Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Reno Vent - Kitchen Remodel Part 1

Kitchen Remodel Part 2
Kitchen Remodel Part 3

When you can't be inside your house because there is currently a honeybee infestation that decided to rear its ugly head in the middle of a daggum remodel project, you camp out at starbucks to get some writing venting done since your kids are in school and aren't loving on nagging you.

I am in such a wonderful mood. Can you tell? 

And that may be the world longest run on sentence - but I don't care. There is free wifi here and Siggi's yogurt, so I'll be in a happy place soon. 

I really don't see the appeal people see in remodeling. Maybe it's because the appeal lies mainly in overexposed, instagram worthy pictures and not the actual mess that remodeling can be. Or maybe it's the captions those instagram pictures use to lure people into the darkness that is renovation. Or, actually, it is probably because every woman (and man, maybe) have a secret desire to be Joanna Gaines. Yes, that's probably it. Our experience hasn't been all together awful but it is definitely not for the faint of heart - or maybe not for pregnant (ie. hormonal) women with two other small children at home.

Silly me, I thought, "Okay, we've done floors and windows before, we can handle a small reno." Well, boy was I wrong - HA! 

I think it's a patience thing. I currently have NONE. Which, before being pregnant, I didn't have much to loose. To top it off, it's our kitchen. The living breathing epicenter of our home life - where sippy cups are filled and spilled, where I channel my little energy into cooking meals I am usually proud of, where my husband hides pint size ice cream cartons and where SO MUCH LIFE happens. So that means, no cooking, careful sippy cup filling, still ice cream because it is necessary during hard times and very little life. I feel like death and probably look like death, from lack of proper home cooked, nutritious food. You don't realize the lack of good choices (that won't cost an arm and a leg) until you rely on having to eat out. It is REALLY, REALLY hard.

But, stay tuned for more fun stories and a whole reno series that will make you absolutely never want to renovate - kidding. I had a feeling all this "hindsight" business was going to be accurate - hindsight is, we will have a beautiful kitchen we are proud of and can definitely do life (much easier) in, and we lived to tell the tale which might be funny... one day. Not today.

Kitchen Remodel Part 2
Kitchen Remodel Part 3

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