Monday, August 11, 2014

Haven't ranted in a while...

Before reading please watch this video... It's not spam, promise.

Now read this if you wish... my thoughts.

The other day, while on vacay with the family, I told G/husband, in all seriousness and with a slight tear in my eye (no joke) that I needed him to promise me that we wouldn't feed our son fast food and/or total CRAP. He agreed and assured me that we would take all the precautions necessary to prevent bad habits.

I'm not a food-Nazi. I'm not a health guru. I don't always eat perfectly. I'm not preaching about going gluten free or vegan. I just really REALLY don't want to be the reason our son could potentially grow up to be obese. Ask my husband. I'm pretty strict at home. The thought of eating the kind of stuff shown in the video more often than the special occasion, doesn't just make me gross out at the thought of it, it literally makes me SAD and AFRAID.

It's so so so important to instill healthy eating habits early on. Yea, my nieces enjoy the occasional ice cream and french fry (and sometimes I'm the one giving it to them) but I know they know that it's a treat and not a meal replacement. Also, while on vacation, I kept noticing obese children. And it started to make me really mad! That's unacceptable. A child shouldn't be obese and it's not the child's fault they are, probably. I'm not a parent yet and I can't judge other parents because then I'd be more of a hypocrite than I already probably am, but it really is very disappointing to see small children who are extremely overweight. CRAP food affects so many things short term and long term is ALL of us.

If you're reading this and you ever have intentions of caring for our son, taking him out for a fun play date, or simply want to let him indulge... Please ask us first before giving him junk.

Thanks for listening!

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