Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Think about what you're thinking about

An excerpt from Joyce Meyer's devotional "Battlefield of the Mind"

"...Whatever we focus on, we become...Wherever we put our energies or our attention, those things will develop...

If we focus only on the negative things in our lives, we become negative people. Everything, including our conversations, becomes negative. We soon lose our joy and live miserable lives--and it all started with our own thinking."

Joyce and I both challenge you to think about what you're thinking about.

I think... A lot! More than any sane human should. Maybe I'm insane. There I go again! It's a vicious cycle. One that can definitely lead to depression, discouragement, and a myriad of other downward spiraling, cause and effect situations. When we think negatively we are fueling a fire of unwelcome emotions.

I did this the other day. I sat in my bed and thought until 5 am. It wasn't constructive. Thankfully I have amazing family and friends to pull me out of such dumpy places.

One friend reminded me, ever so simply and sweetly, that we are fearfully and wonderfully LOVED. Also, that we are human beings, not human doings. So no matter how badly we think we suck, God loves us immensely! We can go to Him for anything. He is our Father. Literally!

I go to my dad for everything!!!! Good, bad, and ugly! Car accidents being the most recent. But also to share in good times and thankfulness for life in general. We shouldn't think negatively about ourselves or situations we may be in. Bad things happen, we sin, we mess up, stuff doesn't quite pan out the way we had hoped, but a Father's love is insurmountable and all encompassing. There is a reason, too, a method to the madness, if you will. Sometimes we will understand and sometimes we won't. But positive thinking, faith in our Father, and thankfulness for life's blessings are so critical.

A few more words to leave you with from Joyce...

"We should choose our thoughts carefully. We can think about what is wrong with our lives or about what is right with them. We can think about what is wrong with all the people we are in relationship with or we can see the good and meditate on that. The Bible teaches us to always believe the best. When we do that, it makes our own lives happier and more peaceful."

Happy thinking, friends!

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