Friday, October 14, 2011

The Real Reason

Friends. I guess the reason I started this lovely blog is because I write a lot to sort through my thoughts. Sometimes, very rarely, I have a profound thought or two that I want to share. Writing things down has always been an outlet, a way to express myself. That is why I love TEXTING! I can be passive aggressive with my own words without ever having to open my mouth! It's perfect! Just kidding...kind of?

If you know me, you know I like to talk. I could talk all day. I could probably blog all day. But I have this thing called a job. And, well, even though said job does not keep me nearly busy enough, I probably shouldn't blog all day. I might take up the entire internet with my extremely intelligent and thought provoking statements - I wouldn't want to do that, now would I? There are enough of people's opinions floating around these days without my nonsense.

I will try....key word - try.... to keep my opinion sharing to a minimum but c'mon PEOPLE this is my blog after all. If you don't like it, start your own :) I do, however, think that blogging is going to be good for me. There might be sappy postings, thoughtful postings, religious postings, crafting postings, or just "life's crap" postings. If I ever had to move to a far away land for goodness knows why, you would be able to keep up with me - now isn't that something?! The power of technology. Amazing.

I'm not moving anywhere far away - for the record.

Oh and there might be more than one posting a day...did I mention my job does not keep me nearly busy enough. I need stimuli (plural - I think). I am not an English major, but I try!

Maybe I should have been an English major. Maybe I should have done a lot of things differently. Truth is I am pretty happy. Yes, there are things I would LOVE to change but I know I am here for a reason. My Christian counselor I used to see back in Dallas reminded me that I should have an "eternal prospective" (this could be a blog topic!). Philippians 1:18-26 is pretty sweet. Paul is awesome. I am here as the body of Christ and will leave having done His will - whether my stubborn behind likes it or not!

Do you have 'eternal prospective'? Just wondering.....

PS - you can comment or email me. It will just give me that much more to do! XOXO

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