Sunday, August 26, 2012

The time has come!

Well folks, the time has come, I am finally employed. I feel like a teacher, maybe not quite so much “trepidation” involved in returning to the workforce but I was off for what felt like an eternity! It was pretty BA, no lie.
I started two weeks ago and have been loving it ever since. It was definitely an adjustment, getting back into the swing of things, but I am really looking forward to the opportunity I have been given. So, of course the job is awesome or I wouldn’t have taken it, but let me take you through my journey and a few life lessons I encountered from May through August.
1.       Conquering all – fear of the unknown: I am a very planned, calculated, premeditated (most of the time), type A person. Those types of people, I’m sure you know a few, don’t up and leave a job without anything lined up. But I am here to tell you, your heart and your gut and most importantly - the Lord - all know what they are talking about when you feel the urge to do something drastic. I had no plan. I had faux faith. I was prideful. None of those are great qualities but I’m trying to be honest here. I was of the “fake it till you make it” frame of mind. I told myself I trusted in the Lord but FOR REAL, who the heck was I kidding??? Not Him, that’s for sure. I had an inkling He could help me out; that He knew what was up. I had the tiniest mustard seed size faith you could imagine. A mustard seed it was, nonetheless. I finally threw caution to the wind, if you will, and learned over a 4 month time span, to trust in the Lord. In all things. Not just a new job. He provided all the right things, at all the right times, in all the right ways, with all the right people.

2.       Who I am: You think you know until you realize you have no idea, who you truly are. I struggled through and proudly overcame numerous things while I was off work. It wasn’t overnight, that’s for sure.  I busied myself working out, being with friends and family, volunteering, going to networking events, helping with the UIW Alumni Board, playing with my dogs, applying for jobs, interviewing, going to the beach, going to Hawaii, etc. But in and by all those activities I was able to learn so much about myself. Meeting new people, talking about myself on dates or in interviews or meeting new people on vacation, forced me to figure out what in the world I was all about. I came to the conclusion that I have a purpose. I learned that I am intelligent and shouldn’t settle. I realized that I am beautiful inside and out. I discovered how to protect my heart and hold onto my true worth. I recognized that getting my CPA won’t kill me and I know I can do it.

3.       Day by day, by day, by day…. : Have you ever really read “The Lord’s Prayer”? Taken it piece by piece and figured out what it really was saying? Did you know that the prayer was written to teach us how to pray? Learned that in church, thank you very much! But a line that really spoke to me is “give us this day, our daily bread”. Way back in the old days, like in the 70’s, KIDDING, more like in Jesus time and I’m sure even now, most people received a daily rate of pay. That “payment” was used to obtain food and shelter and other basic necessities for families. While I was off, I really had to remind myself to slow down, take it a day at a time, trust God’s plan for my life, and let go. All I had to do was take it a day at a time. The Lord was going to provide for me. I couldn’t push things to happen. I prayed for peace and patience and thankfully it was given to me.

So friends, I challenge you to do a few of the following as we start a new week:
-          Put yourself outside your comfort zone, meet new people, and attend an event that you might not go to normally because it’s not “cool” or you don’t have anyone to go with.
-          Spend time with you. You and God. You will be surprised how many times you end up on your knees, praying for or thanking Him for one thing or another. Working through your issues and getting back to knowing who you are.
-          Focus on each day as it is given to you. You aren’t promised tomorrow. Don’t get caught up in the stuff of this life. None of it is going with you when you are called home.
-          Spend time with those who matter most.
-          Earnestly seek His will and your prayers will be answered at the most perfect moment – PROMISE
Have a great one, love you all!!!