Sunday, June 8, 2014

Week 23- Adventures in Pregnancy

I'm digging the second trimester so much I don't even know when the third one starts. And don't want to know. I finally "look" pregnant, not just like I have a redneck, white trash beer belly. 

G and I are enjoying these last few weeks of D.I.N.K. (Dual Income No Kids) status. Eventually we will be D.I.K. status... That's not cool, we need a new acronym for working parents!!!! 

Things we've been up to:
- setting up mini G's room... Refinishing furniture before it gets too hot, painting, organizing, etc. Super thankful for my bargain hunter mom and sister. Little G's closet will be full in no time and he already has tons of great stuff to play with! 
- biking! It's a great workout... Not too strenuous but I don't feel quite as lazy and unproductive
- baby G's sonogram! All the right parts are there which is awesome news. I can't believe we have another appointment next week! 
- discussing child care... It's more stressful than you think. And yes, it's a ways away, but we are planners and I'm a little neurotic... Shush! Very pleased to know my wonderful MIL loves our little guy so much she has already offered to help out! Thanks Mimi! 
- day dreaming about what he is going to look like... Don't even act like you with children didn't do this. You're just as vain as we are! 
- buying maternity clothes...thats been fun...not! However, now that I have some, I am SO much more comfortable...And SO much less self conscious. As G would say, "you're pregnant!" Touché, very true, dear. 

Some struggles during the past few weeks... 
- staying comfortable while sleeping. I still end up on my stomach and freak out a little when I realize I may be squishing him. 
- Stretching. Not after exercise. My tummy. I have a gnarly appendicitis scar that, per my good friend who is the Google Queen, is somehow attached to my uterus. Awesome, not. So when baby G grows, it hurts a little. Supposedly it's okay and normal and the "stretching" feeling will go away. We will ask the doc next week. 
- feeling lame. I feel like a fuddy duddy sometimes. Thankfully my hubs is very supportive and we somehow find a way to stay entertained. 
- swelling paranoia... I am so paranoid I am gonna swell up like a balloon making me a full fledge Rollie Pollie. I may be a little vain. At least I admit it! 
- noticing people noticing me... Well my ever growing middle. It's a little weird. If I don't have make up on, I feel like I need to show my wedding ring like "I'm old enough... Look I am married!" Haha Luckily, like I said, I finally look the part. Stupid societal pressures. **rolls eyes** 

All in all things are lovely. We are looking forward to becoming "mommy and daddy" more and more everyday. 

PS- Go Spurs Go! 

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