Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Week 16 - Adventures in Pregnancy

 Who likes ice in their orange juice? Not me. Who likes to mix their applesauce and Cheerios? Not you. We all like different things. We all have different "tastes" (pun intended). It's what makes the world go round. 

I've been very concerned with gaining too much weight. Now it's like I can't gain enough and people are starting to wonder if I'm even pregnant at all! I know little mini is tucked away, being formed perfectly the way God imagined, and at the pace He intended. Plus, maybe he is a late bloomer like me!! However, I still hope for his sake he snaps out of it and starts to take after his dad- in the height department at least! No matter what G and I think or hope, we know that mini dub is going to have a pure heart of gold like his Creator. 

We are all uniquely and wonderfully made. Perfect, in His image. That's the only thing I can hope for our baby boy. That he embraces his unique qualities, celebrates his Christ-likeness, and is empowered by the differences in the world. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said Jess