Monday, February 20, 2012

Food, food and more food.

Well friends - the rodeo has finally taken it's toll...I would like to blame my sickness on allergies but I don't think that will work anymore. It's lasted too long. Runny nose, slight cough, headache, incredibly fatigued (what a funny word) - super annoying.

Anyways, the point I am here to make is that I miss my life routine. Too much hustle and bustle - I am ready to cook at home and go to the gym and play with my dogs. Needless to say the past few weeks have been amazing- I'm ready for consistency and a life that's a little more low key - yes, I said low key.

I cooked twice last week - that's a start. But not enough. Salads for lunch are getting old and so is eating out every meal. I really need to start watching what I eat too - not for the weight loss factor - but something keeps making my stomach not happy and I have no idea what it is. I've only gotten sick once after cooking for myself so I think that's the safest way to go. Maybe that's the problem - I'm so used to cooking my own food that going out to eat just isn't a good idea. But it all tastes SO GOOD!

So last week I made something new. I had a recipe for it but didn't even use it (lost it haha) so who knows what it was SUPPOSED to taste like. Turned out well, if I do say so myself. Oh yea, and I'm not sure what it was called but you can make something up I'm sure.


Originally I used -
- 1 cup uncooked couscous
- 5 links of chicken sausage - I used some fancy kind I found at HEB that had spinach and feta mixed in
- 1 can crushed tomatoes
- Chopped yellow onion - however much you want - I used about 3/4ths of one
- Minced garlic - go crazy! I used 3 cloves and probably would have used more if I wasn't trying to totally mess it up
- Fresh basil - chopped - I used about 5 leaves, that stuff is strong
- Feta cheese
- Extra virgin olive oil - of course

Things I would add -
- Fresh spinach leaves
- Roma tomatoes - diced
- More basil
- More garlic

Heat up some EVOOil in a medium skillet/sauce pan. Remove the chicken sausage from the casing and put it in the skillet with the onions and garlic - I let the someone else do this becuase I didn't have my handy gloves for meat handling purposes and because it was gross. Cook the sausage and ground it up to where it's crumbly (I know - I'm so technical with all my cooking jargon). Once it's about done, add fresh spinach. When the spinach is about wilted, add the can of crushed tomatoes, italian seasonings/basil, garlic, diced tomatoes, and whatever else you want. Let everything simmer together

In another sauce pan, prepare the couscous according the the package instructions - I used whole wheat. One cup, uncooked, was more than enough after it was cooked.

Add the couscous to the meat and tomatoes. When you're ready to eat, top it off with some crumbled feta. YUMMO!

Later in the week I made jumbo turkey meatballs stuffed with fresh mozzarella and whole wheat pasta and homemade tomato sauce. I will post the recipe later.

Food potentials for the week -

1 - marinated, baked chicken and brocolli
2 - slow cooker, spicy shredded chicken for tacos topped with black bean salsa
3 - spicy black bean and corn stuffed peppers

I could browse blogs full of recipes all day long. Some people are nuts and I really wonder where they find the time for all this fancy food. Some people are more practical and have some really great ideas. The problem? I can't just blog surf all day. Even though I wish I could!

Oh - and at some point this week I want to make, correction - I WILL make oreo cupcakes.

I need a bigger kitchen. One day.

Happy cooking!

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