Thursday, December 20, 2018

Dream Big. Start Small.

Do you know how many times I hear "How do you do so much?" or "You do so many things!" or something along those lines?

I'm not complaining. I know I "do all the things". I'm also not complaining about doing those things.

I'm here more or less to encourage you.

How appropriate for the beginning of a new year is this? It may sound cheesy but there is so much truth in this one little statement. I saw this little quote by a TED Talk Speaker, Simon Sinek (I'm sure he is famous for other reasons but, he has several really great keynotes that you can listen to here).

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Whatever dream you have - whether it be to stay home with your kids or work less hours, lose weight, work your way towards your dream job, buy a car or a house or a boat (I know a guy!), travel more, to make it from paycheck to paycheck, whatever it is... START!

I also saw something, that actually threw me off, that basically encouraged people not to do a dern thing but  stated that "God would make it so". I really, highly doubt God is looking down at us wanting us to simply sit and wait. Yes, His will be done and all those glorious and wonderful truths, but, laziness and complacency don't sit well with Him - guaranteed.

I may look like I have my hands in so. many. different. pots. And there are definitely days, sometimes weeks, where I'm like, "What in the actual F am I doing?" but if I am true to myself, I started and continue all my 'things' because I enjoy them. I have some lofty dreams tied to some. I am currently able to live some dreams tied to others. All in all, there is a reason for the madness and I really believe that a lot of 'starting,' no matter how hard it was, is tied to glorifying God and His plan for my life.

I'm not saying, "be like me!"

If there is something pulling at you, just start. No one got anywhere via complacency, moaning and groaning, or envying others.

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