Thursday, December 19, 2013
Lots of media attention for the duck dynasty guy, Phil Robertson, lately.
There are a few issues/thoughts here that come to my mind – lots of time in the car road tripping to Disney World produces this kind of blog post (you thought this was going to be about our trip, didn't you??).
· If this was a person of the LGBT community, it would have the same media attention and the premise would still be the same – freedom of speech
· The media portrayal of Phil Robertson is as hypocritical as a black (excuse me, African American) calling a white (oh sorry, Caucasian) person a “racist (insert white slang here)” or visa versa and with other races! A white person (Caucasian) calling a Mexican (Hispanic???) a bad word but yet, the Mexican is the racist? Think about it. How “okay” is it for someone to call someone else hurtful words and stereotype them but yet, the one being ridiculed is the racist and in the wrong? That’s gross. You could argue and say racism is a freedom of speech, sure. Does that make racism ok? In my opinion, no, but others might think differently. Same goes for what Phil said – just because you and your dog don’t agree or do agree, whatever, it doesn't matter! That’s the beauty of the freedom of speech and the world we live in.
· Similarly, I saw a few posts about him being a ‘dumb redneck’… That’s hypocritical and, who are you to say he is a redneck? What the heck is a redneck? You’re no better for calling him names than he is for exercising his right to free speech – say what you want! Arguing his ‘redneckness’ doesn't make you the winner of this debate, just sayin’!
· There was a part of Phil’s conversation with the reporter that was cut off… He says, “we never, ever judge someone on who’s going to heaven, hell. That’s the Almighty’s job. We just love ‘em, give ‘em the good news about Jesus – whether they’re homosexuals, drunks, terrorists. We let God sort ‘em out later, you see what I’m saying?” That is so foundational for any Christian – do not judge, spread the Good News of Jesus, love one another – it’s not rocket science (or Christian Science for that matter)!
· And in case you missed it, here is an official statement from the Robertson family - My favorite part is this – “Phil is a Godly man who follows what the Bible says are the greatest commandments: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart” and “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Going back to point #2 – LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF – do not judge others or blame them based on a stereotype.
· I don’t mean to offend anyone or shove religion down anyone’s throat… that’s not the point. The point is freedom of speech. I have plenty of friends in the LGBT community, several are very good friends of mine, and I would never and have never thought “differently” of them. You want to hear about Disney World? Lots of lesbian and gay couples – everywhere. And we could have cared less. We were there to see Disney world, not spend our time muttering words of hate under our breath. The point is– love your neighbor as yourself, whether or not you’re lesbian, Muslim, gay, purple, Mexican, Hindu, what the heck ever.
· Hey Jack, and another thing – he is human. Have you never said something that caused you to immediately smack yourself on the head and think “why did I just say that?”? I do it all the time, unfortunately. The curse of the blabber mouth. If he had said the comment in point #3 before whatever he said about the LGBT community, the media still would have cut it out. Or, better yet, if he had said it in a slightly different way, what would they have done? They saw an opportunity to exploit someone, so they did it! They feed off all the idiots (including me) who support one side or the other. But, I have a blog and you will listen to what I have to say – Ok? Thanks! Kidding.
· ALSO – FYI – YOU DON’T HAVE TO READ OR LISTEN TO THE CRAP YOU SEE IN THE NEWS! Surprise, surprise – as much of a right as it is to speak freely, it’s also your right to look away and ignore. But thanks for getting to the end of this post!
Just calm the heck down, please?
I like the show, actually. I didn't like the thought of someone throwing us a Duck Dynasty theme wedding shower, but the show is decent. It’s mindless television but a good, moral, clean type of mindless. I don’t like hunting or camo or ducks but it’s someone’s lifestyle and that’s why people watch… we, the human RACE, are obsessed with others’ lives. Tell me you’re not and I will laugh at you because you’re engaged in at least one of the following - you’re reading this, you have a facebook, and/or you watch at least one reality TV show.
Case closed - Happy, happy, happy freedom of speech!
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Our Big Announcement
"The best thing about our new house... " is the beginning of a sentence that has become pretty common lately. We just love everything about our new home - even the Brady Bunch feel (wood paneling and all)!
However, the absolute best thing about our home is the fact that it is ours. It's a reflection of us, our relationship, our hard work and it's a place we envision holidays, birthdays, and all the chaos in between.
Here are a few pictures, pre move in. Enjoy!
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Practice Makes Perfect
Freezer meals are my friend. (and G's!)
What is a freezer meal? The most convenient way to cook during the week, the best reheatable snacks, the most hearty and inexpensive breakfasts, it's whatever you want it to be!
There are so many great blogs, websites, pins, shares, wall posts, etc about freezer meal cooking. I've been seeing them a lot. Even at a pampered chef party, years ago, we were given recipes for freezer meals. But one thing several sites lack is the secret to getting it all done. Well, there is no secret except maybe patience and organization (and a husband/friend/partner that helps you stir something, or cracks eggs for you, or cleans a dirty dish when you need it again, or runs to the store for )!
I have done this several times in the distant past but never to the extent that I have in the past few months.
Here is how you know that freezer cooking is right for you:
- you can afford the up front cost of groceries (FYI - this totally saves us major $$$ in the long run)
- you are exhausted after work and cooking isn't your favorite thing to do
- you have patience, are organized, and can stand a dirty kitchen for a few hours
- are single, married, or have a huge family (so everyone)
- have a foam mat to stand on (kidding, but the tile/wood floor is hard on your feet after a while)
- have a free afternoon or evening
I've found that a lot of posts about freezer cooking don't really tell you the "bad" stuff. Because, trust me, it's a bit overwhelming the first time or two! Imagine making thanksgiving dinner for your whole family, crazy cousins and all; it's a major test for patience and I haven't even experienced it yet! Here are some tips to make this endeavor doable and worthwhile:
- Gather your recipes and build your grocery list, one recipe at a time, making notes of quantities along the way (ex. make sure you put down the oz's necessary or you will have to guess at the store - not fun and often times you will guess wrong, it's been proven)
- Always over estimate what you need (ex. if you think two bags of shredded cheese will get the job done, get 3 for good measure - plus, if you cook like I do, and don't follow directions, you always use more than you're supposed to!)
- Organize your grocery list so that when you're at the store you aren't going from aisle 1 to aisle 20 and back again (this is a good way to memorize the grocery store you shop at!)
- Don't forget the freezer paper, seran wrap, and lots of dishes! The freezer paper is key to keeping your food fresh and without freezer burn.
- Plan accordingly... ie. don't make so much food you can't store it!
- ALSO... don't make so much food you can't eat it all before it DOES get freezer burned and goes bad.
- If you want to prep you can precut veggies, boil/cook chicken/meat, measure out your popular ingredients, boil pasta/rice/etc.
I think this would be so much fun with a friend, in a big enough kitchen, where you can double all recipes and split them between the two of you. Who's with me???
The recipes we love so far:
Rosemary Shrimp Scampi
6 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
8 tablespoons olive oil
2 teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes
6 garlic cloves, minced
2 (6-inch) rosemary sprig, finely chopped and stems discarded
40 large, fresh shrimp, peeled and deveined (about 1 pound)
Cooking spray
Combine first 7 ingredients in a zip-top gallon freezer bag. Add shrimp to bag; seal and shake to coat.
Marinate in refrigerator 30 minutes, turning bag occasionally or freeze for later.
Grill or broil shimp 2 minutes on each side or until shrimp are done (should be pink).
Firecracker Salmon
Makes: 8 servings
8 (4 ounce) fillets salmon
1/2 cup peanut oil
4 tablespoons soy sauce
4 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
4 tablespoons green onions, chopped
3 teaspoons brown sugar
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 1/2 teaspoons ground ginger
2 teaspoons crushed red pepper flakes
1 teaspoon sesame oil
1/2 teaspoon salt
In a medium bowl, combine the peanut oil, soy sauce, vinegar, green onions, brown sugar, garlic, ginger, red pepper flakes, sesame oil and salt. Whisk together well. Place fish on freezer paper. However you want to arrange them (all in the same glass dish or in separate freezer bags), pour mixture over the fish, wrap the freezer paper around them and put them in the ziploc bags or glass dish. Cover and marinate the fish in the refrigerator for 4 to 6 hours OR freeze them for later! Defrost overnight in the refrigerator.
When ready to cook: preheat the oven to 400F and bake for 20 minutes until flakey.
G's favorite Jamabalay (cheater version)
A bit of EVOO
1 medium onion, chopped
3 medium bell peppers - choose any three colors, chopped
1 can of medium, mild OR regular diced tomatoes
1 cup water
1 (8oz) pkg of ZATARAIN'S reduced sodium Jambalaya mix
1 lb (or more if you wish) peeled and deveined shrimp
1 package turkey sausage (link cut into 1/4 inch slices)
1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley (or however much you want)
Whatever else you want - mine is different every time... (salt, garlic, chili powder, ground cumin, some red pepper flakes if you dare, etc).
Heat up the oil in a dutch oven (5 quart pan) and add the onions and bell peppers. Cook and stir until they begin to soften (about 7 mins).
Stir in the tomatoes, water, and Jambalaya mix. Bring to a boil then cover, reduce heat and simmer 15 mins.
Stir in the shrimp, sausage and parsley and cook about 10 minutes longer until shrimp are just done. When you reheat this dish you won't want your shrimp to be rubbery. You can also make the mix, without the fish and turkey sausage, and when you're ready to reheat you can add it in. When you reheat, add a bit of water so it doesn't dry out. Also, remember, let it cool before putting it into the freezer. Make sure to use a freezer safe container, wrap in freezer paper and seran wrap for extra protection.
Perfect Pesto Pasta - makes 2 8x8 pans
1 package (16oz) penne pasta- cooked and drained
4 cups cooked chicken, cubed
4 cups (16 ounces) shredded Italian cheese blend
3-5 handfuls fresh baby spinach - however much you want
1 can (15 ounces) crushed tomatoes
1 jar (15 ounces) Light Alfredo sauce
1 1/2 cups skim milk
1 container (5-8 ounces) prepared basil pesto
1/2 cup seasoned bread crumbs
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1 tablespoon olive oil
In a bowl, combine the cooked pasta, cooked chicken, cheese blend, baby spinach, crushed tomatoes, Alfredo sauce, milk, and pesto. In a separate bowl, combine the olive oil, Parmesan cheese, and bread crumbs. Pour pasta mixture into two 8X8 pans. Sprinkle the bread crumb mixture over the top of the pasta. Cover pasta with tinfoil and bake at 350 degrees for 40-45 minutes.
To freeze – line casserole dish with freezer paper then seran wrap – freeze before baking.
1/4 cup green salsa
1 Tbsp fresh lime juice (juice from half a lime)
1/2 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp chili powder
1/2 tsp onion powder
2 cloves garlic, minced
3 Tbsp chopped cilantro
2 Tbsp sliced green onions
2 cups shredded cooked chicken
1 cup shredded Mexican cheese
small flour or corn tortillas
kosher salt
cooking spray
In a large bowl, mix the cream cheese, salsa, lime juice, ground cumin, chili powder, onion powder and garlic. Once combined, stir in the cilantro and green onions. Add the chicken and cheese; mix thoroughly.
(If you decided to prep this in advance, refrigerate the mixture at this point until ready to continue.)
Working with a few tortillas at a time, heat them in the microwave between two paper towels until they are soft enough to roll (about 20 – 30 seconds). Spoon 2-3 Tablespoons of the chicken mixture onto the lower third of a tortilla. Roll the tortilla as tightly as you can.Place the rolled tortilla seam side down on the baking sheet. Repeat with remaining tortillas until the mixture is gone. Make sure the taquitos are not touching each other. Spray the tops lightly with cooking spray and sprinkle with kosher salt.
To freeze: Before baking, flash freeze the taquitos in a single layer on a baking sheet then place in a labeled freezer bag and store up to 3 months. To bake a frozen taquito (no need to thaw first): Preheat oven to 425˚F and bake for 20 minutes.
Bake for 15 – 20 minutes or until crisp and golden.
3 cubed, frozen chicken breast - or use cooked and add it in at the end
3 peeled carrots - cut in 1/4in. slices
Broccoli florets - however much you want
Califlower florets - however much you want
3 Celery sticks - or again, however much you want
3 low sodium containers of organic chicken broth (I used central market brand)
Add water as necessary to cover everything or make it as brothy as you want (I used 3 cups)
1 tablespoon salt
1 teaspoon pepper (or more to taste - but a little goes a long way)
1 tablespoon thyme
1 tablespoon dryed basil
2 bay leaves
2 scoops of minced garlic - yea, I cheated and used the canned kind, I was in a hurry!
1 bag of Amish wide egg noodles - I think it's 16oz?? And don't ask why I used an Amish brand
Combine everything but the noodles (and wait on the chicken if it's already cooked) in your slow cooker (can be adapted for a stovetop, I'm sure). I cooked mine on high for 4 hours because we were in a hurry (and because I forgot to do it the night before and cook it on low for 8 hours). ANYWAYS, do that then freeze in whatever container you have. I froze half and put half in the fridge. We made half the noodles and reheated the soup, combined it all and enjoyed! (Disclaimer - none of this was measured out so add what you want and don't include what you don't want - oh and I always add more spices than necessary).
"Bad-A**" King Ranch Chicken
2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken breasts, trimmed
1 tablespoon canola oil
8 ounces mushrooms, chopped
1 medium onion, diced
1 medium red or green bell pepper, diced
4 cloves garlic, minced
4 teaspoons chili powder
1/2 cup whole-wheat flour or all-purpose flour
3 cups reduced-sodium chicken broth
1 1/2 cups diced fresh tomatoes
1/2 cup reduced-fat sour cream
1 7-ounce can or two 4-ounce cans diced green chiles, drained
3/4 teaspoon salt
12 6-inch corn tortillas, cut in half, divided
1 cup shredded Colby-Jack cheese, divided
1/4 cup sliced ripe black olives, divided
1. Preheat oven to 375°F. Coat two 8-inch-square baking dishes with cooking spray.
2. Place chicken in a large saucepan and add water to cover by 1 inch. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer until just cooked through, 10 to 15 minutes. Transfer to a clean cutting board. Dice when cool.
3. Meanwhile, heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add mushrooms and onion and cook, stirring occasionally, until all the mushroom liquid has evaporated, 7 to 9 minutes. Add bell pepper and cook, stirring, until just tender, about 3 minutes. Add garlic and chili powder; stir for 1 minute. Add flour and cook, stirring, for 30 seconds. Add broth and cook, stirring, until thickened, 3 to 5 minutes. Remove from heat. Stir in tomatoes, sour cream, chiles, salt and the chicken.
4. To assemble: Spread 1 cup filling in each prepared baking dish. Layer on 4 tortilla halves and top with 1 cup filling. Repeat 2 more layers of tortillas and filling, ending with the rest of the filling. Sprinkle cheese and olives on top.
5. To serve: Bake until hot and bubbly, 20 to 25 minutes. Let stand for 15 minutes before serving. To freeze: Let unbaked casserole(s) cool to room temperature. Tightly wrap with heavy-duty foil (or freezer paper) and freeze. (To prevent foil from sticking to the cheese, coat with cooking spray first.)
Make Ahead Tip: Prepare through Step 4, cover and freeze (unbaked) for up to 3 months. Thaw in the refrigerator for 2 days. Uncover and bake at 375°F for about 50 minutes.
Cheesy Turkey Casserole
2 bunches scallions, trimmed
1 roll of ground turkey (or whatever that's called)
2 teaspoons EVOO
1 cup bulgur
2 16ounce cans tomato sauce
1 cup water
1/2 teaspoon salt, divided
Pepper, to taste
1 package no-yolk whole-wheat egg noodles
2 cups low-fat cottage cheese
2 cup reduced-fat sour cream
1/2 cup shredded extra-sharp Cheddar cheese
1. Coat a 2-quart baking dish with cooking spray. Put a large pot of water on to boil.
2. Separate white and green parts of scallions; thinly slice and reserve separately.
3. Cook Turkey in a large skillet over medium-high heat, breaking up clumps with a wooden spoon, until no longer pink. Transfer to a plate lined with paper towels.
4. Wipe out the pan, add oil and reduce heat to medium-low. Add bulgur, garlic and the reserved scallion whites. Cook, stirring, until the scallions soften, 5 to 7 minutes. Add tomato sauce, water and the turkey; bring to a simmer. Cover and simmer gently until the bulgur is tender and the sauce is thickened, 15 to 20 minutes. Season with some salt and pepper.
5. Meanwhile, cook noodles until just tender.
6. Puree cottage cheese in a food processor until smooth. Transfer to a medium bowl; fold in sour cream and the reserved scallion greens. Season with the remaining salt and pepper.
7. Spread half the noodles in the prepared pan. Top with half the cottage cheese mixture and half the meat sauce. Repeat with the remaining noodles, cottage cheese and sauce. Sprinkle Cheddar over the top.
8. Wrap with freezer paper then seran wrap. Defrost for a day or two in the fridge then, when ready, bake the casserole until bubbly, 30 to 40 minutes at 350 F. Let stand for 10 minutes before serving.
Stuffed Bell Peppers – freeze for 6 months
1 lb ground turkey
1/2 cup uncooked long grain white rice
6 bell peppers
1 medium onion, chopped
2 (8 ounce) cans unflavored tomato sauce
1 tbs Worcestershire sauce
1/4 tsp garlic powder
salt and pepper to taste
1 tsp Italian seasoning
1 tsp crushed red pepper
Cut the tops off and remove the seeds and ribs from the peppers. Wash and set aside.
In a large bowl, combine the turkey, rice, onion, one can of the tomato sauce, Worcestershire, garlic powder and salt and pepper. Stuff each pepper approximately 2/3 of the way full. Be sure to leave room for the rice to expand.
Stand the peppers up side-by-side in a plastic container the same size as or slightly smaller than your crockpot. Mix the remaining can of tomato sauce with the Italian seasoning and crushed red pepper and pour over the stuffed peppers.
Cover and freeze. When peppers are thoroughly frozen, remove from the container, wrap tightly in tin foil and then plastic wrap. Label and freeze up to six months.
Night Before Assembly:
Remove stuffed peppers from freezer and unwrap. Place in crockpot. Put crockpot in the refrigerator to allow the peppers to defrost overnight.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
I love you and I miss you
First, I was reminded by a memory I have of my mom, hugging me and crying softly while next to my Dad's hospital bed and telling me that she just missed him and just wanted him back.
Then, my amazingly sweet husband sends me a link to this video:
It's a man telling women what the bible says, about who we are and how loved are are and how precious we are.
You don't get tomorrow, you're blessed with it. You're not lucky to live this life, you're redeemed. You are more to some than what you know.
And I love you.
To all my family that I don't get to see all the time, I love you and I miss you.
To all the girlfriends I have, young and not so young, I love you and I miss you.
To my husband, I love you to the moon and back.
Life is short. Say "I love you" and "I miss you". Often.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
The Busiest of Bees
You're a stay-at-home Mom, what do you DO all day?
This is my favorite part: "We seem to value our time so little, that we find our worth based on how little of it we have. In other words, we’ve idolized “being busy,” and confused it with being “important.” You can be busy but unimportant, just as you can be important but not busy. I don’t know who is busiest, and I don’t care. It doesn’t matter. I think it’s safe to say that none of us are as busy as we think we are; and however busy we actually are, it’s more than we need to be."
This is a bit of a tangent, I realize the article is about working and nonworking mothers but I'm onto another soap box (seeing as how I don't have the context for motherhood quite yet).
I've known SO MANY PEOPLE (I won't even limit it to women and I won't name names) who think they are just SO BUSY. Their public facebook announcements, cryptic #hashtagpoststhatinvitesorrowandpity, backhanded comments about the free-time of others, have all gone to the extreme - to the point that I have felt compelled to feel sorry for them. But I shouldn't! I won't! Why on earth would you allow yourself to be so busy, then COMPLAIN about it??? I'm confused. You don't HAVE to be that busy. C'mon people.
I am busy. But I am a busy body. And I love it. I will probably ALWAYS be this way. If I have ever complained or made my busy-ness into a pity party, please smack me. I don't want to be that person. Having a consistent list of "to-do's" excites me. I create my own chaos and it makes me feel like I am truly living. I know there is a time to slow down, trust me God has forced my butt to sit still more than once. But in the mean time, I'm going to keep being me. I'm sure there are others out there like me who love to be busy!
Moral of the story - don't bi*** about your crazy life, embrace it. Don't stress because of the length of your "to-do" list because, one day you won't have a chance to complete those tasks. Don't look down on others because they enjoy just being, relaxing, and living their life in a different way than you. Playing the pity card, comparing yourself to others (comparing schedules) and constantly judging others because they do things a bit differently than you - is so not cool.
#endrant #lettheshowgoon
Friday, September 13, 2013
What Newlyweds do...
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Life as a Newlywed
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Lessons learned
I've had quite a few jobs in my day - too many - however, I have learned some valuable lessons at each and I continue to learn even now.
Learning keeps us young and I plan to stay young for quite some time, thank you!
Job #1 - I learned the value of my position and appreciation from fellow employees only came with tenure. I should have held onto that because since job #1 I have had 6 others since college.
Job #2 - I didn't quite understand doing what you loved was important but I realized that this particular job was not quite what I loved, but I stuck it out for two years anyway. I learned a lot about people at this job - it was the first job where someone openly didn't like me, for no reason. It wasn't until a few jobs later that I understood how unimportant 100% acceptance was.
Job #3 - I thought this was the job for me. I loved it. But then I learned the hard way that being a workaholic wasn't very cool. It was a hard fact to face when I still didn't quite understand the difference between being a workaholic and being a hard worker. I got burnt out, landed in a hospital bed, and then shipped by butt back home.
Job #4 - I learned that everyone wants to make a buck and sometimes you land in a terrible position because someone made money off of you.
Job #5 - I learned that interviewing your potential employer is just as important as them interviewing you. However, knowing how to sell myself means there are other people who know how to sell themselves. It's a double edge sword - especially when you're faced with an "I CAN'T WIN" scenario - day in and day out.
Job #6 - I finally started to get it! I finally started to learn from my past mistakes in job searching and selection. It took four months to find this job, and even in all my desperation, I took this job because I felt it was the right fit for me. Surprisingly, this is where I learned the most about myself, what is important to me, and about being a true business woman. This is where I learned that there is NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING you can do to make certain people like you, let alone tolerate your existence. I still have to protect myself and I don't even work there anymore. I realized that there are people in this world who are truly missing out on what life has to offer because they are so concerned with comparing what they have, or don't have, to some outrageous and unjustifiable standard. I also realized that the "mean girls" in high school, also existed in the real world, and there again, is no explanation for it.
As much as I loved and enjoyed the work I was doing, I accepted the fact that I could not do it all, I could not wear 500 hats, and I could not balance 100 plates. End of story. I learned what a Queen Bee was and that I was a victim. Also, that any male boss is likely to be oblivious to the workings of a Queen Bee. Which really sucks. But then I decided that could be another learning point. I learned how to be tough, be a business woman, and let it "roll off like Teflon" as a friend has been telling my since college, and that there is always tomorrow. I learned to control my emotions and the difference between hard work and workaholic (finally!). I learned to do what I could, to do what I knew was right and that God would protect me from any evil doers. I noticed that praying throughout the day, asking God for protection and wisdom, were the ropes that pulled me through each day. And then I moved to be with G.
Job #7 - I don't love this job. I don't hate this job. I am good here. I have a work/life balance. I make a good living. I have Christian coworkers and an understanding boss. I have finally realized that I need to just sit and wait on God. I might be here 6 months or 6 years. There is room for advancement but I won't kill myself getting there. I haven't encountered any Queen Bees and I get to eat good food all week - it is a restaurant group after all.
I am in the process of fully understanding what it means to live life to the fullest. I am a dreamer and a planner and an inventor of all things outlandish. My mind never stops thinking about, "what next". What I want for my life one day might change 100 times (thankfully, G is a patient man!). To really take advantage of each day might mean one thing to me, and mean something totally different to next guy. To me it means, spending quality time with G, making time for the fun things (like shopping) and working in the not so fun chores of life (like cleaning), taking each opportunity to see family and friends, to leave work on time, to plan and talk about exciting events in your life (like a wedding, honeymoon, and eventually a new home and babies), to go on dates and eat fancy meals, to get out of town, to dream, and to just be me.
Don't let your life pass you only get one of them. It saddens me when people say "I can't do this or that". You're the only person stopping you. You can take a vacation. You can go to lunch with your best girlfriends. You can fall in love all over with your spouse. You can make someone's day. You can sell your stuff and become a gypsy! Take what you learn every day and apply it to the next. Don't stop dreaming and believing that the world is your oyster, because it is, even if all you want to do is sit on the couch and watch TV. There are lots of lessons to learn in life that will shape you into who you are and can help get you to who and where you want to be. Keep living. Keep dreaming. You're allowed.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Tickets, get your tickets!
But onward we go.... and toward what he faces, we don't know but it's the straight and narrow kind, if you know what I mean.
So as hopeful as we are for Dad and his eventual life saving surgery, it's a hard fact that we have to face- the cost of surgery - even with insurance it is incredibly expensive. I don't think my mom, sister and I have ever wanted for anything. Surely there were things my sister and I weren't allowed to have. However, Dad never said "no" if it was within reason - if he didn't want to say no, he said "Ask your mom" and then we heard "no". Anyways, the point is, surgery is obviously reasonable, factually inevitably, and the final stop on this rough, rugged, and to be honest, confusing journey.
Our family, the loving and kind and supportive people that they are, have decided to hold a raffle for an iPad on August 1st to help mitigate the cost of the surgery. Tickets can be bought through anyone of us. They are $10 a ticket and whatever you can buy or help us sell is greatly appreciated.
Please feel free to contact me, my sister or my mom about a ticket or two or ten, or about selling some or one hundred. Anything helps!
You have all been incredible the past few weeks - who knew we would be the most well known family in a hospital in just a short week??? There is no doubt in your mind that what comes from this is nothing short of God's handy work. We might not know the "why"'s or the "how"'s or any other question relating to Dad's condition or reasoning, but we know there is a reason regardless. And we know we need your continued help and support.
Thank you and God bless you. You're the best friends and family we could ever ask for and that alone is blessing enough.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Sailboat Racing and Such
Monday, April 8, 2013
Kind of...
Check out this photography/wedding blog that our engagement pictures and story are featured on - how exciting!!!
A Love Thing Blog
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Life updates and such
Friday, March 22, 2013
Our Love Story
Our Love Story - this was written as a preface to our engagement pictures that might be featured on a wedding blog (still pending confirmation of when, but will let you know!). I just realized - why not post it on my own blog with a few of our favorite pictures???? Here you go:

Sunday, February 17, 2013
ALL THE SINGLE LADIES! (all the single ladies)
So I'm starting this on 10/25/12 - way before I marry my {future} husband. hahahha why do I think {} are so cool??? Anyways -
The point of this is to PROVE, maybe not once and for all (because we all go through the ups and downs of trusting in God), that the Lord has a plan.
Girlfriends, young and old - you are about to hear the testimony to true love and God's amazing faithfulness like you've never heard it before! I kid you not - you want to read this.
So, I was totally the girl who grew up playing house, playing Barbies (even on Nintendo, and I sucked at Nintendo), playing dress-up, playing LIFE. I always thought, since even before I knew what marriage was, that I would get married to a handsome Prince, ride off into the sunset in a Rolls Royce (because only cool people have Rolls Royce(s), Lucille Ball - duh), and live happily ever after. Well, 'lemme tell you sunthin' – I came to view all that crap is exactly that - crap. I thought - There is no Prince in a white suite with jet black hair. There is no Rolls Royce (well maybe). There is no "happily ever after" – And whom is to blame??? Walt Disney.
But maybe there is.....
I went through all the typical phases - marry Ken doll (he is plastic, oops), marry your childhood sweetheart (didn't have one), marry your high school sweetheart (didn't have one), marry the guy you date all through/most of college (fail), marry the most professional and successful man you meet right out of college (double fail). I quit.
I literally said, “I quit.” …. And God finally said, "It's about time" - I'm dang near sure of it. I stopped chasing "the dream" but I didn't give up hope. I blamed it on "other priorities" BAHAHA. Who was I kidding - my eyes were still peeled as far down as the base of an uneaten banana (does that even make sense???). But seriously, I stopped. I gave it to the Lord. I focused on my career - ha! after a four month sabbatical I needed some structure (ie. a job).
Side note: the summer leading up to said "job" I had done some thinkin'. Read here....and here....and here.....oh, and here too.... lots of thinking apparently! (here too!)
REGARDLESS - "a dream is a wish, your heart makes" (thanks Cinderella) and so I continued to dream. I got my heart broken a few times. I got an incredible job. I visited A (friend in Corpus – who now lives here with her husband – crazy what change a few months will bring). And here I am - engaged to marry the most perfect man I have ever laid eyes on and who the heck knew????
God, duh!
No matter how your heart is grieving
If you keep on believing
The dream that you wish will come true – Cinderella
Not my friends, family, or my new (at the time) coworkers or even my own, very intelligent self knew what was in store. God was the one, plotting and scheming and planning, this whole time - all 25+ dang years (and maybe Cinderella had a hunch)! My soul mate claims he knew the moment he saw me. He says he regrets not making me his girlfriend in college...more on that later.
I am here to testify that waiting on God's timing is the best daggum thing you could ever do for yourself.
Guys will come and guys will go.
(Started crying as I reread what I've written - who does that?!?!? #ballbag)
Heartbreak happens.
Life happens.
And then when you meet “the one” all the crap you went through before starts to make sense, it all settles in, you start to learn....and grow. You start recognizing the "signs" and the plans God has for you become more apparent. You feel a sense of peace and the thought that "oh wow, this is easy" crosses your mind more than a handful of times a day...even in the most difficult times! The imaginary person you had created becomes reality – but they are better than you could ever imagine.
Let me switch gears for a minute...
(“air quote” alert!)
I never knew how my friends “just knew” their spouse was “the one”. I would ask and the only response I would get was “you just will”. BAH! Not good enough. The only thing I knew was that I didn’t “just know” or hadn’t up until G, and that this whole “the one” concept seemed to be a dying art form or something. I also knew that if I ever did “just know” that I would have a reason or I would at least make something up that sounded more promising than “you just will”.
Low and behold my fellow hopeless romantics, I have an answer for how you will “know” when they are “the one” – or at least how I did…
So, check it, remember all those times where you (surely) said one or more of the following:
When all that hoping, wishing, praying, expecting comes to a complete stop – that’s how you know. It will all become irrelevant because he/she will actually say those things, act that certain way, and make you feel like the Disney Princess (Prince??) you deserve to feel like.
Of course there are a bunch of other factors (like the joy in being overwhelmed with appreciation for someone) but I never have to say “Man, I wish G did ______ or “…did _______ differently”. Never once during our dating relationship did I ever ask him to change the way he did something. Never did I have to put a plug in his ear to think of me or think of doing something for me. He was proactive. He pursued me with fervor (that’s a fun word). He was the planner, the mover and the shaker. He made things happen and guided our relationship the entire way. He is everything I honestly NEVER imagined. God’s plan is perfect. It’s better than anything you could have ever dreamed up. I am blessed beyond belief to say I have finally found and am going to marry my ONE and only.
So, to further emphasize my point and attempt to give you hope, let it be known that your heart will feel like never before because you will finally know what true love is. It is EXACTLY how the Bible describes it:
Love is patient – Lord knows G has more than anyone I know
Love is kind – I couldn’t ask for someone more empathetic
It does not envy – G is my biggest fan and encourager
It does not boast – G keeps us grounded
It is not proud – G teaches me humility daily
It does not dishonor others – G and I keep each other in check
It is not self-seeking – If you’ve never met G, you’re missing out on true selflessness
It is not easily angered – This goes with “patience”
It keeps no record of wrongs – Praise God for G’s constant forgiveness
Love does not delight in evil – It is all about respect
But rejoices with the truth
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres
Love never fails – and we truly believe this – Long distance is a really uncool way to test the theory though!
Our relationship is perfect. Maybe not by the next guy's standards but it is perfect for us. It is not that we never argue, or bicker, or get on each other’s nerves - we're normal, duh (and this is partly me we're talking about here). But no joke, every time we argue, or bicker, or get on each other’s nerves - we discuss it, work it out, fix it, and best of all ........ our relationship GROWS STRONGER. I actually started writing and adding to this blog after one of our little "discussions"...We feed off each other. When one is mad the other is mad. When one is sad the other is sad. When one is happy the other is happy. When one is hungry.....kidding.
I can finally publish this!!!! G proposed on 2/15/2013
I am so blessed to say I have "found the one" even though I met him over 6 years prior, I can't wait to experience life with the person I was made to experience it with. I look forward to the rollercoaster and all the bumps along the way. When G and I talk about how we wish we had started dating when we first met, we mutually agree that it is best it happened when it did. Friends, when something doesn't work out, TRUST that God has something better in store. Embrace the crap you go through to getting to your one true love. It will all be worth it in the end. I know it was for us! I hope you stick around to see how everything pans out and you better play a part in it! We are very thankful for each other and grateful for the opportunity to start a life together in God's name.
I hope this gives all you single ladies hope and encouragement for your future. Most of all, I hope this gives you PATIENCE to wait on God's perfect timing. God is faithful. Be faithful to Him and He will bless you in ways that words cannot describe.
To your future and the amazing ride God has planned for you!