Monday, August 27, 2018

Sarcastic Narcissism

I was recently called a fraudulent source for dating advice and a narcissist because I only post good and seemingly inflated things about my marriage. Bold, huh? I was caught off guard, too. I don’t think I put that much forethought into my social media posts to even consider myself a narcissist. That’d be a ton of effort and seriously, ain’t nobody got time for that. Regardless, I’m pretty sure our laundry WREAKS like the worst of gym bags once drenched in sweat. And I’m also POSITIVE there is always a reference to something bad or negative. But a narcissist??? C’mon! Holy, so. much. hard. work in marriage. 

So, please, tell me why I should air it all out instead of cleaning it up behind the scenes (sometimes not so quietly, when it comes to arguing with my spouse)? The community of people I call friends and family are the only lucky ones who get to smell that nasty. Sorry, not sorry. 

I guess I’ll just instigate all the  narcissism ... I want to hear about your wins. I want to hear about your success. I want to hear about your kids first words and the new jewelry your husband bought you just because. I want to know you’re happy, when you’re happy. I want to see all the sport pictures and music or dance recital pictures. I want to hear about that hope from those “one day” dreamers. I want to drool over your picturesque photos that you took on the vacation you’ve been saving up for. 

But... it wouldn’t be true narcissism if we didn’t address the bad, now would it?

I want to hear about your struggles, too. Whatever you want to share. If nothing, that’s okay! I want to hear how your heart hurts or you were diagnosed with cancer. How you’re struggling to make it as a single parent or how you’re struggling to parents or to become a parent. I want an opportunity to love you and to pray for you ... even if it’s through social media, not a cookie bouquet. 

The people who NEED to know the gory details (us and God and our community), they know. I share everything I am comfortable sharing and will continue to because #merica. Am I right? Mainly to keep in touch with those we love and who love us. Oh, and because love languages - public words of affirmation bring my husband and I to a loving, common ground. It gives us the chance to knock our walls down and to love each other wholly, without encumbrance. Now is that so bad? You can click unfollow if it ails you so. No hard feelings, bro. 

Happy posting, friends! #sarcasticnarcissist 

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