Saturday, May 10, 2014

Week 19 - Adventures in Pregnancy

I'm taking a break from spring cleaning to write some thoughts down. Trying to get baby G's room ready to start decorating!!! I've moved onto my own room, tossing clothes, and reorganizing everything. Needing a break though!
This last week was supposed to be the week of our "big" sonogram (you know, the one where they measure and test a bunch of stuff) but to accommodate the family field trip to our side of the world for the show, we pushed it back a week. Which, at this point, I'm glad we did! In my opinion, Baby Boy G is tiny. I know everyone who is pregnant thinks they are either too big or too small for whatever stage of pregnancy they are in but, no joke, I'm just now bumpin'. And I couldn't be happier that it's finally about to really pop.
No more questions like "Still no bump???" or "Are you really pregnant?" because now it's pretty obvious (to me at least) that 1. I am pregnant and 2. Yes, there is finally a bump. 
Good things happening right now.... ramping up to start designing/decorating Mini G's room; first round of registering is done; baby shower plans and dates are being tossed around; I cannot stress this enough - no more nausea!!! 
Not so good things happening.... being hungry.... all the time; eating...and getting full really fast. It's a vicious cycle. Oh and being emotional... I could be an actress who specializes in crying at the drop of a hat for no apparent reason! 
Other than that, I'm feeling totally "normal"! I think the thing about pregnancy I like best is that everyone is so different. Everyone feels differently, experiences different symptoms, but we each get a little miracle at the end of it all.
Oh and one more thing - special Happy Mother's Day to my mom and mother in law. Even though I'm only halfway to mommyhood, I can only hope to be half the mom you each are! Love you both!

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