Thursday, September 13, 2012

Figuring "It" Out....

Growing up is hard

Life flies by

People change

Friends come and go

Family drifts apart

...and to be quite blunt, your world can really suck at times....

More often than not, it might appear, things seem to be the opposite of what you want or hope or expect or anything even close.

What I want to focus on is making yourself happy. I'm sure I've said this before. I'm sure many of you have said this to ME when I was a youngen' hahaha I am OLD - did you forget????

I've talked to a handful of people in the past week about doing what is right for them and in accordance with the will of God. Forget the money, forget the title, forget your responsibility compared to your coworkers', forget about what others think, forget what you think you know, forget trying to force the inevitable.

Embrace your situation. Be steadfast in prayer, faithful in your beliefs, and thankful for life. Even if you think it's crummy. Look for the open door God is putting in front of you and walk through it. Discover and pray about making your strengths and gifts apparent. Seek out a mentor, someone you trust, who is of Godly character, and ask for guidance in doing the will of God.

So, for real, no joke, you don't "feel" things just because. There is a reason you are excited about something. There is a point to every positive emotion. Listen to them. You have a purpose. Don't give up and don't feel defeated. You're going to be just fine in the hands of God - I know because He has proven that to me, time and time again, even though I should have trusted Him from the very start.

You are a creature like no other. You will figure it out. We are all trying to figure "it" out- take heart, friend, you're not alone (even if you're only 19 or well on your way to 99).

Love you!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Does the silence ever stop?

Does the silence ever stop?

Someone woke me up, via text message, with the above question - at 10:30 - and I was already asleep (HA! Lame). However, my first thought was more on the smart mouth side, "yea, I was asleep and it was nice and quiet before you decided to inquire about said 'silence'." And I rolled over and went back to sleep, without responding.

I admit, I should have said SOMETHING to my friend last night, but I didn't have the words. This morning I saw it again, half forgetting I even read it initially. I thought. I showered and thought, got dressed and thought, took out my dogs and didn't think about anything other than "Guy, hurry up and make a poo!", and then on the way to work it hit me.... No, I didn't wreck my car again (I just got it back!). I finally knew what to tell this person.

Does the silence ever stop? ... I simply said, "Yes, when you talk to God." Man, am I a genius or WHAT?


But really, I've been there. When you feel like you're sitting in the pit of hell (I can't imagine that's a quiet place but you get the idea), nothing you planned for your life has seemed to work out, and you're alone with just your thoughts. It's a sad, silent and somber place to be.

Lately though I've had the opposite problem, my mind NEVER shuts up. It's absolutely horrible.

But even still the solution to quiet your mind and rest your heart is to talk to God. I've found. We hope, and dream, and push, and strive for our lives to be in a particular place or with a particular person or working at a particular job - but the truth is, God's plan is divine. It is better than anything we could ever imagine.

I love this.
And of course, this could not be more true....
(Got to love pinterest!!!)
Silence & Nothing. God. Restlessness & Noise. God. Everything & Chaos. God. (Like how I did that???)

We HAVE to take things a day at a time. We can so easily overwhelm ourselves, bring worry and fear and reluctance into our daily routine, and allow Satan to get the better of us. That isn't God's will. We must be positive. We must KNOW his plans are for us to prosper and have hope. He doesn't say we should trust in Him if we feel like it or that we can believe in His will if we want to. He says to KNOW and he doesn't say it in passing, He DECLARES it. That's major.


So yes, the silence will stop. Life will go on. You will be upheld by His righteous right hand. Have faith, friends.

Love you!