Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Things I Miss

Oh nostalgia - you might be the death of me - but I can't help but randomly think of those little, and soemtimes not so little things I miss about the randomness that is LIFE

1. Tuesday afternoons. When I was living in D, working at the most amazing accounting firm (Did I mention I was an accountant? It's not exciting. Therefore there isn't much to say), I got the opportunity to go to a particular client's office every Tuesday afternoon, and sometimes more often. Definitely more often when it got closer to moving day. The sweetest lady EVER worked there as the 'mom' of a company which was predomenantly male populated. She took care of everyone and everything. She still does! She isn't gone even though I am. She loves those guys (and girls) and bends over backwards for them. She was my saving grace while in D. She kept me sane. Kept me happy. Loved me like her own. And made me go to the doctor when I was sick. That's love, people. I know my parents appreciate her as much as I do. I never minded staying late at that client's office. We always had so much to talk about. I could never get enough of her. Maybe one day I will get my Tuesday afternoon back. She is only allowed to retire when I have a kid that she can watch during the day - if I ever am in D again.

2. A little less personal - Nokia phones and snake game. Oh the simplicity! Now there are more angry birds, fruit ninjas, and other gadgets (apps, whatever) than I know what to do with. Also - the blackberry I am using  has seen better days. The trackball fell out! And all the little computer pieces fell apart.  I spent a good chunk of the morning googling "blackberry shortcuts" and you will be pleased to know I will be ok.  However, I can't tell you how excited I am for my iphone 4S that should be arriving aaannnyyyyy day now! The irony of simplicity is we, most of us, want to love it or do love it, but tend to be the most over dramatic about the simplest of things - or maybe it's just me but I am pretty sure its not.

3. Friends. Two of my very best friends live too far. Enough said. I miss them. When you're from Texas, far means still traveling within the state, so yes - several hours of driving is far. If you can fly there, it's far. One of these girls has been in my life for YEARS and YEARS. We always had our own thing. Not quite like any other friendship. I wouldn't say we have grown apart. I definitely would say she is the type of person you can not talk to for a few days/weeks/months and then catch up over coffee and feel like you never missed a beat! She is a rock. An encouragement. A phone call away. The other fantastic person and I can skype all day, work, complain, laugh, and be totally on the same page without seeing each other. She is the person who makes me "LOL" just by reading a text, cry with her sweet Halmark cards (she has a subscription!), and who makes me think outside the box - or at least outside my all-too-often-narrow-mindedness.  Did I mention she has the two most adorable children?!?! Well, she does.

4. Mad minutes. Do you remember these? I'm not THAT old (age complex - will explain later) but these were those worksheets you would be given in math class that you would have 1 minute to complete, hence the cute slogan - "MAD MINUTE". I was actually really good at those at one point **day dreams for a moment**. Now I need a calculator. Isn't that sad??? No, I'm not a moron. I just lost my ability to do quick, simple math. I blame it on the one and only - ten key. Blast you, ten key, with your red and black ink, opposite entry from a regular calculator, and old timey sound when printing the numbers on that cute strip of "tape"! I'm going to get sister to make me some mad minutes. Sister is a first grade teacher. Or I can google them.

5. Family. Duh. Who doesn't miss their family? I am lucky enough to have most of them right here in the great city of San Antonio (and surrounding areas). But I miss my family in Louisiana and Michigan and Dallas and Colorado. Little people grow up too fast. (And why must they all be taller than me?! I'm 5 ft 1 in according to my driver's license! And what the DL says, goes.) Oh well - just another good excuse to travel!

6. Dallas. I know I came back to San Antonio for a reason. I love it here. I love being around Family and Friends. I miss Dallas though. Not going to lie. Glad I have reasons to visit still! I am hard to keep occupied - but DFW does it! There is ALWAYS something to do or place to go or thing to try. And my job. My job that I miss so much is there. I think I miss it most now, during the fall, because of all the festivities going on - Oktoberfest, Taste of (enter city name here), State Fair, etc.

7. Cheerleading and Dance. I can't wait to have a little girl who I hope and pray loves being girly just like me! Yes - lots of dramatics when you go this route but, so much fun at the same time. Lots of leasons learned. Lots of memories made. Lots to look forward to! Z (niece) is well on her way, sister won't admit it though! We were direct opposites growing up.

8. Being little. Not weight wise. Age wise. I miss being little. My dad makes fun of me for liking to watching old family videos because I always cry afterwards. Being a little kid is so much fun. I hope little kids still have fun these days and aren't bogged down by the weights that are this world. Don't parents know little people shouldn't lift weights at such young ages???

9. Gender Roles. I don't think I have ever seen true gender roles, as portrayed in the Bible, lived out in modern day society. I mean, I'm not ignorant, I know 'things change' and I have seen good examples of people living out the Biblically defined rules. I might have to ask my neighbor and long time friend's husband his opinion for a post later on. He majored in Bible stuff at ACU :) (see yesterday's post)

10. Being busy. I like being busy. I miss not being busy. I love being a social butterfly. I miss not always being able to be a social butterfly. I miss not having a full calendar. I miss not getting enough sleep (weird I know). But I love the QT I spend with friends and family. I love Happy Hours, Trivia, Date and Game nights with the neighbors. I have a blog now. I will be busy now!

11. I Love Lucy. Lucille Ball. I never met her. Well, I thought I did at one point - in the first grade I thought I met her at Disney Land in CA. I was soon informed that the person I met was an impersonator, imposter, fake, fraud, etc. I cried. It was sad. I wish I had met her. I think she is fabulous. She was different. Overcame many obstacles as a woman in her day. Oh, and she is hilarious!

12. Maybe more to come.... back to blackberry shortcut memorizing...and working :)

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