick you all over after a sweaty workout. It’s the little things in life that count. Try not to take things for granted. If there is a shoulda, coulda, woulda statement coming out of your mouth daily, make it happen, get over it, or find a way around it. My PALS teacher in high school always said “don’t b***h about things, do something about them”. No, not the most appropriate sentiment to leave 16, 17 and 18 year olds with but, the woman got things done! If you’re out of place, pray about it. Ask and you shall receive. God answers prayers on His time so show patience. We are all on a journey. At the end of our journey no one is going to ask how your stock portfolio looks, what you retired with, how many cars you have, what licenses and certifications you retained – people will comment on your heart, your soul, your being, your faith in God, your friendship, your love. Just keep on keepin’ on.

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sale away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover" - Mark Twain

The Steve Jobs' quote inspired my thoughts further on this piece. This poster caught my attention initially because of the reference to a flower. I’m a girl. I’m girly. I like flowers. Not too difficult. However, after I realized what it said, did I become intrigued. It’s a simple thought. Not too overly complex, complicated, or convoluted. Straight and simple and to the point. What is a miracle? Most wouldn’t consider a single flower a miracle but just THINK about it. How awesome is the process of a plant - a budding flower morphing into a beautiful and picturesque object that is on the earth for our enjoyment? How intricate our world has become even though it is full of tiny miracles. Our whole life would change if we understood, enjoyed, comprehended, loved, confided in the miracles around us. How? Personally, maybe I would be less over dramatic, more go with the flow. Maybe I wouldn’t stress quite as much or worry about things I cannot change or control. Maybe I would laugh more, stay up later, take things for granted less.  How would your life be changed if you could see and know the miracle of a single flower clearly?

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