Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Sailboat Racing and Such

I’m a little behind. I’ll admit. A lot has been going on – I know I always have a lot going on but this time it’s different. This time it’s true….

I have to interrupt myself. I feel like I am in a Woody Allen movie – if you know me, you know how much I love Woody Allen. Let me paint you a picture, shall I? I’m at this quaint little Italian food place, tucked away off the road and along the lakeside. Italian gentleman for a waiter, light tinkering of Italian music in the background, lush bushes and palm trees surround me, roses blooming, quiet chattering, sail boat race currently underway – it’s dream like. Oh yes, and a glass of red wine to go with the scenery.

Apparently, Villa Capri is the place to be for the Wednesday Night Boat Races at Lakewood Yacht Club. Good size group of earnest onlookers, monotone man announcing the race status, and me – clueless as a clam. I will learn what to look and listen for eventually. I could get used to this Wednesday Night race deal. Maybe I will make a friend or two.

Anyways, back to the updates.

Dogs are all acclimating well to our new home – there are three of them now, if you remember, they outnumber us!!! We LOVE our home. I wish we could have bought it! It’s older – very “Brady Bunch” – but has so many cool characteristics to it. Our backyard is HUGE and has a HUGE deck – perfect for puppies and parties. It’s very open, surprisingly, and is more than enough space for me and G.

The job is going well. A bit tedious at times. The drive is what gets me…. But I have been told to “hang in there” and that is what I will do. As long as I can

Race update – I have no idea where G is…. Hahah oops! At least I am here, right? Being a supportive fiancé!

Wedding planning – so fun!...and so not as stressful as everyone says. I am cool as a cucumber (for now). Dress is being made. All major items booked. Now it is down to the details, the fun stuff. I can see everything coming together so nicely. As rushed as this wedding has been to plan – it’s been quite easy. God’s on our side for sure!!! We all know how bananas I can get.

Race update – just saw G and the Good News crew. Monotone announcer man must know his dad – called him by a shortened version of his name haha and he just said they are winning!!!! (Glad he knows what’s going on!)


So – the big update – (check out and search my dad’s name or Facebook for the full update on all this).

I’ve been having a lot of thoughts lately, almost too man to write down – hence the reason I haven’t written in a while.

My whole world just changed. New job. New home. New city. New fiancé. New eye opener…..


You immediately forget the things you thought were important when you find out your parent has some untreatable, incurable disease and needs lung transplants.

We started a Facebook group and website (as I mentioned) to keep people posted on the progress.

I should be used to this because I’ve been through the “things like this don’t happen to people like me or my family” scenario a few too many times. It’s all very surreal. I can’t even say he is “sick” because the dude looks fine! Goes to work. Isn’t “broken”. It won’t hurt him if you hug him. It’s hard to wrap my head around.

With so much going on from wedding planning, to moving, to starting a new job, to anticipating life events (like a new niece) and wedding shindigs – we have all had to take a step back and wrap our heads around what is going on. All the while, not losing sight of maintaining as normal a life as possible.

Race update – free food for racers…. Uhhh what about fiancé’s of racers???? Haha I guess G can eat!

There is too much to look forward to for him to give up or not try to stay well enough.

He can’t miss those things. He wouldn’t allow it. God is looking out and he will be around for a very, very long time. Whether or not he likes it or not – we will all make sure of it. So “tough titty said the kitty” – as Dad would say. I know he will be around for a long time. Just like I knew it wasn’t pneumonia that he had, and that they were doing to tell me he needed lung transplants – as your parent’s kid (race just ended) you know these things!

Again, I don’t think it has all quite sunk in yet. I think it’s because I know God will take care of him and get him what he needs to get through this. It’s a speed bump and the outcome will be for God’s benefit and we might never know the WHY in this situation. All we can do is hope and pray for the best.

My dad is strong. He is stubborn. He won’t give up. He has carried us through trials and tribulations aplenty – even before the child rearing years. He will walk me down the aisle (the only good excuse is a new lung or two!). He will see his grandkids grow up. He will get to retire. He will go to Vegas a million more times. Too many people rely on this man, on his service, friendship, guidance, and love. Shoot, G & I can’t even get married without him so he has to stick around. And we all know Z needs her Papa. The list goes on…

Thank you to everyone who has been helping, supporting praying for, and loving on my family – especially Dad. He never needs anyone – but now he does. Prayers for good news from the transplant team. Prayers for new lungs. Prayers for peace and understanding. This is all part of the plan – I should know by now, and so should you, that God’s plan is best.

Until next time, lovely people.

Race update: These Clear Lake people love Jimmy Buffet and I have no idea who won but apparently it is over.

The End.

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