Not going to try to explain where I heard what you’re about to read but I can tell you it involves a friend (K) of a friend of a friend of a friend, and some random airplane lady…along with my added comments in parentheses – I always have some sort of “two cent” comment to throw in the mix!
“We need to teach our daughters and granddaughters (and nieces, and cousins, and girlfriends, and younger sisters) to distinguish between a man (this should say little boy) who flatters her and a man who compliments her, a man (millionaire) who spends money on her and a man who invests in her, a man (real estate agent) who views her as property and a man who views her properly, a man (pervert) who lusts after her and a man who loves her, a man (dummy) who believes he is God’s gift to women and a man (of God) who remembers that a woman was God’s gift to man”
I know you aren’t all women reading this, but we (women)….single women….need to be a little more aware of the type of men (young boys) in our lives. There is no need, whatsoever, to invest YOUR time and YOUR heart in someone that isn’t going to treat you the way you deserve – as a gift from God to your man.
Shoot – I’ve done it. Over and over and over. It’s not to say that those guys haven’t grown up since or haven’t learned how to treat a woman or treated me horribly necessarily but at the time the investment had a negative return. Broken hearted, pieces scattered, more time spent cleaning it all up, weeks and months of a jaded self-image, I could go on but the point is – is it worth it? The best excuse I’ve heard and have given is, “Well, I’ve put in this much effort so I shouldn’t give up just yet. It will get better.”
This all goes back to the whole “be still” thing I keep referring to. I’m not still enough. I’m too worried about putting out a fire that I cannot control. I don’t listen to the one voice I should. Instead I listen to family and friends who might be overly biased. I don’t doubt that the Lord uses certain people as guardian angels but be wise in who you ask advice from – your 13 year old best friend might not be the best one to turn to. We make our lives…let me rephrase…I make my life a lot harder than it needs to be sometimes.
For everyone (especially me!): Wisen up. Read the biblical definition of LOVE before you ever say, “I LOVE YOU” to a guy or gal. Make sure that everything the definition calls for exists between you and whoever you are with. Let me refresh your memory with a summary of 1 Corinthians 13:
Love is…
1. Patient –so if someone has a hot temper with you – say “see ya!”
2. Kind – think “golden rule”
3. Does not envy - think partnership, you should be on the same team
4. Does not brag – same as above
5. Is not proud – same as above
6. Does not dishonor others – you’re God’s gift to man, you should cherish each other
7. Is not self-seeking – same as above
8. Is not easily angered – see #1
9. Keeps no record of wrongs – things should be dealt with and laid to rest, no grudges
10. Does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth – accountability
a. Protects – each other
b. Trusts – between one another
c. Hopes – for the best
d. Perseveres – through hard times, because it isn’t always easy
12. Never fails – so before you say “I LOVE YOU” make sure it’s going to last
Have you ever read it that way…line by line…for what it truly is and says?
Hope this wasn’t too “soap box” ish.
“Love is a many splendored thing” – Frank Sinatra J