Sunday, December 21, 2014

Baby got Baptized

We had a spectacular past few days. Doing "Christmas" with friends and family, going to TWO movies, hanging out for a friend's birthday, and most importantly the baptism of our little! 

It was such a special day for us and we were blessed with the company of so many that we love. Baby's baptism was proof of how big and important our job as Christians really is. We are His light and His love to the world. It's our responsibility to be the best example of Christ to others and especially our children. And like our Pastor said, live like nothing is impossible with God at the center of our lives. 

This is something I should know all about! God allowed my dad to go through something so crazy just to prove to us that He is in control and that, no matter how badly we want to understand, sometimes we just may not. 

It's really disappointing how worked up we can get about the very things that we should be the most prayerful about. We cannot change our circumstance. We cannot control situations. We cannot fix everything. We are doing ourselves a disservice when we try to do these things. We are only frustrating ourselves more when we don't let things go and allow God to do what He wants. His will be done, remember that? Yes well, we should remind ourselves that an explanation isn't always attached to His will. We just have to pray our way through it. Lift up the issue and trust that He knows what he is doing. We can't allow our circumstances to dictate our behavior and how we treat others and ourselves. 

We don't get a pass to be ugly because our life seems awful. We don't get a pass to act foolish because we don't like what's happening at the moment. We don't get to blame bad behavior on the present situation. Plus, we should know that nothing is permanent and "this too shall pass". Our days are numbered, we should live like it. 

We have to be an example of Christlikeness to the world. Remember that, the next time you want to throw a fit because things aren't quite the way YOU think they should be. I know I'll be reminding myself that more and more as my son grows and has me to look at for his example. 

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Don't be a Grinch

I've been pretty disappointed lately. Disappointed in how people treat each other. If you're in your middle-late twenties or over, you have to grow up. It amazes me, really, how some just never learned what it means to be nice, kind, caring...and they seem to totally have missed the mark on learning when to keep their mouths shut. It's like this day and age we live in is all about speaking out and letting your voice be heard and screw everyone else - heck, I have a blog don't I? But for real, I can't help but wonder when some will truly understand when to grow up and show up, treat others with respect (not just in romantic relationships), and act like dang adults.

But it's sad, you know? It's sad that people can be continually manipulative, self seeking, totally consumed by their own life that they don't even notice others around them, don't care who they hurt, and certainly don't attribute any of their behavior to being "bad".  Even in their efforts to become "good" they only become more vain and self centered, acting like the world owes them something.

When I see those people doing what they "do", and unfortunately they are all over the place, all I can hope is that I'm not right there with them, wrapped up in my own self. I think of all the reasons they may be like that... maybe they are self conscious, maybe they grew up thinking success meant doing whatever it takes, maybe they are the ones hurting and don't know how to deal or ask for help, maybe success to them is much more than it is to me, maybe they really have no idea they are hurtful, maybe they are so stuck in their ways due to self validation that they are blind to reality... It's really too bad... because when I think of those people, I think of how many more friends they could have if they trusted more, how much more content they would be if they would stop comparing themselves to everyone else and stop trying to get ahead, how much happier they would be if they weren't always trying to win an argument, and how much more pleasant they would be to be around if they didn't think the world owed them something.

When going through the motions of the holiday season try to remember that this life is only temporary. (I'm reminding myself, too!) Who needs presents when God gave us the Fruit of the Spirit - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. Show love, find joy, have peace, and show patience, be kind and good - not just at Christmas time, be faithful to the One who made you, gentle towards those around you and exhibit self control of all worldly things. Be aware of those described above, love them but don't let them consume you or bring you down. Be genuinely interested in others, invest in your relationships and foster new ones, open your home and your heart. You'd be amazed at how good you feel and how content you are with the life you have.

And remember, don't be a Grinch, because one day you may run out of time for your heart to grow.

Friday, November 7, 2014

God chose you

My husband likes to send me things throughout the day. Sometimes they are funny vine videos or memes or interesting articles. Then there are those times he sends a video or article that catches me off guard and sends me into full on meltdown mode.

He sent me this video today... Grab a tissue mommas

Garth Brooks sings "Mom"

What a sweet song! I hope that's the conversation God had with our sweet boy. I hope he always knows that our love for him is endless. 

Something else to take away... You were chosen for your child. So when you think you've got it all wrong, when you feel like nothing your doing is right, or when you feel like you have no idea what to do next... Remember that God made you a momma to your child(ren)...biological or foster or adopted or unofficial or however you're a "parent", God chose you for that person (little or big, brand new or grown). If you're waiting for God to choose you, keep praying.... He has someone or a few little someones lined up for you! 

PS- He is also our instructor and the bible is our instruction book. Oh and Google.... Google is helpful! 

PSS- I think my husband likes to make me cry! 

Have a love filled weekend! 

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Cracking the Baby Code: Lesson 1

I was texting a good friend, also a first time mom, and I had an "Ah-ha!" moment...

G and I couldn't figure out what the deal was with Baby G. One night he was really fussy, it didn't last long (seemed like hours but was really only 10 minutes) and the next night was ok. But then it happened again the third night and the crying lasted a little longer and again the fourth and, well, you get the picture... What had happened to our perfect little sleeper baby?!? 

We tried everything we could and came up with every reason possible to justifiy this uncharacteristic behavior. I just knew I had him figured out already so there must be a reason for the fussiness. Right?!?! 

It happened around the same time each night. The crying wasn't inconsolable but it was exhausting for all three of us. It wasn't colic, it wasn't reflux, it wasn't hunger... After a few nights of guessing and trying different things, I reached out to a few people... I was at a loss. 

Then the "ah-ha!" moment came. 

There isn't a formula for babies. There isn't a "this" plus or minus "this" equals "no more crying" or "happy baby"... Sometimes they just cry. Sometimes they are overstimulated. (And did you know that overstimulation can be just having the tv on, being held too much or looking out the window too long... Who knew?!?!) And sometimes they are tired. Turns out there is something called the "witching hour" and that's precisely what's been going on. 

As alert as our little bundle of goodness may be, he still requires lots of sleep. Allowing him to be awake is all fine and dandy until the "witching hour" when it all comes crashing down in a big, crying, red faced, back arching mess. Thankfully it isn't colic and he still sleeps through the night (except to eat) but man is the "witching hour" rough. 

Today he has taken his appropriate naps and has gone back to the little sleepyheaded newborn we are used to! Until about 3 months, I think we will be doing all we can to keep him this way. Makes for a much happier baby, momma and daddy. 

But in the mean time, and even after the 3 month mark, I have to keep reminding myself that there isn't a formula and that babies have moods just like adults. Maybe I should have renamed this- there isn't a code to be cracked...There are going to be days where I have no idea what the heck is going on and others where it seems like I'm doing everything right. And as much as I love looking at our son's big beautiful eyes, those peepers need to be shut more often than not. Sleep is fuel for baby's healthy growth and the key ingredient to mommy's sanity. 

One day at a time! 

Saturday, October 18, 2014

New Mom Thoughts

I'm the mother of a beautiful little boy 

That thought hits me sporadically throughout our busy days of eating, sleeping and diaper changing.

Thank God he is an easy baby. He sleeps well and eats well and I'm so thankful I'm able to breast feed.


The crying thing is real, by the way, hormones are an evil, crazy thing. However, this parenting thing is scary and overwhelming. He relies on us for everything. Not to freak out anyone who is considering procreating. I'm assured the crying stops and eventually the hormones even back out, allowing me to return to some state of normalcy. I have credible sources- other moms. Some thoughts - many confessed to my husband during a crying spell
1. The overwhelming feeling to protect him from everything 
2. How frightened I am that he will get sick or hurt in anyway 
3. How lost I would be without my husband and his ability to deal with my crazy better than I can
4. What would I do if I lost one of them- don't watch sad movies or this will be hard to get out of your head
5. The difficulty of the demands of breastfeeding - I know why women don't breastfeed now
6. Trying to decipher a cry and understand the baby 
7.  I can't believe what we made, a perfect, beautiful little person- a miracle 
8. How lucky I am to have a husband and friends and family who love and support me and this tiny being. 
9. I just want to be the best mom, wife and friend I can be
10. How crazy it is to love two people so much... More than you ever knew - I mean, my boobs grew but my heart definitely did too. I feel like the Grinch on Christmas Day! 

I'm here to remind myself and anyone else that needs it, to take one day at a time. Cherish each moment of your life and those in it. Don't worry about the future. Live for today... God tells us tomorrow isn't promised so there's reason enough to listen. 

To all the new and veteran mommas... Keep up the good work. You're the perfect mom for your kids. Trust that. 

Now... Back to loving on my sweet new baby. Oh and changing his diaper :) 

Saturday, October 4, 2014

The Big Nursery Reveal

The moment all (maybe not all, but some) of you have been waiting for... Baby G's nursery reveal!!!

Fully equipped with diapers, diaper station, toy storage, dog gate, growth chart, bookshelf, couch for mom and dad, play rug and convertible crib! 

We wanted it to be something he could grow with, not something we would have to change in a year. It's sophisticated, slightly nautical and most importantly - a nice balance of baby and chic. Cool greys and deep blues with hints of red... it's a pretty peaceful space. The best part is, we had a lot of this furniture already. The big purchases were the storage unit and crib. I redid the dresser, it was mine growing up, and we had the couch! My dad built the bookshelf - very thankful for that. Our favorite part is probably the rug. We make everyone who comes over take off their shoes to feel how incredibly soft it is. I imagine lots of play time on that carpet!

All we need now is the baby!!! 

Enjoy!  (Special thanks to G for taking the pictures... he is proud!)

Monday, September 1, 2014

Adventures in Pregnancy - Week 35

So at 35 weeks pregnant, I'm realizing everyday that, for many things, it may be my last for a while.

I know I have 5 weeks to go and thankfully I'm not bed ridden or immobile by any means but this is what I mean... Several times I have caught myself thinking, "The next time I do this we will have a baby" LIKE...
- My last hair appointment
- Our first and probably my last time to go sailing for a while (but maybe not!)
- Scheduling the dog's last groomer appointment for later this month
- Our last baseball game
- Our last outing to a certain restaurant
- Etc...

Then there is the list of things planned that I realize are AFTER baby arrives and I think, "When the time comes for said event, the baby will be here!"
- The oil change on my car....exciting
- Halloween
- Holidays and planning where we will be
- The neighborhood fishing tournament
- Work projects
- Etc.

But still, 5 weeks seems like such a long time. So I look forward to little milestones to help pass the time like, the next doctor appointment, when my parents will be able to visit next, an event we are going to with my in-laws, work meetings/events.

This was a successful Labor Day weekend. This time 2 years ago I was in Corpus Christi. I met a lot of G's friends that weekend, went to a concert at concrete street, and spent Sunday at the ski canals where G announced to everyone that I was his "girl". This time 1 year ago we were married and had just purchased our new mattress and bed frame. How thankful I am for that bed frame!!! I sleep so well because we can raise it up like a hospital bed! This year the weekend was rainy but today was nice. We went for our first sailboat ride on my FIL's sailboat. We also spent the weekend running errands, putting together baby G's crib, and finally we hung things on our bedroom walls. My how times have changed... but my how much sweeter these moments are becoming. Thankfully there was no actual "labor" happening this Labor Day.

I'm pretty nervous about going into labor, no lie. I know I was made to do this and I was blessed and called to be little man's momma...but delivering a child is pretty frightening for someone who has never done it before. Also when everyone's experiences are SO incredibly different, it's hard to know what to anticipate. We are both incredibly excited, though. Every day closer to 10/8/14 is another potential Labor Day for us!

Happy Labor Day (I can't believe it's already September!)

Friday, August 15, 2014

Adventures in Pregnancy - Week 32

I cannot believe time has gone by so quickly. Last post we were just starting our baby classes and now they are over!

We got to do the 3D ultrasound at 31 weeks and I am SO happy we did. It was so cool to see little man and honestly we left there feeling even more connected to him than we have the entire pregnancy. It was funny because he was asleep and the lady kept pushing on him to wake him up. I felt kind of bad for the little man, he kept turning away and covering his little face, but I wanted to see him so I didn't mind the poking and prodding! The best thing about doing the ultra sound is now we actually know what is where. His head is down towards my right hip and his legs are usually curled up in the middle, near my belly button. He is getting SO big!

Things up to now have been pretty uneventful. Last week we took a family trip up to northern Michigan. When I say northern, I mean, just as far up as you can go without hearing people speaking french.

G and I took advantage of the trip and stayed a few nights on Mackinac Island - google it and I'll post a few pics below. It's beautiful. We had a great time on our mini-"babymoon".

It was also really nice to visit family I hadn't seen in a while and G got to meet some of them for the first time. It wasn't a luxurious trip by any means, more like nation lampoons family vacay, but it was definitely a good time! The trip back, not so much. Flights were messed up and we are still missing luggage... no bueno!

As far as being preggers:
Just this week I've experienced the foot in the rib sensation and major, MAJOR movements. No one ever told me that the kid would move around as much as he does, either. I still am sleeping OK the majority of nights. His movement is mainly during the day, thankfully. But the whole "flutter" thing is out the window. There are no more flutters, only large waves of movement when he stretches out (feet up toward my ribs) or pushes up with his arms (creating a major bulge coming out my right side or a nudge to my pelvis) or curls his legs up (causing a lump to the left of my belly button). All very strange but all very cool at the same time. I MIGHT actually miss him being inside once he decides to make his debut!

Other than weight gain, nothing too exciting. And that's not at all exciting, though it is necessary!

Next week we are looking forward to a baby shower at my work and at my mother - in - law's house.

The only thing we will need after that is the crib that is still on back order. I'm not worried at all (haha, yea right!).

Any who... You know things are getting close when there are car maintenance dates and event dates on your radar that occur after your due date and you think, "Oh, baby G will be here by then!" #readyornot

Until next time!

Adventures in Pregnancy - Week 28

Adventures in Pregnancy - Week 28

We recently started going to “baby class” which is really a combo of Lamaze, early child care, and breastfeeding. We have both learned a lot of neat things, some I’m wondering if I would rather have not known – ignorance is bliss, after all. But, I know we are doing the right thing by taking these classes and preparing for the moment that will change our lives forever.

Fun fact – did you know the baby’s skull is made up of plates (like the world) that are made to shift during their final decent through the birth canal. Pretty neato! That is why, just because someone is smaller in the hip area, the baby can still manage to make their way through!

This past weekend we had our first baby shower! A little early but we aren't really the type to wait around, if you couldn't tell, but also because the months leading up to Baby G’s arrival are pretty busy. Since this one was in my hometown, it was better to do it earlier than later. What a huge blessing to be showered by so many we love and who already love our little mini!!!  I'll have to post pictures later :) 

Things I am digging –
-          - I still don’t know about the whole third trimester thing…if I am in it or not. I’m comfortable with how big my baby bump is at this point. I’m honestly deathly afraid of it getting much bigger, although I know it is inevitable.
-         -  We finally decided on a church day care! We are so thankful to have found something that works for us, even though we are still waiting on getting “accepted”. Prayers it all works out!

Things I’m not digging –
-          - I can feel the extra weight I've gained. It definitely slows you down and makes you huff and puff a little more!

We scheduled a 3D ultrasound on the day of my birthday, July 30th! Can’t wait to spend some time checking out the little guy. Hopefully he cooperates and we get some good pictures out of our session. 

Monday, August 11, 2014

Haven't ranted in a while...

Before reading please watch this video... It's not spam, promise.

Now read this if you wish... my thoughts.

The other day, while on vacay with the family, I told G/husband, in all seriousness and with a slight tear in my eye (no joke) that I needed him to promise me that we wouldn't feed our son fast food and/or total CRAP. He agreed and assured me that we would take all the precautions necessary to prevent bad habits.

I'm not a food-Nazi. I'm not a health guru. I don't always eat perfectly. I'm not preaching about going gluten free or vegan. I just really REALLY don't want to be the reason our son could potentially grow up to be obese. Ask my husband. I'm pretty strict at home. The thought of eating the kind of stuff shown in the video more often than the special occasion, doesn't just make me gross out at the thought of it, it literally makes me SAD and AFRAID.

It's so so so important to instill healthy eating habits early on. Yea, my nieces enjoy the occasional ice cream and french fry (and sometimes I'm the one giving it to them) but I know they know that it's a treat and not a meal replacement. Also, while on vacation, I kept noticing obese children. And it started to make me really mad! That's unacceptable. A child shouldn't be obese and it's not the child's fault they are, probably. I'm not a parent yet and I can't judge other parents because then I'd be more of a hypocrite than I already probably am, but it really is very disappointing to see small children who are extremely overweight. CRAP food affects so many things short term and long term is ALL of us.

If you're reading this and you ever have intentions of caring for our son, taking him out for a fun play date, or simply want to let him indulge... Please ask us first before giving him junk.

Thanks for listening!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Grand Tour

Finally putting pictures up of our house!

Back Porch Before and After

Master Bathroom Before & After

Kitchen Before & After

Living Room Before &After

Front Room Before & After (to be changed again!)

Master Bedroom Before & After

I still need to get some pictures up of the nursery and the "sitting" area and dining room! 


Sunday, June 8, 2014

Week 23- Adventures in Pregnancy

I'm digging the second trimester so much I don't even know when the third one starts. And don't want to know. I finally "look" pregnant, not just like I have a redneck, white trash beer belly. 

G and I are enjoying these last few weeks of D.I.N.K. (Dual Income No Kids) status. Eventually we will be D.I.K. status... That's not cool, we need a new acronym for working parents!!!! 

Things we've been up to:
- setting up mini G's room... Refinishing furniture before it gets too hot, painting, organizing, etc. Super thankful for my bargain hunter mom and sister. Little G's closet will be full in no time and he already has tons of great stuff to play with! 
- biking! It's a great workout... Not too strenuous but I don't feel quite as lazy and unproductive
- baby G's sonogram! All the right parts are there which is awesome news. I can't believe we have another appointment next week! 
- discussing child care... It's more stressful than you think. And yes, it's a ways away, but we are planners and I'm a little neurotic... Shush! Very pleased to know my wonderful MIL loves our little guy so much she has already offered to help out! Thanks Mimi! 
- day dreaming about what he is going to look like... Don't even act like you with children didn't do this. You're just as vain as we are! 
- buying maternity clothes...thats been fun...not! However, now that I have some, I am SO much more comfortable...And SO much less self conscious. As G would say, "you're pregnant!" Touché, very true, dear. 

Some struggles during the past few weeks... 
- staying comfortable while sleeping. I still end up on my stomach and freak out a little when I realize I may be squishing him. 
- Stretching. Not after exercise. My tummy. I have a gnarly appendicitis scar that, per my good friend who is the Google Queen, is somehow attached to my uterus. Awesome, not. So when baby G grows, it hurts a little. Supposedly it's okay and normal and the "stretching" feeling will go away. We will ask the doc next week. 
- feeling lame. I feel like a fuddy duddy sometimes. Thankfully my hubs is very supportive and we somehow find a way to stay entertained. 
- swelling paranoia... I am so paranoid I am gonna swell up like a balloon making me a full fledge Rollie Pollie. I may be a little vain. At least I admit it! 
- noticing people noticing me... Well my ever growing middle. It's a little weird. If I don't have make up on, I feel like I need to show my wedding ring like "I'm old enough... Look I am married!" Haha Luckily, like I said, I finally look the part. Stupid societal pressures. **rolls eyes** 

All in all things are lovely. We are looking forward to becoming "mommy and daddy" more and more everyday. 

PS- Go Spurs Go! 

Sunday, May 25, 2014

What a Beautiful Life We Live

Most of you who read this already know what today is... a year ago I flew, in my car, to University Hospital in San Antonio. Dad had lungs. A year ago I saw Dad on a hospital bed connected to things I don't even care to know about, with a tube down his throat like you SHOULD only see in the movies. A year ago, I watched, thirty minutes prior to surgery, as the doctor called in the "crash cart" because Dad wasn't going to make it. Then, as our friends and family gathered in the waiting room, praying for him, I saw God work a miracle right in front of my eyes. He would make it to surgery whether he was ready to give up or not, God wouldn't let him. A year ago this moment, I was just waking up from a few hours of sleep, next to my soon to be husband, on a lumpy and bumpy pull out couch in a hotel room stocked with snacks and drinks that our friends had kindly provided Mom and us to stay while Dad was in the hospital.

Dad had just gotten out of his surgery about 6 hours prior and was asleep in his ICU room of the Transplant floor. I knew he had no clue that he had a new pair of healthy lungs in his chest. I knew he probably was not waiting for us to show up since I figured he hadn't woken up yet but as tired as we all were, we popped back up and went straight to the hospital. The room was tight with all the machines keeping all his functions in proper working order and we pushed the boundaries for maximum occupancy but who wouldn't want to see a living miracle?

He had been saved. By the Grace of God, Dad would live to see numerous days, hundreds now! He amazed everyone at his speedy recovery...even made some of us nervous that he was pushing it... but determination doesn't fall far from the tree in this family.

So even though Memorial Day Weekend is for the remembrance of our heroes who have served, are serving and will serve in our US armed forces (THANK YOU TO THE MOON AND BACK!!) ...Memorial Day also means a whole hell of a lot more now that MY hero is alive and well.

And while my Dad, undoubtedly, has more things that he has learned and is thankful for than he can even spell (jk, Dad) I'd like to let you all know some things I have learned and am thankful for....not just the miracle that is my Dad but all that comes with that. Our God is a loving and forgiving vessel of hope and grace.

Thankful for:
- God's miracle, my Dad
- The pure example of selflessness, my Mom
- The day that my Dad gets to hold his first grandson and all the times in mini G's life that will remind us of my Dad
- Lumpy and bumpy couches that allow me to be closer to those I love
- Those who ask about my parents who have never met them, have known them or me for years, or who are now part of our family... it's very meaningful even if my response is simply "Good"... good is better than the alternative!
- Those I get to tell this story to who may see God's light in all of it
- Deep breaths...I take them more often now, more consciously, in remembrance of the person who lost his life and allowed Dad his
- The knowledge that the human race is not all lost... that there are still so many loving and caring individuals in the world and that we can all contribute to that growth

I've learned:
- To be more easy going (still a work in progress)
- To notice more and appreciate more
- To live this beautiful life that we've been given to the fullest, even if it means stretching your bank account to go on an adventure, driving just to see your niece's recital even if she won't remember you being there, and/or taking a risk but trusting that God has your best interests at hand and will guide you to the path of success
- What family means to me... and what a true friend looks like
- How to be a better spouse, daughter, aunt, sister, friend and employee
- How to accept help and love from others and swallow my pride
- That nothing, absolutely NOTHING, is as bad as it could be or should be... God only gives us what we can handle

What a beautiful life we live.... count your blessings, thank your US armed forces, and just love....everything and everyone. G, mini G and I love you, Dad and are so thankful for your story and all we have to take away from it

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Week 19 - Adventures in Pregnancy

I'm taking a break from spring cleaning to write some thoughts down. Trying to get baby G's room ready to start decorating!!! I've moved onto my own room, tossing clothes, and reorganizing everything. Needing a break though!
This last week was supposed to be the week of our "big" sonogram (you know, the one where they measure and test a bunch of stuff) but to accommodate the family field trip to our side of the world for the show, we pushed it back a week. Which, at this point, I'm glad we did! In my opinion, Baby Boy G is tiny. I know everyone who is pregnant thinks they are either too big or too small for whatever stage of pregnancy they are in but, no joke, I'm just now bumpin'. And I couldn't be happier that it's finally about to really pop.
No more questions like "Still no bump???" or "Are you really pregnant?" because now it's pretty obvious (to me at least) that 1. I am pregnant and 2. Yes, there is finally a bump. 
Good things happening right now.... ramping up to start designing/decorating Mini G's room; first round of registering is done; baby shower plans and dates are being tossed around; I cannot stress this enough - no more nausea!!! 
Not so good things happening.... being hungry.... all the time; eating...and getting full really fast. It's a vicious cycle. Oh and being emotional... I could be an actress who specializes in crying at the drop of a hat for no apparent reason! 
Other than that, I'm feeling totally "normal"! I think the thing about pregnancy I like best is that everyone is so different. Everyone feels differently, experiences different symptoms, but we each get a little miracle at the end of it all.
Oh and one more thing - special Happy Mother's Day to my mom and mother in law. Even though I'm only halfway to mommyhood, I can only hope to be half the mom you each are! Love you both!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Week 16 - Adventures in Pregnancy

 Who likes ice in their orange juice? Not me. Who likes to mix their applesauce and Cheerios? Not you. We all like different things. We all have different "tastes" (pun intended). It's what makes the world go round. 

I've been very concerned with gaining too much weight. Now it's like I can't gain enough and people are starting to wonder if I'm even pregnant at all! I know little mini is tucked away, being formed perfectly the way God imagined, and at the pace He intended. Plus, maybe he is a late bloomer like me!! However, I still hope for his sake he snaps out of it and starts to take after his dad- in the height department at least! No matter what G and I think or hope, we know that mini dub is going to have a pure heart of gold like his Creator. 

We are all uniquely and wonderfully made. Perfect, in His image. That's the only thing I can hope for our baby boy. That he embraces his unique qualities, celebrates his Christ-likeness, and is empowered by the differences in the world. 

Week 13 - Adventures in Pregnancy

Woo hoo! I think I'm over the hump! Not quite ready to dive back into everything I see and can eat but I'm definitely feeling better. I miss my kitchen, cooking and eating salads!! My husband is waiting for me to start "craving" things like milkshakes and cookies. No such luck, not quite there! I definitely feel much better. Thankfully! 

So hang on there ladies, it does get better. I've seen the light! 

PS - we found out last week if our little mini is a boy or girl! 

Week 9- Adventures in Pregnancy

I wish I could say more positive things about being prego. Don't get me wrong, we are beyond excited about our little bundle... But pregnancy symptoms have gotten the best of me! This is when I start to hate Facebook. No one tells the whole truth on there, or maybe I'm just a baby who may have gotten the short end of the stick. 

This morning sickness thing is for the birds. You can read until you're blue in the face about every sign and symptom imaginable, but no one tells you how overwhelming it is to feel nauseous constantly... And for weeks on end. The emotional toll is unreal. Definitely an eye opener. 

Eating seems out of the question. When I'm finally able to convince myself of eating something (like soup) I feel better for a split second, ok maybe ten minutes, then it's back to miserable. I keep "reading" that by the second trimester I will start to feel better. Here's to hoping for better days!!! 

Monday, February 24, 2014

Overdue for a rant....

So, in the past week I've seen two posts in regard to people being mad at the person parking in a "special" spot in the parking lot.

1. someone was undoubtedly perturbed by the fact that a seemingly "non-pregnant" person parked in the "Expectant Mother" parking spot. Now, granted, she might not have been pregnant and could have been abusing the privilege. However, if she was and wasn't showing, she could have had the worst nausea known to man and just wanted to run in and run out.

Who the heck are we to decide who gets to take advantage of a spot or not??? It's like a movie I saw once where they let the kids keep hitting in the Tball game because there were "no outs". What? Who cares. There is not going to be a monitor making sure that each person parking there is an expectant mother, just like there aren't an infinite amount of outs in baseball. There is always a reason for something, but there are always those people who will cut corners to get a closer parking spot.

2. Then I saw another post from a person about another person who had used the handicap parking spot and in their opinion, that person was NOT handicap, but simply overweight. So this person complaining is a doctor now?? Interesting.

My dad has a handicap sticker. You can't tell that he is handicap. He looks normal. Isn't overweight. Doesn't have a walker or wheelchair. And yea, he might abuse the privilege sometimes to get a closer spot at the rodeo or grocery store, but his lungs and immune system aren't like ours - being outside is more dangerous for him than us. Walking long distances is harder on him than us. Have you had a double lung transplant lately? Didn't think so.

Think before you... think, really. Don't even let the thought cross your mind when you see things like this. It makes you an ugly person inside, spiteful and bitter. It is not our place to judge but just to do what is right. Don't tell me you've never cut a corner, or told a white lie to get ahead or come out in a better situation, because that my friend, would be a true lie.

Plus, if your husband is like mine, you get used to walking far distances because he ALWAYS parks in the back. Unless I get lucky, he drops me off at the front then parks.

The end.

Monday, February 10, 2014

I saved some money!

I found out this weekend that someone actually reads this thing so that has motivated me to share some of our home updates.

We didn't do too many projects but one I did saved us hundreds of dollars! And I'm usually not a bargain shopper!

A red buffet really caught my attention for our new dining room. The few I liked and kept seeing, like the below, were anywhere from $400 to $2000!

So I decided to look on craigslist for an easy to refinish table. I am so bummed I never took a picture of the original. I emailed the seller but never heard back. Oh well... 

The one I found was perfect but needed work. The light brown buffet I found had green trim and plain wooden knobs - very country cottage. I paid $150 for the table which might seem a little high but once it was done, it was worth it! 

I removed the doors and knobs then sanded the table, painted it a few different red's, decided on one, and painted the whole thing with a little roller brush. I was really freaking out at this point because it was SO BRIGHT! I really thought I botched it all up! 

The next day I busted out the black glossy polyurethane stain. I really had no idea what I was doing. I poured it into the paper dish (it's left over from kolache factory! haha) and it went all over, oops! It's not like paint! Maybe everyone else knew this, but me. 

I knew I wanted the top of the buffet darker than the rest so I layered on the stain. 

The secret to getting it to look this way was using a paper towel and NOT taking your time. The gloss stain goes on really slick and very dark. Have a paper towel handy to GENTLY wipe it off as you go, then run your regular paintbrush in the same direction as the wood grain, to get the desired effect. Your paintbrush will also remove some stain, too. If it's too light, do another coat. You can't wait too long, I found, because then it starts to get clumpy and you begin to pick up more of the stain than you might intend. I left the cracks alone.

I reassembled the doors, changed out the knobs and VOILA! Overall, I am pretty pleased! 

The metal wood candelabra on top of the buffet is from (yes, I need to add candle sticks!) and knobs are from

I apologize for the night light plug-in. They are all over our house. My husband is obsessed :) 

PS- I know there are professional refurbishing queens out there that are/will critique this but, for the little I knew about staining and sanding and painting, I think it turned out great! I might even try again! That just goes to show you that YOU can do it, too!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Moving right along

Talk about not skipping a beat!! The Walker's don't know what it means to take it easy. Let's examine the facts- we hadn't seen each other in 6 years and in two weeks became official, we defied the odds and got engaged after 6 months, and 6 months later you bet we got married, we closed on our first home within 2 weeks of making an offer, and now we are gearing up to make it our absolute dream home. 

Cannot wait to get all the items in that are on order!!!! Painting will be going on in a few key rooms- kitchen, dining and bedroom. Then the finishing touches!!! I will be posting before and after pics for everyone in about 2-3 weeks! Can't wait. I love our home and I know we are going to love it even more soon! Considering an open house or Super Bowl party!!! 

Stay tuned!!!! I'm even refinishing a piece of furniture!