Disclaimer: All posts beginning with "I'm a Pinterest Mom" are not meant to be snarky. I legitimately enjoy being that mom. I don't own a vinyl or sewing machine (yet), but darn it if Etsy isn't my next best friend. Crafting and creating and designing are things that relieve stress and give me joy. Don't knock Pinterest moms until you get to know them! From home design to birthday parties and recipes - I am a Pinterest Mom... and proud of it.
Dino-Four and Two-Tu Birthday Party
When you have two kids who have birthdays 6 days apart, you combo them. For all fairness and sanity sake, at least. Plus, lets be real, one birthday DAY versus two birthday DAYS - the answer is obvious. I'm one for a little party chaos but not that much. Also, I enjoy doing these things and don't want to ruin it for myself! So, combo party it is as long as I can help it!
Also, with the party happening just after our kitchen reno, money was TIGHT. I DIY'd a lot of this and found some pretty great deals at the dollar store and amazon. It just takes a little thought. Parties, especially Pinterest and Instagram worthy ones, don't have to be insanely expensive! Oh! And making your own cake/cupcakes will save you a TON of money. I normally spend about $100-$150 on cakes and cupcakes for both kiddos. That's insane. This year, I made their cakes and I am pretty proud of them - pics below.
Up until very recently, my 4 year old didn't care much about birthdays. I swear, every kid in his class has a birthday between July and December with the majority taking place at the end of September through mid-November - that's a LOT of birthdays when you consider the fact there are about 15-17 kids in the class. That being said, the idea of a birthday party was ingrained in his little brain pretty quickly - oh and thanks, Daniel Tiger. Luckily for me, the two year old could still care less so I was able to salvage a little creative freedom.
My 4 year old made it pretty clear, pretty quickly that he wanted a dinosaur birthday party. Let the pinteresting begin (here are some ideas I found in my initial search which helped lead me to the Dino-Four theme):
Backing up, I had purchased a SUPER cute tu-tu made by mudpie, from a little boutique in my home town (the owner is super sweet and her stuff is #totesadorbs - Farmhouse Market and Farmhouse Market Kids) back in April. I HAD to incorporate tu-tu's into the birthday party somehow. But not so fru-fru as ballerina's and baby pink BS everywhere. Yuck, no offense. I mean... look how cute...
And then, I got it! I was pretty stuck on the Dino-Four theme but my son, Grant, kept referring specifically to T-Rex. I muddled and mashed over a myriad of options and finally settled on a T-Rex & Tu-Tu's theme celebrating my son's Dino-Four Birthday and my daughter's Two-Tu birthday. I'm big on shirts and invites to set the tone for an event (probably the marketer in me). The Dino-Four shirt was an easy find, as were the mamasaurus and daddysaurus (sorry, dear) shirts. I went one step further and got Lucy girl a dino shirt, too, tu-tu and big bow included that read Two-Rex.
Must have's - no baby pink, T. Rex, Tu-tu's, Dino-Four and Two-Tu slogans and a statement making it clear that gifts for both kids was NOT necessary. Step 1 was done and look how cute the invites turned out!
Big ticket items for me are food and decor...and of course party favors.
For the love of food:
The party wasn't during the peak of a meal (because we wanted to let the other three kids who had birthdays that weekend enjoy their time, too!) but I needed some kind of sustenance. Enter Pinterest again. The Dino-nuggets were an obvious and easy choice, I threw in kolaches at the last minute, and we had the basics like fruits and veggies and pretzels. It was perfect and simple! Huge thanks to my mother in law for always helping with food needs! I was a little extra when it came to the tu-tu pops. However, (1) they were super easy and (2) they were a huge hit! Also, as previously mentioned, the cakes were a major cost savings. I used funfetti gluten free cake mix and gluten free frosting, mini cake pans from pampered chef, gold luster dust mixed with lemon extract for the 2 year old cake and chips ahoy cookies for the 4 year old dino cake, and a mini bunt mold for the small cakes.

More Decor!
I usually go overboard with decor - like making centerpieces for instance. But, it's what makes a party and event special, in my opinion. Side note: the supplies for the centerpieces were all found at the dollar store - thank you very much! We split the pavilion (basketball court). One side was teal and dinosaur themed and the other was white/gold and tu-tu themed. Just like the invite, and it worked! The few days before I pieced together the back drops and with the help of a good friend (and amazing babysitter) we got the centerpieces done in no time at all. If this looks like it took hours, it really didn't. An hour or so a day here and there, just enough to keep me from freaking out the day/night before. Setting the tables and back drops the day before was also a huge time saver for set-up. We also had an army of people helping the morning of the party. Funny story: there was a group of men playing basketball under the pavilion where the party was to be held. They did NOT like that we wanted to set up, which delayed us a bit, and there was even a cop there to back us up. EEK! Luckily, they moved and only a few words were exchanged between my husband and one of the guys. Sheesh people, it is a little kid birthday party - you can play basketball any day #amiright

Ugh...party favors...
Let it be known, I am not one for goodie bags - I know, I know the kids love them and they are usually easy to put together and they ARE a nice gesture. But I just cannot with the excess sugar and trinkets that get lost or forgotten or broken within a few hours. This was an easy one, though. I decided on doing a dino-dig where the kids got to keep a dinosaur as their party favor - and yes, I caved and ended up giving a sugar cookie, too. We also set out some tattoos! The little girls invited were able to make a DIY tu-tu! With the help of this same good friend mentioned above, we strung together basic white tulle and ribbon, I bought some princess and jewel stickers and cut some other strips of tulle in multiple colors for the girls (read: mom/dad) to add to the basic white that was provided. The kids loved both activities!

Links to what was purchased
Shovels for Dino DigDino Decor
White Tulle for Tu-tu's
Multi-colored Tulle for tu-tu's
Gold luster for cake
Ribbon for Tu-tu's
Dino's for Dino-Dig
Extra Tiny Dinos
Dino Backdrop
Two-Tu Backdrop supplies
Stickers for Tu-Tu's
Dino Tattoo's
Invite - Etsy link
Cake toppers - Etsy link
Dino-Four Shirt - Etsy link
Two-Rex Shirt - Etsy link
Cake Stands - Target
Table/Food signs - Target
Everything else I already had or was purchased at the dollar store.
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