Thursday, December 19, 2013


My First Amendment right, that is!

Lots of media attention for the duck dynasty guy, Phil Robertson, lately.

There are a few issues/thoughts here that come to my mind – lots of time in the car road tripping to Disney World produces this kind of blog post (you thought this was going to be about our trip, didn't you??).

· If this was a person of the LGBT community, it would have the same media attention and the premise would still be the same – freedom of speech

· The media portrayal of Phil Robertson is as hypocritical as a black (excuse me, African American) calling a white (oh sorry, Caucasian) person a “racist (insert white slang here)” or visa versa and with other races! A white person (Caucasian) calling a Mexican (Hispanic???) a bad word but yet, the Mexican is the racist? Think about it. How “okay” is it for someone to call someone else hurtful words and stereotype them but yet, the one being ridiculed is the racist and in the wrong? That’s gross. You could argue and say racism is a freedom of speech, sure. Does that make racism ok? In my opinion, no, but others might think differently. Same goes for what Phil said – just because you and your dog don’t agree or do agree, whatever, it doesn't matter! That’s the beauty of the freedom of speech and the world we live in.

· Similarly, I saw a few posts about him being a ‘dumb redneck’… That’s hypocritical and, who are you to say he is a redneck? What the heck is a redneck? You’re no better for calling him names than he is for exercising his right to free speech – say what you want! Arguing his ‘redneckness’ doesn't make you the winner of this debate, just sayin’!

· There was a part of Phil’s conversation with the reporter that was cut off… He says, “we never, ever judge someone on who’s going to heaven, hell. That’s the Almighty’s job. We just love ‘em, give ‘em the good news about Jesus – whether they’re homosexuals, drunks, terrorists. We let God sort ‘em out later, you see what I’m saying?” That is so foundational for any Christian – do not judge, spread the Good News of Jesus, love one another – it’s not rocket science (or Christian Science for that matter)!

· And in case you missed it, here is an official statement from the Robertson family - My favorite part is this – “Phil is a Godly man who follows what the Bible says are the greatest commandments: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart” and “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Going back to point #2 – LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF – do not judge others or blame them based on a stereotype.

· I don’t mean to offend anyone or shove religion down anyone’s throat… that’s not the point. The point is freedom of speech. I have plenty of friends in the LGBT community, several are very good friends of mine, and I would never and have never thought “differently” of them. You want to hear about Disney World? Lots of lesbian and gay couples – everywhere. And we could have cared less. We were there to see Disney world, not spend our time muttering words of hate under our breath. The point is– love your neighbor as yourself, whether or not you’re lesbian, Muslim, gay, purple, Mexican, Hindu, what the heck ever.

· Hey Jack, and another thing – he is human. Have you never said something that caused you to immediately smack yourself on the head and think “why did I just say that?”? I do it all the time, unfortunately. The curse of the blabber mouth. If he had said the comment in point #3 before whatever he said about the LGBT community, the media still would have cut it out. Or, better yet, if he had said it in a slightly different way, what would they have done? They saw an opportunity to exploit someone, so they did it! They feed off all the idiots (including me) who support one side or the other. But, I have a blog and you will listen to what I have to say – Ok? Thanks! Kidding.

· ALSO – FYI – YOU DON’T HAVE TO READ OR LISTEN TO THE CRAP YOU SEE IN THE NEWS! Surprise, surprise – as much of a right as it is to speak freely, it’s also your right to look away and ignore. But thanks for getting to the end of this post!

Just calm the heck down, please?

I like the show, actually. I didn't like the thought of someone throwing us a Duck Dynasty theme wedding shower, but the show is decent. It’s mindless television but a good, moral, clean type of mindless. I don’t like hunting or camo or ducks but it’s someone’s lifestyle and that’s why people watch… we, the human RACE, are obsessed with others’ lives. Tell me you’re not and I will laugh at you because you’re engaged in at least one of the following - you’re reading this, you have a facebook, and/or you watch at least one reality TV show.

Case closed - Happy, happy, happy freedom of speech!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Our Big Announcement

We did it! We bought our first home! Man, no one tells you all the emotion that comes with home buying, not to mention all the hoop jumping and high hopes! However, all things happen for a reason and we are blessed and beyond excited to move into this little gem! God is in control and He knew just the house for us. It is perfect and will help us kick off the new year with a new chapter.

"The best thing about our new house... " is the beginning of a sentence that has become pretty common lately. We just love everything about our new home - even the Brady Bunch feel (wood paneling and all)!

However, the absolute best thing about our home is the fact that it is ours. It's a reflection of us, our relationship, our hard work and it's a place we envision holidays, birthdays, and all the chaos in between.

Here are a few pictures, pre move in. Enjoy!

Our new home!

Master bedroom

Smaller of the other two bedrooms

Screened in porch - the mosquitoes can't get me now!

Family room and dining room

Our amazing master bathroom

Kitchen of my dreams

Another kitchen view - puppies' new room is on the other side of the door!

Living room for our family and future mini's