A few days ago...ok maybe a week or so now... I was totally convicted when a good friend and mentor asked if I had "prayed about it". Maybe not totally convicted. Let's say more like, 'caught off guard'. I had prayed about 'it' - at least I thought I had. Maybe I hadn't. How do I answer that question if I'm not really sure if I did or not? I know I had more like begged....pleaded....talked....complained about 'it' but I'm not 100% sure I would say I prayed about 'it'.

It's so amazing to experience the power of prayer and putting faith in God. Even our own currency reminds us to trust in God! Never have I not been able to make ends meet. Never have I been led astray in decision making. If I made a bad decision, I knew it was because 1) I didn't pray about it or 2) I ignored God's teaching and did my own thing. I know there will be more experiences like the one I am referring to and I know that all doors have not been closed. There is a time and place for everything and I am just waiting for the next sign to point me in the direction I'm supposed to be going.
Now that I think about it, this same friend has asked me if I have prayed about a few other things.... I'm glad I have that person. Accountability people! It works!
So dear readers, have you prayed about it??? Have you prayed today, this week, this month? Do you pray when life gets tough or all the time? God is your BFF - tell him stuff, what you're happy with, what you're struggling with, talk to him :)
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