Tuesday, October 13, 2015

We have a 1 year old... Holy!

Time sped up the moment our little was born.

I have no idea how 12 months flew by, but they did.

Some days I didn't know if I would make it through the first year, and other times I felt on top of the world.

My husband and I were challenged in ways we never thought possible - how much we could love another person besides one another, how many times we would say "no", the ways we would deal with each other, and how we chose to parent.

It is important to remember the good and the not so good... here is what I want to remember.

  • How alert he was as a newborn
  • His "O" face
  • The way his head was shaped by the vacuum 
  • How beautiful his eyes are 
  • The way his hair grew in, like a toupee
  • His dancing and wiggling when music comes on
  • His first steps in his 10th month
  • The way he throws himself, arms wide open, at people
  • When he shakes his head after being told "no-no"
  • The time he climbed up on the fireplace
  • How contently he will sit and listen to a story 
  • The moments we share while nursing 
  • His blow out diapers and some of the craziness associated 
  • Bath time and his love for splashing water everywhere
  • The way he says "mom" and "dada"
  • How he points at stuff and says "dat" 
  • His infectious laugh
  • How he throws balls then waves his arm
  • When he says "ah da" for "all done" and waves his hands
  • How surprisingly easy it was to sleep train him 
  • When he got his first two teeth at 3 months old 
  • How excited he gets when he is on his little trampoline 
And I'm sure there is so much more. 

The one thing I want to remember, above all else, is the amazing feeling of unconditional love and being able to see it and be reminded of it on a daily basis 

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