Sunday, May 12, 2013

Tickets, get your tickets!

Dad has been on blood thinner all weekend to relieve the blood clot found on his lung on Friday afternoon. I tell you, God's obviously here and at work. Tomorrow and Tuesday will consist of heart and colon testing - fun! As exhausting as all of this definitely is, Dad is pushing forward. Slightly disgruntled by the minor speed bump - if blood thinner is what it takes, then blood thinner it is - some are on blood thinner their whole life. Maybe he has difficult blood - wouldn't surprise me - runs in the family, I dare say. Anyway, these are all steps closer to getting on "the list". Once these tests are complete, we are hopeful he will be presented to the surgeons and moved to the front of the line.

But onward we go.... and toward what he faces, we don't know but it's the straight and narrow kind, if you know what I mean.

So as hopeful as we are for Dad and his eventual life saving surgery, it's a hard fact that we have to face- the cost of surgery - even with insurance it is incredibly expensive. I don't think my mom, sister and I have ever wanted for anything. Surely there were things my sister and I weren't allowed to have. However, Dad never said "no" if it was within reason - if he didn't want to say no, he said "Ask your mom" and then we heard "no". Anyways, the point is, surgery is obviously reasonable, factually inevitably, and the final stop on this rough, rugged, and to be honest, confusing journey.

Our family, the loving and kind and supportive people that they are, have decided to hold a raffle for an iPad on August 1st to help mitigate the cost of the surgery. Tickets can be bought through anyone of us. They are $10 a ticket and whatever you can buy or help us sell is greatly appreciated.
Please feel free to contact me, my sister or my mom about a ticket or two or ten, or about selling some or one hundred. Anything helps!

You have all been incredible the past few weeks - who knew we would be the most well known family in a hospital in just a short week??? There is no doubt in your mind that what comes from this is nothing short of God's handy work. We might not know the "why"'s or the "how"'s or any other question relating to Dad's condition or reasoning, but we know there is a reason regardless. And we know we need your continued help and support.

Thank you and God bless you. You're the best friends and family we could ever ask for and that alone is blessing enough.

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