Sunday, January 6, 2013

It's seriously 2013....where does the time go?

And yet another life update and birthday shout out to my one and only.
Nothing super major has happened just yet… YET but let’s just say that 2013 will be an eventful year, to say the least.
G and I live out of our suitcases. However, instead of going back and forth from CC to SA, now it is H and SA. A bit further but still not bad. I actually haven’t even had to drive here yet – lucky me! This last time I flew. I am actually still here and it’s been a pretty dang good weekend. G’s birthday is today!!!!! Unfortunately he has to work at the boat show but I did my best to make it as memorable as possible.
Let’s back up one second – G is not living in H, he is living south of H and working at a new boat dealership and service shop. We definitely heard God speak when this opportunity came up. It was rushed and December was a whirlwind kind of month with him moving, changing jobs, going to other states for training, the holidays, and of course trying to spend as much time together as possible. We were able to celebrate our first Christmas and New Years Eve together. We also got to meet more of the important people in our lives and we made sure everyone knew the other was going to be around for a very, very long time. It was a really nice three weeks – then three days back to work and now I am back here in H-town (really K town).
So, since G had to work this weekend I wanted to do something special. I had found a great deal on the downtown Four Seasons Hotel (which included an awesome breakfast). The original plan was for us to stay downtown since he would have to work downtown for the boat show. Then I got the bright idea to throw a surprise party for him. I was going to have everyone meet us at the hotel in the lobby after taking him to dinner. Well, then I thought he wouldn’t want to go out because he would have just gotten done working a really long day (10am-8pm), so I changed everything around (probably 4 times). I had found a great restaurant within walking distance and asked everyone to meet us there for dinner.

G had no idea! It was so great!!! When we walked into the hotel I had set up a nice little birthday display – birthday banner, balloons, cookie cake, present, and all.  On the way to dinner, he knew about the hotel and dinner by this point, we had forgotten the cookie cake I had surprised him with in our room.

I so badly wanted to go back to get it, but he insisted we keep walking because we were “late” for our reservation (and I’m sure he was starving). Little did he know, there were about 12 people waiting for us! Whenever we walked into the restaurant, the group was standing and clapping and saying “Happy Birthday!” It was perfect. Even the table next to them started in on the whooping and hollering. I’m pretty sure he was feeling the effects of ‘shock & awe’!
The food and company were awesome. They even wished him a happy birthday at the top of all our menus! 

After dinner we went upstairs to the dueling piano bar. We didn’t stay too long but it was definitely a birthday to remember!
No major plans for the future at this time. G is going to focus on getting settled at his new job and I am focusing on taking whatever opportunities I can with mine.  

So, I got to see some pretty awesome friends over the break – K came down and PD came from DC! I was so happy to see both of them and really glad we got to spend some QT together. They also got to meet G – which was super important to me.

K had an interview in FW – change is good! PD went back to DC to work for Joaquin Castro – pretty stinkin’ cool!

A and V are moving to SA too! A got a job as a teacher at one of the middle schools in town and will stay with me for a few weeks while they find a place. So many exciting changes for my friends!

AND the best news of all in my book is ….. SISTER IS PREGNANT AGAIN! She is due in June and I absolutely cannot wait to find out if they will have a mini Z or a boy!

Happy 2013!!!!

1 comment:

carlosg4 said...

Good to see everything is going good. Good luck with G. Be safe in the H