Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Straight vs. Snaggletooth

If you need to justify your own or other peoples’ crooked teeth by creating a trend out of it, then you are in serious need of help. Yes, I just saw an article on MSN’s homepage (my go-to source for all the latest happenings in the world, and my homepage that I, apparently, am not allowed to change – company idiosyncrasy) that read “Are Crooked Teeth the Next Big Beauty Trend?”.  Really? So because Kate Moss has slightly crooked teeth, we all should? No. I mean, don’t get me wrong, my teeth aren’t perfect by any means. Shoot, this isn’t even about TEETH or how straight or snaggletooth you may be. It’s the principle of the matter, people.
Why do we have trends? What is a trend? Is trending the hot, new thing? Aren’t we all individuals, equally and uniquely made? Why does an imperfection need to be a trend? Are we that shallow? Are we that insecure that we have to expose our slight “flaws” (better referred to as “differences” or “character traits”) in order to make ourselves feel better?
Toddlers and Tiara’s – perfect example (ok, maybe not perfect) – those poor, little, sweet, overly shiny tots are a conformity waiting to happen. Yes, they are cute and they might have fun, but those moms are NUTS.  And yes, we might dress our kids up (for the record, no kids here!) and snap a picture or two but this show is extreme and they are exploiting these little girls to an immoral level.  They even give the girls fake teeth to put in since they are losing them left and right! Getting off my soap box now.
Where is the love? I am not perfect. My family isn’t perfect, but I love them and they love me. Don’t succumb to trends. Don’t drink coffee at Starbucks because everyone else does, do it if you like it. Don’t dress a certain way to fit in, unless that’s truly your style. Don’t eat a certain thing, like sushi, because it’s a hot topic, especially if you really hate raw fish! Don’t change yourself to fall into a trend (example – frizz out your hair just because that’s “in”). Being different and unique is what makes you, you. Those are the things, the crooked teeth, frizzy hair, curves, funny looking toes (will explain), that make you stand out above the rest. The less conforming you do, the more true to yourself you are.  I guarantee you will be ten million times happier in life, too!
Side note – yes, I have funny toes. One is shorter than the other, the “middle” toe on both feet, to be exact. Of course I get made fun of, but I don’t mind, because, to be totally honest, I love my little toe.  You should love your distinctive qualities, too!


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

For the Normal People

I saw this and laughed.

Do you ever feel like the old saying, "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger," just doesn't quite fit the bill? I am really trying to love it. Well, I am really trying to at least LIKE it. It being my job. The past week and the few days of this week have been fine. We have been pretty busy. That helps.

I'm normally the one who opens my mouth in meetings and can't seem to "shut up and listen" but shutting up and listening has come very easily these past few months. I usually have a lot of suggestions and honestly, I have some good ideas! However, I just haven't felt like saying much. This place will never change and if it's going to, it will be because of a few people who aren't open to suggestions and who will do it their way. I really hope I am in a holding cell. I really hope and pray for some type of answer as to why I am at this place.

Do you ever feel like that? Like you're in a holding cell? Just waiting around for 'the next big thing'? I feel like that unusually often. Too often. Patience is so incredibly cumbersome to endure. Would you agree? It's not that I want "things", I just want to have a purpose. To know what the heck is going on in my life more than 50% of the time. To know the general direction my life is going in. There are so many unknowns. Too many!

Wasn't someone supposed to warn us of this feeling? I went from wearing 100 different hats and balancing 50 different plates in high school and college, to NOTHING - diddly squat, if you will. Well, the year after college was exciting but in a very bad way, unfortunately. And sure, I can better myself by going BACK to school or studying for an exam that is 100% against me or joining a convent (extreme, I know). I just don't FEEL like those are the things I should be doing right now. However, I don't feel like I should be doing ANYTHING right now which is a really crummy feeling. I just need to go to work and be here. Here. Day in and day out. Here. That's it. Nothing exciting. You can all stop reading now.


But in all seriousness - doesn't reality suck??? No jokes, people. I know my parents and siblings are laughing right now because I tend to be a bit on the dramatic side, but FOR REAL! I want to juggle a plate and wear a few hats. I want to DO something. I don't want to be in this holding cell anymore. Oh dearest patience - how I loathe you - but I know somewhere, in the midst of all this that is boring, I am here for a reason, a season, a purpose, a - who knows what.

I know I am not the only one. I know I am probably going to feel like this at several moments in my life. Or, God could just hop me around from good thing to good thing and then I would never, ever be bored again. In my prayers (dreams).

Monday, October 24, 2011

Be still people!

Last night I went to a community worship service, and during that time I took a note, yes on my cell phone so it looked like I was texting, of the verse Psalm 46:10. I had forgotten about that verse! How ironic is it that Psalm 46:10 was one of the first bible verses I ever memorized? Ironic not because it’s a very short verse, give me some credit here, but because of what it says and how I am. Psalm 46:10 says –
Be still. What in the world does that mean? I can hardly sit still long enough to think about it! I don’t know how to be still. Ask anyone. The only thing I can sit through is a movie and sometimes church, but I normally have to get up and go to the bathroom at least once! But does being still mean being physically immobile? What about the cell phone ringing? The dog barking? The radio blaring? What about a broken heart? What about sadness? What about all the other distractions and thoughts one has in a day? What about the awesome Texas Ranger’s game?!
Being still is not just about being motionless, stationary. Being still is quieting our hearts and our minds, stopping whatever it is that makes us all so daggum busy, forcing ourselves to slow down, to escape from this thing we are doing day in and day out (living life). Being still is turning over our heartaches and racing thoughts over to God. That’s where the second part of the verse comes in handy.
“…And know that I am God”
Can we, the human race, conceive of how big He is? I can’t. Half the time I think I am God, that I can do it all, that when I fail it’s just the Devil trying to stop me, not God, or some other outlandish excuse to get around doing His will.
I had to stop writing for a moment believe it or not! I can’t describe God’s greatness. I can’t describe how to know God. There isn’t a book or verse that can encompass all that He is, was, and will be. We have faith in Him. We know He is there. We feel his presence….when we are still.  Readers, a few things from the past year have taught me these things and these things are all I have to offer you:
When life comes at you fast – be still and know He is God.
When you feel like letting go – be still, let Him take your hand
When it seems all is lost – be still, and know that He is everything and he will never leave you
When you’re faced with a difficult decision and know you instantly made the wrong choice – be still, He is there, comforting you
When you find yourself on your knees and have no idea what else to do but cry – be still, He is wiping your tears and healing your heart
When it seems like no one understands – be still, and know that He gets it and it was all part of His plan no matter how messed up it seems to be
When you’re blessed beyond belief, filled with happiness, surrounded by loved ones, financially stable, and living the dream – be still…understand, be thankful, and know that He is God.
In everything, at every stage of life, in all situations take ten minutes to be still…even if it means taking a bubble bath! Close your eyes, let go of all the good, bad, and ugly inside your heart and your mind, and know that He is God.  Yes, I need to take my own advice!

Friday, October 21, 2011

'Occupy' what? and Taco Salad...

Sometimes I wish I was more in tune with political party positions and the protests they seem to be hosting. This new wave of "Occupy Wall Street' protests has actually gone nationwide! I asked a coworker about them, thinking we (they) were all relatively the same, and they aren't. Tea party people want one thing and left wing people want another and all I want is for our country to go back to some sort of normalcy - whatever that is.

Union workers, teachers, CEO's, banks, Wall Street, Fortune 500 companies, etc - all want a piece of the pie. Is it not obvious that if we all gave up a little for the greater good, there would be less protesting and more partying (maybe)? It seems that the solutions to root issues our country is facing shouldn't require the entire government, full of economic geniuses and rocket scientists, to figure it out. Shoot - Dave Ramsey worked for me! I know that's an ignorant comment for all of you political guru's, BUT REALLY - the country is in debt, people are in debt, companies are going under, some are getting bailed out, and yes, it's not fair, but we have to have hope that our leaders know what they are doing. Or we all just have to hold on until the next election. But really - one man cannot change our situation. It has to be a collective effort. I'm not taking sides, just stating the obvious.

I thought this was an interesting letter - I read it on a friend's facebook wall. It's an "Official Statement from Occupy Wall Street" voted on and approved by the general assembly of protesters at Liberty Square. I cut some of it out but left the main points. It was pretty lengthy.

"Declaration of the Occupation of New York City"

"As we gather together in solidarity to express a feeling of mass injustice, we must not lose sight of what brought us together. We write so that all people who feel wronged by the corporate forces of the world can know that we are your allies.

As one people, united, we acknowledge the reality: that the future of the human race requires the cooperation of its members; that our system must protect our rights, and upon corruption of that system, it is up to the individuals to protect their own rights, and those of their neighbors; that a democratic government derives its just power from the people, but corporations do not seek consent to extract wealth from the people and the Earth; and that no true democracy is attainable when the process is determined by economic power. We come to you at a time when corporations, which place profit over people, self-interest over justice and oppression over equality, run our governments. We have peacably assembled here, as is our right, to let these facts be known.

They have taken our houses through an illegal foreclosure process, despite not having the original mortgage.

They have taken bailouts from taxpayers with impunity, and continue to give Executives exorbitant bonuses.

They have perpetuated inequality and discrimination in the workplace based on age, the color of one's skin, sex, gender identity and sexual orientation.

....undermined the farming system through monopolization....have profited off of the torture, confinement, and cruel treatment of countless nonhuman animals....have continuously sought to strip employees of the right to negotiate for better pay and safer working conditions.

....have held students hostage with tens of thousands of dollars of debt on education...used outsourcing as leverage to cut workers' healthcare and pay.... have influenced the courts to achieve the same rights as people, with none of the culpability or responsibility.

They have spent millions....have used the military and police force to prevent freedom of the press....have declined to recall faulty products....determine economic policy....have donated large sums of money to politicians....block alternate forms of energy to keep us dependent on oil....block generic forms of medicine that could save lives in order to protect investments... covered up oil spills, accidents, faulty bookkeeping...

They purposefully keep people misinformed and fearful through their control of the media... 

We, the New York City General Assembly occupying Wall Street in Liberty Square, urge you to assert your power." THE END

What do you think? Are you going to occupy a public space now? Change your bank accounts from a Chase, Wells Fargo, BofA, or another and go to a credit union or local bank? Are you going to stand with a sign to fight injustice?

In other news - last night I made the tastiest, fanciest taco salad ever. It was a tid-bit spicy, being the weenie I am on the spice spectrum - but DELICIOUS other than that! Oh, and my Rangers won. Sad I missed the game but glad we pulled out a W (dub-ya). That's as exciting as my life gets!

Have a great weekend!!!!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

"Did you pray about it?" - Accountability

A few days ago...ok maybe a week or so now... I was totally convicted when a good friend and mentor asked if I had "prayed about it". Maybe not totally convicted. Let's say more like, 'caught off guard'.  I had prayed about 'it' - at least I thought I had. Maybe I hadn't. How do I answer that question if I'm not really sure if I did or not? I know I had more like begged....pleaded....talked....complained about 'it' but I'm not 100% sure I would say I prayed about 'it'.

'It' is a project that I got involved in at the beginning of September and have been struggling with keeping it in my life or not. At first it was a way to make a little extra money, to pay off some medical bills and other small debts that were more a nuisance than burden.  'It' is something I could justify removing from my life with "it has served its purpose and now I can move on".  But, that was ME talking. I never really listened for an answer. That night I prayed about it. I think my justification was right. I think removing me from this particular 'it' situation is really what I should do.  (No, the 'it' I'm speaking of is not an illegal act or some ungodly thing.... I would just rather not blast it all over the WWW)

I've had clear signals. Maybe not flares lit up all around me, but definite signs that my time with 'it' is done. Getting out of 'it' is a whole other story. However, I am truly blessed to have been in a position to experience 'it'.  I was provided for. There was never a financial burden or worry. My needs have been met. Thanks be to God.

It's so amazing to experience the power of prayer and putting faith in God. Even our own currency reminds us to trust in God! Never have I not been able to make ends meet. Never have I been led astray in decision making. If I made a bad decision, I knew it was because 1) I didn't pray about it or 2) I ignored God's teaching and did my own thing. I know there will be more experiences like the one I am referring to and I know that all doors have not been closed. There is a time and place for everything and I am just waiting for the next sign to point me in the direction I'm supposed to be going.

Now that I think about it, this same friend has asked me if I have prayed about a few other things.... I'm glad I have that person. Accountability people! It works!

So dear readers, have you prayed about it??? Have you prayed today, this week, this month? Do you pray when life gets tough or all the time? God is your BFF - tell him stuff, what you're happy with, what you're struggling with, talk to him :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Things I Miss

Oh nostalgia - you might be the death of me - but I can't help but randomly think of those little, and soemtimes not so little things I miss about the randomness that is LIFE

1. Tuesday afternoons. When I was living in D, working at the most amazing accounting firm (Did I mention I was an accountant? It's not exciting. Therefore there isn't much to say), I got the opportunity to go to a particular client's office every Tuesday afternoon, and sometimes more often. Definitely more often when it got closer to moving day. The sweetest lady EVER worked there as the 'mom' of a company which was predomenantly male populated. She took care of everyone and everything. She still does! She isn't gone even though I am. She loves those guys (and girls) and bends over backwards for them. She was my saving grace while in D. She kept me sane. Kept me happy. Loved me like her own. And made me go to the doctor when I was sick. That's love, people. I know my parents appreciate her as much as I do. I never minded staying late at that client's office. We always had so much to talk about. I could never get enough of her. Maybe one day I will get my Tuesday afternoon back. She is only allowed to retire when I have a kid that she can watch during the day - if I ever am in D again.

2. A little less personal - Nokia phones and snake game. Oh the simplicity! Now there are more angry birds, fruit ninjas, and other gadgets (apps, whatever) than I know what to do with. Also - the blackberry I am using  has seen better days. The trackball fell out! And all the little computer pieces fell apart.  I spent a good chunk of the morning googling "blackberry shortcuts" and you will be pleased to know I will be ok.  However, I can't tell you how excited I am for my iphone 4S that should be arriving aaannnyyyyy day now! The irony of simplicity is we, most of us, want to love it or do love it, but tend to be the most over dramatic about the simplest of things - or maybe it's just me but I am pretty sure its not.

3. Friends. Two of my very best friends live too far. Enough said. I miss them. When you're from Texas, far means still traveling within the state, so yes - several hours of driving is far. If you can fly there, it's far. One of these girls has been in my life for YEARS and YEARS. We always had our own thing. Not quite like any other friendship. I wouldn't say we have grown apart. I definitely would say she is the type of person you can not talk to for a few days/weeks/months and then catch up over coffee and feel like you never missed a beat! She is a rock. An encouragement. A phone call away. The other fantastic person and I can skype all day, work, complain, laugh, and be totally on the same page without seeing each other. She is the person who makes me "LOL" just by reading a text, cry with her sweet Halmark cards (she has a subscription!), and who makes me think outside the box - or at least outside my all-too-often-narrow-mindedness.  Did I mention she has the two most adorable children?!?! Well, she does.

4. Mad minutes. Do you remember these? I'm not THAT old (age complex - will explain later) but these were those worksheets you would be given in math class that you would have 1 minute to complete, hence the cute slogan - "MAD MINUTE". I was actually really good at those at one point **day dreams for a moment**. Now I need a calculator. Isn't that sad??? No, I'm not a moron. I just lost my ability to do quick, simple math. I blame it on the one and only - ten key. Blast you, ten key, with your red and black ink, opposite entry from a regular calculator, and old timey sound when printing the numbers on that cute strip of "tape"! I'm going to get sister to make me some mad minutes. Sister is a first grade teacher. Or I can google them.

5. Family. Duh. Who doesn't miss their family? I am lucky enough to have most of them right here in the great city of San Antonio (and surrounding areas). But I miss my family in Louisiana and Michigan and Dallas and Colorado. Little people grow up too fast. (And why must they all be taller than me?! I'm 5 ft 1 in according to my driver's license! And what the DL says, goes.) Oh well - just another good excuse to travel!

6. Dallas. I know I came back to San Antonio for a reason. I love it here. I love being around Family and Friends. I miss Dallas though. Not going to lie. Glad I have reasons to visit still! I am hard to keep occupied - but DFW does it! There is ALWAYS something to do or place to go or thing to try. And my job. My job that I miss so much is there. I think I miss it most now, during the fall, because of all the festivities going on - Oktoberfest, Taste of (enter city name here), State Fair, etc.

7. Cheerleading and Dance. I can't wait to have a little girl who I hope and pray loves being girly just like me! Yes - lots of dramatics when you go this route but, so much fun at the same time. Lots of leasons learned. Lots of memories made. Lots to look forward to! Z (niece) is well on her way, sister won't admit it though! We were direct opposites growing up.

8. Being little. Not weight wise. Age wise. I miss being little. My dad makes fun of me for liking to watching old family videos because I always cry afterwards. Being a little kid is so much fun. I hope little kids still have fun these days and aren't bogged down by the weights that are this world. Don't parents know little people shouldn't lift weights at such young ages???

9. Gender Roles. I don't think I have ever seen true gender roles, as portrayed in the Bible, lived out in modern day society. I mean, I'm not ignorant, I know 'things change' and I have seen good examples of people living out the Biblically defined rules. I might have to ask my neighbor and long time friend's husband his opinion for a post later on. He majored in Bible stuff at ACU :) (see yesterday's post)

10. Being busy. I like being busy. I miss not being busy. I love being a social butterfly. I miss not always being able to be a social butterfly. I miss not having a full calendar. I miss not getting enough sleep (weird I know). But I love the QT I spend with friends and family. I love Happy Hours, Trivia, Date and Game nights with the neighbors. I have a blog now. I will be busy now!

11. I Love Lucy. Lucille Ball. I never met her. Well, I thought I did at one point - in the first grade I thought I met her at Disney Land in CA. I was soon informed that the person I met was an impersonator, imposter, fake, fraud, etc. I cried. It was sad. I wish I had met her. I think she is fabulous. She was different. Overcame many obstacles as a woman in her day. Oh, and she is hilarious!

12. Maybe more to come.... back to blackberry shortcut memorizing...and working :)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Fellow Young People

Disclaimer: I am not a major theologian. I am not claiming to be. I don't even WANT to be. I just had a thought and went with it. This was not intended to offend anyone. If you disagree with me, fine. I am truly going off feeling and feeling alone. With that being said........

It has come to my attention that there are very few Christian Marriage Retreats aimed at young people. RANDOM - I know. Not even just marriage retreats. Heck, forget the "being married" part all together. There are very few Christian Retreats aimed at the development of young people for marriage, if that is a person's calling.

My point - everyone is all hyped up about the "death of marriage" and that over 50% of Christian marriages end in divorce. Ok - Christian, Catholic, Faith-based, whatever. The fact is - marriage is a dying art, not sure if that is an appropriate comparison but ANYWAYS....why in Bob's name, are there marriage retreats, after rebuilding marriage bible studies, after 'Weekend to Remember' events, after “Focus on the Family” affairs, after another - all aimed at OLDER (not OLD, older) people? Those who have been married for years and years. Why? I mean, I get it. I do. Empty nest syndrome. Those who are getting the '7-year itch' (which has turned into the '2 year itch' it seems).

And is the Church really stooping to the level of marketing their organization and religious affiliation by claiming "life-long marriages only last when the couple goes to church" - ? Are they really doing that? Yes. People should go to Church if they want. However, doesn't church mean where there is a group of people gathering in God's name? This is a hot topic- I'm sure. Again - not a serious Bible thumper but isn't there a verse that talks about this? I will find it later. I only say this because the “church” building cannot save marriages – people and God and Biblical truth save marriages, relationships, families, homes, friendships...etc.

I love this statement from Ken Ham, "...those who read the Bible seriously and without compromise put their faith as a much higher priority in their lives. As a result, they lead very different lives, to include some of the lowest divorce rates in the country, well below the atheists, agnostics, and general public. Interestingly, those who profess faith in Jesus Christ but not in what the Bible teaches appear little different than the rest of the world"

It's not about going to church, saying you’re a Christian and being 'good'. It's about the real, nitty gritty of the Faith, what the Bible says and commands of us, Christians, that distinguishes a successful marriage from an unsuccessful marriage. If you and your partner have the same priority, which is God, and truly follow the Bible and all it has in store for you, your marriage should be successful. The Bible is our handbook.

This brings me back to my original point - young people! Why are there SO MANY dagum retreats and workshops and bible studies aimed at those who are already married and NOT SO MANY dagum retreats and workshops and bible studies aimed at those who are on their way to be married or would like to be some day????

Beth Moore does a good job in her Esther study - well to me at least - of showing us how Women should be, according to the Bible. But, in my opinion, I feel like the dudes of the world need to know their role as well as the Woman's role in a relationship, life, whatever. Both sides should understand and attempt to familiarize themselves with the inner and outer workings of the opposite sex's brain, heart, and soul! So, here is my proposition. We need to find or make or orchestrate one of these events. We need elders, wise, older people, those with testimony and expertise in regard to gender roles, and a really good, YOUNG advertising and marketing guru.

We need to break the cycle. Yes, repairing broken marriages is awesome and I am all for it. I can’t imagine how heartbreaking it is to watch your parents’ divorce. But think about it, what do young married couples do when disaster strikes? They turn to what they know best – whether that is television or other couples they know who might have good marriages or might not. We need to fix what’s been broken….but we need to go to the source, the beginning, the roots and foundational layer of a relationship. For some people, that might be when they are still dating, when they are single, or when they are one week from saying “I do”.  Young people need to be equipped with what “real faith” means and what their role is according to the Bible, (obviously adapted to present day society because I don’t know about you, but I can’t be as submissive as I am probably supposed to be), all while understanding their partner’s (opposite sex’s) role. It’s about accountability, and not because I’m an accountant. I think many would be surprised by the oodles of young people, soon to be college graduates, and real-world newbies who are dying to know their role and who, like me, are fixated on gender roles but who need to know Biblical truth.

Side note - here is the verse I was looking for earlier: Matthew 18:20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

Ok – I’m done. Now, let’s do something…please???

Monday, October 17, 2011

The Hook (Line and Sinker, or is it sink her??)

Dear Readers - or maybe there is only one of you???

To my understanding, after my thorough study and yes, appreciation, for that which is a blog, I have come to find out that they each possess a hook. Much like that of a plot in a movie - of which I am a huge fan. So I have been brainstorming ways to keep the traffic up on this site. Since I am not "blogging" about anything specific, this could be difficult....verrrryyyyy difficult (some of you will get this).

I find it amusing that this has almost become a challenge.  Definitely a hobby. Subconsciously a way to occupy time.  Since my first post I have been creating 'drafts' of 'posts to come' when an idea for a good blurb finds its way into my head. One of these days (here is another blurb idea) I might write about my thought process - let me tell you, even I hardly understand where these things come from. It's like you're at a baseball game and instead of the ball (idea) originating at home plate, being hit to left field, then thrown back to home for the out (or not for a homer), the ball comes FLYING out of the stands and onto right field. The idea (ball) might get picked up, or not, to be carried through to form an actual sentence that I might write or say. Did I lose you? I think I did. Maybe I should leave the ball in right field and drop the topic of 'thought origination'. My point - I have no idea where this stuff comes from.

On the way to work this morning I didn't listen to the radio. It was nice not having a talk show host blabber on about Justin Bieber or reliving the events of this weekend's win for the Texas Rangers (whom I adore). I just drove. Well, and sadly put on my make up at the same time. But nonetheless it was silent. I was more aware. More cautious. More focused. More courteous. I actually let several people in the traffic line ahead of me. Why are we always so busy and in a hurry? Why must we always feel like we are in first place? As of lately I have been anything but in first place.

You should drive with the radio off. It's wonderful.

Maybe this was my hook? Half of your are probably rolling your eyes and thinking "DUH, of course driving with the radio off makes you more aware." And then you will never return to my blog. You're missin' out!

However, after driving without the radio on I feel unusually confident about this week. I might start doing things I've been neglecting, weeding out all the BS that I don't need, working out again finally, and working on positivity. We could all use a little of it. For example - I just asked off a day of work to go on a roadtrip (yes, I said roadtrip) to NEBRASKA - something I have been neglecting. And guess what - they said yes!!!!!! Last time I asked for a day off work from said job I was reprimanded with this snarky comment "Maybe you should stay at work a while" ... really???

Ok - I'm moving on. No more negativity. I am at this place for a reason (place = said job) and I need to just deal with it. It could be a hundred, million times worse....

Please don't take this as a cliché because it really speaks to me....

He DECLARES it, so it must be true. I hope it does something for you today too!

In Faith....

Friday, October 14, 2011

The Real Reason

Friends. I guess the reason I started this lovely blog is because I write a lot to sort through my thoughts. Sometimes, very rarely, I have a profound thought or two that I want to share. Writing things down has always been an outlet, a way to express myself. That is why I love TEXTING! I can be passive aggressive with my own words without ever having to open my mouth! It's perfect! Just kidding...kind of?

If you know me, you know I like to talk. I could talk all day. I could probably blog all day. But I have this thing called a job. And, well, even though said job does not keep me nearly busy enough, I probably shouldn't blog all day. I might take up the entire internet with my extremely intelligent and thought provoking statements - I wouldn't want to do that, now would I? There are enough of people's opinions floating around these days without my nonsense.

I will try....key word - try.... to keep my opinion sharing to a minimum but c'mon PEOPLE this is my blog after all. If you don't like it, start your own :) I do, however, think that blogging is going to be good for me. There might be sappy postings, thoughtful postings, religious postings, crafting postings, or just "life's crap" postings. If I ever had to move to a far away land for goodness knows why, you would be able to keep up with me - now isn't that something?! The power of technology. Amazing.

I'm not moving anywhere far away - for the record.

Oh and there might be more than one posting a day...did I mention my job does not keep me nearly busy enough. I need stimuli (plural - I think). I am not an English major, but I try!

Maybe I should have been an English major. Maybe I should have done a lot of things differently. Truth is I am pretty happy. Yes, there are things I would LOVE to change but I know I am here for a reason. My Christian counselor I used to see back in Dallas reminded me that I should have an "eternal prospective" (this could be a blog topic!). Philippians 1:18-26 is pretty sweet. Paul is awesome. I am here as the body of Christ and will leave having done His will - whether my stubborn behind likes it or not!

Do you have 'eternal prospective'? Just wondering.....

PS - you can comment or email me. It will just give me that much more to do! XOXO

Thursday, October 13, 2011

What am I getting myself into?!

Well. I did it. I took a step off the high dive. I am crossing flaming rocks. I bit the bullet. I created a blog....what? Really. Me?! Yes.

I would consider myself a blog enthusiast, to say the least. There are blogs about fashion, decorating, DIY and crafting, weddings, photography, accessory making, lifestyles, traveling, and a million other things. Bloggers fascinate me. I think because they all, and I mean ALL, seem to have it figured out, even if they claim to not. Their stories reel you in like a little kid who just caught their first fish. Their lives seem exciting, full of adventure. But do they really have it all together? What about those of them who don’t have it all together? Like me. What about the bloggers of the world who are struggling through really tough times, who are jobless, who have hopes and dreams the size of rare blood-red Rafflesia flowers but which never seem to grow beyond the size of a baby’s breath floret?

I googled “largest flower in the world” – which is how I found the rare blood-red Rafflesia flower.

Furthermore, what about the bloggers who don’t have the creative capability of crafting a beautiful room-scape, or photographing a wedding in a way that it appears dream-like, or who can use a measuring spoon but lack Iron Chef culinary skills? What do those people blog about? Their life that is perfectly put together, that’s what!

And what does blog even mean?! From the man, Webster, himself – “a website that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks provided by the writer; also: the contents of such a site” It seems to be a word of endless implications.  Blog – verb – to write about ________; to complain about ______; to rejoice about ________; to show off _________; ETC! Don’t you see dear reader, blogging is a bottomless pit of actions involving a computer, monitor, keyboard, and mouse – less if you use a laptop. 

If I had a blog what would I blog about? I would blog about the pain of being pigeon-holed in a job I hate. I would blog about waiting on God’s timing, for His will to be done, for understanding of what in the heck His will for my life is. I would blog about my attempts to be chef-like, crafty and artsy. I would blog about things I love like my family, vacations, my niece, and people in general.  I would blog about random things like my opinion on women working, taking a job you might hate for more money, trivia nights, things I google in a day, the wedding of my dreams that will never look like a picture in a magazine but that I am 100% ok with, and my puppies.  I would blog the written Word, that it might bring someone hope and peace. I would force myself to blog a blessing – so I can be fully aware of the blessing that is – my life. My blog would totally be a selfish attempt to figure out life as we know it. I wouldn’t care who read it.

If I wrote a blog…


Here we are. The beginning of an attempt to blog along with the rest of the world, because facebook, myspace, twitter, linkedin, google+, and every other social media site have not given us enough outlets to express ourselves.

I leave you with this thought......why is "googled" not recognized as a real word to spell checker? Seriously.

Be blessed.