Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Plus One!

So again with the Proverbs 31 devotionals - Thanks Mom!

This one was PERFECT. I mean, kinda sad, but so glad to know I'm not the only one. And when I read it, I realized it could apply to several people - maybe everyone at some point.

It talks about loneliness and feeling like we need a "plus one" - esspecially this time of year with all the holiday parties and events. I am fine - don't get any ideas people - this isn't a sob story. But of course it's nice to have the "plus one". But what I loved so much about this devotional is that God can be our "plus one", our go to person for when we feel all actuality, He is always there. Whether or not we realize it. He is with us through all our holiday parties, family gatherings, work days, fun days, and not so fun days. He is on the couch watching a movie with you at 11pm, handing you tissues when the sad parts come. He is the person you see through when you try to make eye contact with someone from the opposite sex. He is the person helping you manage your kid or kids when you feel like you can't do it anymore. He is the one helping you crunch the numbers in your office late at night.

Loneliness happens to all of us. Even when we are in a room full of people. During the next few weeks, through the holidays, remember you're not alone. If you feel alone, know that He is right there with you. It's so hard to do sometimes. It's so hard to see beyond our own feelings of sadness and depression.  And also remember, there are people in your life for a reason. To talk to, to experience life with, to cry on their shoulder, to laugh with, to reach out to.

How are you today? Do you feel the tinge of loneliness? Please rest assured in this verse....

“My eyes are ever on the LORD, for only he will release my feet from the snare. Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted.” Psalm 25:15-16 (NIV)

Monday, December 19, 2011

In Loving Memory...

When my Grandma passed away in 2005 my dad framed the poem shown below. Christmas was her favorite holiday. She passed away 6 years ago today. I was a senior in high school when I got the message that my Grandma had been called home. I walked in to tell my last period teacher that I wasn't going to make it to class that day. I will always remember seeing one of my best friends in that class at the time, saw me crying and he made sure that I was ok. During the Christmas season, take time out for people you don't get to see very often, send a note (a text) to those you miss, and make sure your loved ones KNOW you love them. Our time here is short, it's precious, and we need to live it to the fullest. He has an incredible life in store for us if we just let Him light the way. I constantly have to remind myself that all my hopes and dreams are so small compared to the reality of His will.

Hope you enjoy this little poem. My heart goes out to you and your family - we all miss someone that we might have been extremely close with or that we might not have known very well. Just remember they are looking down and watching over you!

My First Christmas in Heaven

I see the countless
Christmas trees
around the world below
With tiny lights, like Heaven's stars,
reflecting on the snow

The sight is so spectacular,
please wipe away the tear
For I am spending Christmas with
Jesus Christ this year.

I hear the many Christmas songs
that people hold so dear
But the sounds of music can't compare
with the Christmas choir up here.

I have no words to tell you,
the joy their voices bring,
For it is beyond description,
to hear the angels sing.

I know how much you miss me,
I see the pain inside your heart.
But I am not so far away,
We really aren't apart.

So be happy for me, dear ones,
You know I hold you dear.
And be glad I'm spending Christmas
with Jesus Christ this year.

I sent you each a special gift,
from my heavenly home above.
I sent you each a memory
of my undying love.

After all, love is a gift more precious
than pure gold.
was always most important
the stories Jesus told.

Please love and keep each other,
my Father said to do.
I can't count the blessing or love
has for each of you.

So have a Merry Christmas and
Wipe away that tear
Remember, I am spending Christmas with
Jesus Christ this year

Merry Christmas :)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Society annoys me sometimes

This is ridiculous. No, not the prevalence of this topic in the news (we all know how reporters can be, beating a dead horse), but rather the fact it’s in the news at all. It’s disheartening for those of us who are still single or not yet married.  Very disheartening.

Are people so afraid to have truthful, completely bare, authentic relationships that they would rather just live in a fantasy world, playing house and cohabitating like it’s no big deal?  In fear that they might get hurt or actually have to committ to something? What happened to Biblical truth? What happened to the institution that is marriage? The perfect union it once was viewed as has been tarnished and down trodden.  I can’t even say specifically who is to blame. We are. Society. We let this happen. We allowed and encouraged people to take up for what is “right” and what is theirs (sounds like another case of Occupy Wall Street). People, becoming so obsessed about “making it on their own” and doing things for their benefit only, are the number one contributing factor to the decline in marriages today. No one is perfect – if you’re waiting on the perfect person, you’re going to be waiting a long, long time. In my opinion.

It’s not my place to judge you. If you want to live your life and truly feel that living your life means doing everything on your own, that’s your prerogative. It’s just really sad that people are so disconnected these days – from each other, from the world, from families and friends.

On top of all of that – the priority from keeping your marriage in tact above all else has shifted to being all about the children. A very very VERY good friend of mine once told me that whenever I get married that my priority must always remain my husband. She said, and her point is 100% legit, that children will grow up and leave and you will always have the person you started with – your husband or wife. Losing sight of the meaning of marriage, procreating on purpose outside of marriage, living together before marriage or without any regard to marriage – breaks my heart and only leads to the broken hearts of others.

A marriage should be fun. It should be hard work. It’s not meant to be scary or disabling. It’s an emotional struggle. It’s not meant to be a chore. Marriage is so much more than just “living together”.  It should be you and your best friend. The person who loves you for you. Who can make you laugh or push the right button to make you cry. The person who knows your heart, the real you. The person you can do anything with or nothing at all.  Your spouse shouldn’t be the person it is because they make a good living, have a nice fancy job, drive an expensive car, can provide for you in a financial way only, and have good genes to make beautiful babies. Yes, those things are nice and it would be awesome if that’s the way it was but waiting and hoping for something to happen does not mean it’s going to.

God has a plan. He designed marriage for a reason. Marriage is good. It is right. It cannot become obsolete. It should be cherished. We are given all the tools we need to make marriage work.  And if it doesn’t work or hasn’t worked for you, does not mean it’s an all together bad thing.

Still pretty mad. Might write about this again. It just irks me. People can be really selfish sometimes. It’s amazing. I get it if “marriage” isn’t what you want. I know it’s not for everyone. But for the reasons that people are avoiding it, that’s the part I’m upset about. What are people trying to prove or accomplish?

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

This is awesome

Read that. Please. It's not long - don't be lazy! Then read what I am going to say :) Please!

I have been part of two adult women bible/book studies. The first one was way over my head. I was 20/21 and the study talked about being married, being a mom, and growing old(er). The group of girls was great; all very nice and inviting. The hardest part was building an authentic relationship with them. It was a relatively large group so that made it a bit more difficult. And two - they were all much older, more mature in their faith, and were either married, engaged or seriously dating someone.

I am really big on authentic, genuine relationships these days. With each year I get older - believe it or not - I get wiser. I cannot put a price tag on the value of a real friendship or relationship. Knowing someone - their heart, their dreams, their struggles, their past, present, and future are all crucial, in my opinion, to showing the love of Christ. Love is greater than all things.

The second small group I was part of met on Saturday mornings. I was invited by a girl I had met at a dog park in Dallas. She lived close and assured me there would only be a few other girls. The book she wanted to study seemed intriguing - so I went. The first meeting we had was awesome. We all shed several tears, walls came down, hearts were exposed - and that is when I realized what a small group should be. I haven't been the best at keeping up with those girls since moving, but they are amazing. It was truly a safe place - no one dressed up, put on make up (it was 8 or 9 on a saturday morning),  or felt the need to impress anyone. It was real. It was authentic.

I challenge you to focus on the people in your life. Evaluate your relationships. Build them up. Show people the love of Christ.

Monday, December 5, 2011

"Sure you want to work here?"

Yes please!

What a great day!

Got to decorate my nice big office, pick out some new furniture, getting a new computer, and am so excited about starting to get involved.

Now to just be patient and let God's plan unfold! The sermon yesterday was about waiting on God's time and how His time is divine and perfect. In the mean time, I will not become lazy and I will try to not make my trust in Him contingent on what happens in my life. I know that through thick and thin He will be there for me and one way or the other His will... will be done.

I am also finally getting into the Christmas spirit. This time last year was really hard for me. Lots going on and it wasn't all fun and games. At church my pastor made a good point. How can we continue to remember the birth and love of Christ in the off season? We are so busy rushing around, getting ready, decorating, baking and gift buying that we probably all lose sight of what Christmas is all about!

What is Christmas about to you?

Yay for being blessed with a new job and God's redeeming love!

I'm Back!!!!!!

Let the posting commence!

New job - day 1 - off to a FANTASTIC start! I am so excited and blessed beyond belief to have gotten this opportunity!