Thursday, October 30, 2014

Cracking the Baby Code: Lesson 1

I was texting a good friend, also a first time mom, and I had an "Ah-ha!" moment...

G and I couldn't figure out what the deal was with Baby G. One night he was really fussy, it didn't last long (seemed like hours but was really only 10 minutes) and the next night was ok. But then it happened again the third night and the crying lasted a little longer and again the fourth and, well, you get the picture... What had happened to our perfect little sleeper baby?!? 

We tried everything we could and came up with every reason possible to justifiy this uncharacteristic behavior. I just knew I had him figured out already so there must be a reason for the fussiness. Right?!?! 

It happened around the same time each night. The crying wasn't inconsolable but it was exhausting for all three of us. It wasn't colic, it wasn't reflux, it wasn't hunger... After a few nights of guessing and trying different things, I reached out to a few people... I was at a loss. 

Then the "ah-ha!" moment came. 

There isn't a formula for babies. There isn't a "this" plus or minus "this" equals "no more crying" or "happy baby"... Sometimes they just cry. Sometimes they are overstimulated. (And did you know that overstimulation can be just having the tv on, being held too much or looking out the window too long... Who knew?!?!) And sometimes they are tired. Turns out there is something called the "witching hour" and that's precisely what's been going on. 

As alert as our little bundle of goodness may be, he still requires lots of sleep. Allowing him to be awake is all fine and dandy until the "witching hour" when it all comes crashing down in a big, crying, red faced, back arching mess. Thankfully it isn't colic and he still sleeps through the night (except to eat) but man is the "witching hour" rough. 

Today he has taken his appropriate naps and has gone back to the little sleepyheaded newborn we are used to! Until about 3 months, I think we will be doing all we can to keep him this way. Makes for a much happier baby, momma and daddy. 

But in the mean time, and even after the 3 month mark, I have to keep reminding myself that there isn't a formula and that babies have moods just like adults. Maybe I should have renamed this- there isn't a code to be cracked...There are going to be days where I have no idea what the heck is going on and others where it seems like I'm doing everything right. And as much as I love looking at our son's big beautiful eyes, those peepers need to be shut more often than not. Sleep is fuel for baby's healthy growth and the key ingredient to mommy's sanity. 

One day at a time! 

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