Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Spaghetti Squash BBQ Chicken Casserole

So, I made this bomb paleo casserole (that isn’t 100% paleo because I added cheese to the top). Events leading up to it were not so fun. It’s spaghetti squash BBQ chicken casserole and here is the story behind the goodness (and thank God it was good or I would have really been ticked)! 

I bought the ingredients a few days before to be prepared and one of the main ones was a spaghetti squash (hence, the name). Well, I went to start cooking the spaghetti squash but it was nowhere to be found!!! Seriously, who loses a spaghetti squash?! They aren’t small! Luckily, my husband was just leaving work so he stopped for one. 

He got home, cut it in half (the width way, not length wise), I salted it, set it on a pan lined with parchment paper (cut side down) and cooked it for 35 minutes at 425F. 

Next, I got to work on the chicken. I cut two pounds of raw chicken breast  into bite size pieces. I honestly love doing that because it makes serving the meal to two littles a lot easier and faster! I digress. Into the pan with the chicken, I added garlic and Italian seasoning and some EVOO. I let the chicken cook while I diced a whole red onion. I added the red onion and two pouches of turkey bacon bits (yes, I cheated and used turkey bacon bits instead of cooking turkey bacon and cutting it) and let the chicken finish cooking. 

At this point, my youngest kept asking “Foooood, mommy? Fooood? Eat it?” Yes, dear, going as fast as I can! 

While the chicken and onions and cheater turkey bacon bits cooked, I whipped up some homemade bbq sauce! A small can of tomato paste, garlic, some shakes of liquid smoke, paprika, pepper, some maple syrup, then I used the tomato paste can to measure out 3/4 of a can of apple cider vinegar and 1/4 Worcestershire sauce. I whisked it all together, then tweaked what I put in and had my husband taste test it. He approved! Sorry, we don’t measure much around here. Who has time for that? 

I spaghettified the spaghetti squash, added in the chicken/bacon mix and the homemade bbq sauce then whisked up three eggs and added those. This all went into a parchment lined 13x9 pan. 

The kicker- since dinner was already severely delayed because of the case of the missing spaghetti squash, I threw in the casserole at 400F, set the timer for 30 minutes and tried to distract my hungry kids. I went to the oven with about 5 minutes left, to check on it and add the cheese .... and the oven was OFF! Say what?!? 

Ugh. Needless to say, I restarted the oven but my husband went to grab pizza because none of us could wait. 

The missing spoonful in the picture was tasty and kid approved - even after eating pizza. 

Can’t win them all, my friends. Half glass full: we now have dinner for tomorrow. 

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