Saturday, October 18, 2014

New Mom Thoughts

I'm the mother of a beautiful little boy 

That thought hits me sporadically throughout our busy days of eating, sleeping and diaper changing.

Thank God he is an easy baby. He sleeps well and eats well and I'm so thankful I'm able to breast feed.


The crying thing is real, by the way, hormones are an evil, crazy thing. However, this parenting thing is scary and overwhelming. He relies on us for everything. Not to freak out anyone who is considering procreating. I'm assured the crying stops and eventually the hormones even back out, allowing me to return to some state of normalcy. I have credible sources- other moms. Some thoughts - many confessed to my husband during a crying spell
1. The overwhelming feeling to protect him from everything 
2. How frightened I am that he will get sick or hurt in anyway 
3. How lost I would be without my husband and his ability to deal with my crazy better than I can
4. What would I do if I lost one of them- don't watch sad movies or this will be hard to get out of your head
5. The difficulty of the demands of breastfeeding - I know why women don't breastfeed now
6. Trying to decipher a cry and understand the baby 
7.  I can't believe what we made, a perfect, beautiful little person- a miracle 
8. How lucky I am to have a husband and friends and family who love and support me and this tiny being. 
9. I just want to be the best mom, wife and friend I can be
10. How crazy it is to love two people so much... More than you ever knew - I mean, my boobs grew but my heart definitely did too. I feel like the Grinch on Christmas Day! 

I'm here to remind myself and anyone else that needs it, to take one day at a time. Cherish each moment of your life and those in it. Don't worry about the future. Live for today... God tells us tomorrow isn't promised so there's reason enough to listen. 

To all the new and veteran mommas... Keep up the good work. You're the perfect mom for your kids. Trust that. 

Now... Back to loving on my sweet new baby. Oh and changing his diaper :) 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How blessed Grant is to have such a wonderful and honest mommy! And how blessed you and Greg are to have to Lord in your lives. He promised to be with us always and He always keeps His promises. "I know Who goes before me; I know Who stands behind. The God of angel armies is always by my side." ♥