Tuesday, December 6, 2011

This is awesome


Read that. Please. It's not long - don't be lazy! Then read what I am going to say :) Please!

I have been part of two adult women bible/book studies. The first one was way over my head. I was 20/21 and the study talked about being married, being a mom, and growing old(er). The group of girls was great; all very nice and inviting. The hardest part was building an authentic relationship with them. It was a relatively large group so that made it a bit more difficult. And two - they were all much older, more mature in their faith, and were either married, engaged or seriously dating someone.

I am really big on authentic, genuine relationships these days. With each year I get older - believe it or not - I get wiser. I cannot put a price tag on the value of a real friendship or relationship. Knowing someone - their heart, their dreams, their struggles, their past, present, and future are all crucial, in my opinion, to showing the love of Christ. Love is greater than all things.

The second small group I was part of met on Saturday mornings. I was invited by a girl I had met at a dog park in Dallas. She lived close and assured me there would only be a few other girls. The book she wanted to study seemed intriguing - so I went. The first meeting we had was awesome. We all shed several tears, walls came down, hearts were exposed - and that is when I realized what a small group should be. I haven't been the best at keeping up with those girls since moving, but they are amazing. It was truly a safe place - no one dressed up, put on make up (it was 8 or 9 on a saturday morning),  or felt the need to impress anyone. It was real. It was authentic.

I challenge you to focus on the people in your life. Evaluate your relationships. Build them up. Show people the love of Christ.

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