Thursday, October 4, 2012

Life is good

Hello world!

Haven't said much lately, haven't had much time. This is not, I repeat, is not a bad thing. I'm sure I talk way too much as it is anyway. My last post was 99% complete about three weeks ago if that says anything.

Let me briefly update you on my life sitch (maybe not 'briefly'):

Work - Is awesome. I still love my job. It's crazy, busy, I work a ton of hours, have about a million and one things to do, work mostly from my phone (which is A-ok by me), have developed some pretty awesome friendships and continue to learn new things daily. From the intricacies of new business, the quirks of coworkers, the struggle between learning to say "no" and delegate to just wanting to get things done. I have  been pulled in a million directions - which sounds absolutely dreadful to  most - but I have never felt more comfortable with my work. I am pretty dang lucky to have the job I have. I know God has a reason for placing me here. I know there is a lot more to be learned. There are some pretty amazing people at my office who are going to get me where I need to be whether I know what is happening or not! I have become especially close with one person. I care about her so much and I know she looks out for me as well. She is God's light when everything else is dark. She is my Ms. D in SA. Let's just say this is definitely the opportunity of a lifetime.

Personal - so there's this guy.... but not just ANY guy this time. Yes, WORLD, he is perfect. He is everything I could ask for and more. He is my sunshine. He makes me happy when skies are grey. He is my answered prayer. He is the antithesis of my prayer - to be honest. Before him, I had given it all to God. I had said, no more guys - I just need a daggum J-O-B. I got my JOB, went to CC to celebrate my friend's graduation and one last woorah before starting my new job, got a FB message from this incredibly handsome guy I knew in college my first year, decided I shouldn't see him because my priority was my friend's graduation - oh yea and I left my stupid purse in the auditorium so my friend and I were a bit preoccupied the night he messaged me (in search for my bag, which we found - thank GOD)... and the rest is (or will be) history. Let me tell you something, the Lord works in mysterious ways. I have never, ever been so thankful for someone in all my life. He is an encouragement to me like none other. He respects me, loves me (yes people, we love each other in the purest, most appreciative and truest way), uplifts me, and has become my best friend. I feel like I've known him for years (which technically I have) but it's been a beautiful experience. Hello, who comes to SA from CC on a MONDAY night just to take you to dinner - for sushi,  of all things!???? I LOVE that he loves sushi. I love that he speaks my love language (gifts). I love that he loves the Lord. I love that we are ridiculously compassionate, supportive, encouraging and respectful of one another. I love that he has so much going for him but still puts me first. I love that he loves R&B and we can exchange lyrics when a song reminds one of the other. I love that others see it - see that this time it is different. I love that he takes charge of our relationship, makes firm decisions and sticks with them, and never forgets to do what he says he will do. I love that he isn't afraid to talk about the 'hard' stuff. I love that this time it's real. He will be around for as long as God allows  him to be - just FYI!

Random: BFF is coming to town soon and CANNOT WAIT to see her - ecstatic to say the least. Also, this could TOTALLY make breaking news but C and I totally just jumped her car. Yes, people, with jumper cables and all. Pretty sure I thought we might die for half a sec....or two or three... but we made it!!!! We did so well. So happy I was able to help her out and share in such a monumental occasion.... in the parking lot.... of a gas station.... in a rental car.... in heels... etc. But we survived and she is home safe. On another note, I definitely miss PD. She is in DC, doing her thing, being a BA, and making a name for herself. I cannot wait to see her at Christmas (maybe Thanksgiving!!!). I am trying very hard to make it up to DC to see her. She is incredible. Love all my friends and family.  - My niece is still incredible. Dad's business is going perfectly...super busy, lots of work. So proud. Bother in law started a new job too, at USAA, he is doing really well. Sister, as always, is being perfect. Making sure those little mini's are being groomed into perfect, intelligent little people and citizens of the world. So thankful, proud, and happy for my family.

Just crazy how nothing was happening two months ago and now everything I could ask for is happening. It's a struggle but definitely practicing the whole - taking it a day at a time thing. Thankful for everything and everyone (near and far) in my life.