Monday, October 17, 2011

The Hook (Line and Sinker, or is it sink her??)

Dear Readers - or maybe there is only one of you???

To my understanding, after my thorough study and yes, appreciation, for that which is a blog, I have come to find out that they each possess a hook. Much like that of a plot in a movie - of which I am a huge fan. So I have been brainstorming ways to keep the traffic up on this site. Since I am not "blogging" about anything specific, this could be difficult....verrrryyyyy difficult (some of you will get this).

I find it amusing that this has almost become a challenge.  Definitely a hobby. Subconsciously a way to occupy time.  Since my first post I have been creating 'drafts' of 'posts to come' when an idea for a good blurb finds its way into my head. One of these days (here is another blurb idea) I might write about my thought process - let me tell you, even I hardly understand where these things come from. It's like you're at a baseball game and instead of the ball (idea) originating at home plate, being hit to left field, then thrown back to home for the out (or not for a homer), the ball comes FLYING out of the stands and onto right field. The idea (ball) might get picked up, or not, to be carried through to form an actual sentence that I might write or say. Did I lose you? I think I did. Maybe I should leave the ball in right field and drop the topic of 'thought origination'. My point - I have no idea where this stuff comes from.

On the way to work this morning I didn't listen to the radio. It was nice not having a talk show host blabber on about Justin Bieber or reliving the events of this weekend's win for the Texas Rangers (whom I adore). I just drove. Well, and sadly put on my make up at the same time. But nonetheless it was silent. I was more aware. More cautious. More focused. More courteous. I actually let several people in the traffic line ahead of me. Why are we always so busy and in a hurry? Why must we always feel like we are in first place? As of lately I have been anything but in first place.

You should drive with the radio off. It's wonderful.

Maybe this was my hook? Half of your are probably rolling your eyes and thinking "DUH, of course driving with the radio off makes you more aware." And then you will never return to my blog. You're missin' out!

However, after driving without the radio on I feel unusually confident about this week. I might start doing things I've been neglecting, weeding out all the BS that I don't need, working out again finally, and working on positivity. We could all use a little of it. For example - I just asked off a day of work to go on a roadtrip (yes, I said roadtrip) to NEBRASKA - something I have been neglecting. And guess what - they said yes!!!!!! Last time I asked for a day off work from said job I was reprimanded with this snarky comment "Maybe you should stay at work a while" ... really???

Ok - I'm moving on. No more negativity. I am at this place for a reason (place = said job) and I need to just deal with it. It could be a hundred, million times worse....

Please don't take this as a cliché because it really speaks to me....

He DECLARES it, so it must be true. I hope it does something for you today too!

In Faith....

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