Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Week 9- Adventures in Pregnancy

I wish I could say more positive things about being prego. Don't get me wrong, we are beyond excited about our little bundle... But pregnancy symptoms have gotten the best of me! This is when I start to hate Facebook. No one tells the whole truth on there, or maybe I'm just a baby who may have gotten the short end of the stick. 

This morning sickness thing is for the birds. You can read until you're blue in the face about every sign and symptom imaginable, but no one tells you how overwhelming it is to feel nauseous constantly... And for weeks on end. The emotional toll is unreal. Definitely an eye opener. 

Eating seems out of the question. When I'm finally able to convince myself of eating something (like soup) I feel better for a split second, ok maybe ten minutes, then it's back to miserable. I keep "reading" that by the second trimester I will start to feel better. Here's to hoping for better days!!! 

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