Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Busiest of Bees

I'm not a stay at home mom, heck I'm not even a mom, but I love this article. It is even written by a man, nonetheless! I, hands down, think that being a stay at home mom is one of the COOLEST and BIGGEST opportunities that women see the advantage of- let alone the few women who are able to actually experience the opportunity. Just like the article says, some can do it, some can't; whereas, some choose to do it, and some chose not to. Either way, who cares! Just be a good parent for crying out loud...

You're a stay-at-home Mom, what do you DO all day?

This is my favorite part: "We seem to value our time so little, that we find our worth based on how little of it we have. In other words, we’ve idolized “being busy,” and confused it with being “important.” You can be busy but unimportant, just as you can be important but not busy. I don’t know who is busiest, and I don’t care. It doesn’t matter. I think it’s safe to say that none of us are as busy as we think we are; and however busy we actually are, it’s more than we need to be."

This is a bit of a tangent, I realize the article is about working and nonworking mothers but I'm onto another soap box (seeing as how I don't have the context for motherhood quite yet).

I've known SO MANY PEOPLE (I won't even limit it to women and I won't name names) who think they are just SO BUSY. Their public facebook announcements, cryptic #hashtagpoststhatinvitesorrowandpity, backhanded comments about the free-time of others, have all gone to the extreme - to the point that I have felt compelled to feel sorry for them. But I shouldn't! I won't! Why on earth would you allow yourself to be so busy, then COMPLAIN about it??? I'm confused. You don't HAVE to be that busy. C'mon people.

I am busy. But I am a busy body. And I love it. I will probably ALWAYS be this way. If I have ever complained or made my busy-ness into a pity party, please smack me. I don't want to be that person. Having a consistent list of "to-do's" excites me. I create my own chaos and it makes me feel like I am truly living. I know there is a time to slow down, trust me God has forced my butt to sit still more than once. But in the mean time, I'm going to keep being me. I'm sure there are others out there like me who love to be busy!

Moral of the story - don't bi*** about your crazy life, embrace it. Don't stress because of the length of your "to-do" list because, one day you won't have a chance to complete those tasks. Don't look down on others because they enjoy just being, relaxing, and living their life in a different way than you. Playing the pity card, comparing yourself to others (comparing schedules) and constantly judging others because they do things a bit differently than you - is so not cool.

#endrant #lettheshowgoon

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