Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Your daily dose of unsolicited advice

Since I know mommas-to-be just love hearing a new mom's opinions on being a new mom... I'm sharing all the things I found invaluable, wish I had known, and have learned in baby G's first five months of life. And you're going to love it. Hence the sarcasm?

- you have never been a mom and they have never been a baby, so you really can't screw it up - amen to that! 
- forget sleeping when the baby sleeps. Sleep when your spouse or someone else can watch the babe
- your kid will not hate you or be psychologically damaged if you do the cry it out method of sleep training
- sleep train. It's a sanity saver. 
- the crying stops eventually. What may seem like an hour will probably only be 5-10 minutes
- ask a trusted source anything and everything. Read less 
- only book recommendation- On Becoming Babywise 
- everything, good and bad, is amplified after baby comes 
- hormones. You still have the crazy ones for a while 
- your hair may fall out. You won't go bald. 
- breastfeeding may hurt at first. Keep at it. It stopped hurting after about a month. You may just have a ravenous eater (like me). Don't give up
- pump as much as possible to build up your supply. Even ten minutes after feeding baby to trick your body into making more!! 
- take fenugreek 
- it's ok to be a milk nazi 
- you're still a good mom if you formula feed
- you're still a good mom if you work and put your kid in day care 
- if you find a good day care, they will love your little like you do (promise!) 
- the witching hour. It's a real thing. It sucks. But it's manageable and doesn't last forever 
- your relationship with and appreciation for your spouse will intensify 
- nose Frieda. Cool mist humidifier. salene drops. Teething tablets. Gas drops. <<<<necessities. Get duplicates 
- don't stop living your life. The baby will adapt and learn to fit into your family. They have to since they are now part of it!! 
- you're the parent. You teach them everything. Behave yourself. 
- the first month kinda sucks. Well, it's just not all rainbows and butterflies but everyday gets a little better and more fun 
- husbands... Constantly encourage your wife. It's the best thing you can do! 
- 90% of crying, if a baby has already been fed, is because the baby is bored/restless, has a tummy ache, or is tired - you will make it through! 
- on average babies get 8 colds in their first year. It's ok if they get sick. They will build up immunities! 

That's all I got for now. You're welcome for this unsolicited blurb! 

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