Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Deceiving Box of Chocolate

Life is definitely like a box of chocolates. Who knew Forest Gump would be renowned as a philosopher?

If there is one thing I have learned in my ever dragging 25.5 years, is that you truly don’t know what will happen during your life time, or even within a few seconds. My lovely, wonderful, boyfriend gave me a desk calendar with words of wisdom and inspiration from the one and only Joel Osteen. Yea his theology is what some might call “cotton candy theology” but hey, sometimes it’s whatever it takes to get through the day.

Recently the dialogue suggested I write out ten blessings I have received from God. I’ll admit it, I wrote down the obvious, but I have that list hanging on my unbecoming cubicle where I can see it every time I look up from my computer. Those “obvious” things really are amazing blessings and if you think about it long enough and hard enough, you’ll realize that not everyone in life is BLESSED to have those things such as love of others, angels watching over them while driving (ha!), having just enough to get by, a certain someone, their family and friends, and their health.

We are rich with the blessings we are given, not by the money in our pocket.  Unfortunately I work with a few people who think money is all there is, and if they aren’t making it then they aren’t blessed or living a full life.

So wrong. So heartbreaking.

When you’re struggling with debt, depression, disbelief, discouragement, etc….recall your blessings. You never know what you have until you really think about it. When life doesn’t go as planned, when you eat the nasty cherry filled chocolate and all you want to do is spit it out, you have to remember how rich and blessed you are. You have to make a conscious decision to wake up every morning and say, “Today I will count my blessings. Today will be a good day.”

Even if the day ends up sucking, eventually your faithfulness and humbleness toward God will overcome those bad days for you. You don’t have to fight alone. You have support, family, friends, coworkers, counselors, God, and your own decision to get through the day. Every day will get a little bit easier! With each setting of the sun comes a new day that will fill you with even more light, more energy, and more strength.

There is a plan for everyone. Don’t make God come kick you in the butt. You’re here for a purpose. You’re here because God put you here. It is not our job to make predictions but to go with the flow and let God lead your down the path planned for you.

Remember this – you’re blessed beyond measure; all glory be to God!!!!

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