Ignorance is bliss. Then you hear the truth and it freaks
you out. I am honestly, truly a bit nervous about our future as Americans. I
don’t pretend to know what all is going on with our government but it is quite
apparent that something needs to give. What happened to being united as one?
What happened to democracy and our rights as free people? Why do we, the human
race, always seem to screw up a good thing? I don’t have a gun. I don’t know
how to shoot a gun. It’s probably a good thing I’m not around guns because I
would probably shoot myself in the foot. But, I like knowing other people have
them. Good people. There are other ways to solve the issue. I’m just saying.
And another thing, why do we pay people for their lifetime
who hold office for 4 years? I just learned about that this year. Sorry – but that’s
not cool. And our country is in debt but yet some still wonder why? And our
military, who put their life on the line for us…I doubt they are paid as well
(although the benefits are nice) – but let’s
be honest.
I want to be like the girl in “stranger than fiction” who
gets audited by the IRS for only paying half her taxes. I don’t want to get
audited but I think it’s funny that she only pays the taxes she agrees with.
And another thing… I don’t really want to be over taken by
another country because of the amount of debt we are in. I don’t want someone
to harm the President because they are fanatical and angry. I just want the
President to start making better decisions. He has tons of advisors. Can’t they
ADVISE him in the right direction? What happened to common sense or looking out
for the future of our country? Not of fan of the back and forth stance on major
HOWEVER, don’t get all bent out of shape, I support our
President and government because that is what the Bible says to do:
"Every person must be subject to the governing
authorities, for no authority exists except by God's permission. The existing
authorities have been established by God" Romans 13:1
So don’t doubt God and who He has placed there (whether you
voted for the President or not).
“Obey your leaders and submit to their authority. They keep
watch over you as men who must give an account. Obey them so that their work
will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no advantage to you.” Hebrews
Well that’s a bit more difficult. But if God put him in
charge then, there you go. Enough said.
“First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers,
intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who
are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and
dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God
our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of
the truth. For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men,
the man Christ Jesus…” 1 Timothy
All I have to say to that is, “AMEN”!
Plus several more you can google.
Moving on…. I hope we can learn from these verses, commandments
and instructions. Even when we have every doubt – the one reason that supersedes
all others is to trust in God and lean not on our own understanding but in all
our ways acknowledge Him. He knows what he is doing. From the major, world
related stuff down to every step we take.
God is in control.
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