Sunday, December 21, 2014

Baby got Baptized

We had a spectacular past few days. Doing "Christmas" with friends and family, going to TWO movies, hanging out for a friend's birthday, and most importantly the baptism of our little! 

It was such a special day for us and we were blessed with the company of so many that we love. Baby's baptism was proof of how big and important our job as Christians really is. We are His light and His love to the world. It's our responsibility to be the best example of Christ to others and especially our children. And like our Pastor said, live like nothing is impossible with God at the center of our lives. 

This is something I should know all about! God allowed my dad to go through something so crazy just to prove to us that He is in control and that, no matter how badly we want to understand, sometimes we just may not. 

It's really disappointing how worked up we can get about the very things that we should be the most prayerful about. We cannot change our circumstance. We cannot control situations. We cannot fix everything. We are doing ourselves a disservice when we try to do these things. We are only frustrating ourselves more when we don't let things go and allow God to do what He wants. His will be done, remember that? Yes well, we should remind ourselves that an explanation isn't always attached to His will. We just have to pray our way through it. Lift up the issue and trust that He knows what he is doing. We can't allow our circumstances to dictate our behavior and how we treat others and ourselves. 

We don't get a pass to be ugly because our life seems awful. We don't get a pass to act foolish because we don't like what's happening at the moment. We don't get to blame bad behavior on the present situation. Plus, we should know that nothing is permanent and "this too shall pass". Our days are numbered, we should live like it. 

We have to be an example of Christlikeness to the world. Remember that, the next time you want to throw a fit because things aren't quite the way YOU think they should be. I know I'll be reminding myself that more and more as my son grows and has me to look at for his example. 

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